What to do with JJ?

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Post by Windy_Hill »

Love JJ's spirit and committment. But at 29, we could still get a goodish player or a Top 30 pick.

This club has to think of the future.

However, if JJ agreed to a 1 year deal I would be equally satisfied.
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Post by BenDoolan »

Windy_Hill wrote:Love JJ's spirit and committment. But at 29, we could still get a goodish player or a Top 30 pick.

This club has to think of the future.

However, if JJ agreed to a 1 year deal I would be equally satisfied.
G-Day Windy,

I think the club needs to be careful with this issue. Guys like Jason Johnson are very popular around the footy club, and treating him with disrespect will only cause low morale amongst the core group of players within the club. JJ is a dual Crichton Medallist, premiership player and a top bloke. If the club decide to move him on or he decides to leave over the treatment of his contract arrangements, then guys like Scott Lucas (also a dual Chrichton Medallist, premiership player and top bloke) will be wondering how they will be treated in a year or two's time.

James Hird made comments after the 2001 Grand Final to the effect that he would be extremely disappointed to lose players to salary cap issues and wanted the core group to stay together. We lost Damien Hardwick (a Chrichton Medallist and a "bleed for the club" champion), Justin Blumfield, Blake Caracella and Chris Heffernan within a blink of an eye, and there was also the typical threat aimed at Joe Misiti being traded to Collingwood or some other gimpy club. I vaguely remember Hird being pissed off with these proceedings and made some public comments that the club wasn't very happy with. This wasn't any good for team morale, and eventually, that was reflected out on the field.

I believe JJ still has a good couple of years (at least) ahead of him. Letting him go doesn't necessarily equate to gaining a better player, and certainly wouldn't equate to having a harmonious, spirited core group of players within the club.
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Post by gringo »

Well said Benny Doolan. JJ has been a tremendous player for Essendon and it would hurt the club emotionally to let him go. WAKE UP TO YOURSELF, ESSENDON!!!!! Our demise started when we let Hardwick go. Are we going to keep making such mistakes?
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Post by Scott »

Can't beleive they would even think of letting JJ or Solomon go. I know they might be getting old, but loyalty has to play a part. I remember years ago a few people saying that we should get rid of one J Hird, because of his injuries 98 - 99 I think it was. Like then I hope smarter heads will prevail and they will still be Bombers next year.
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Post by ealesy »

Just a comment about Solomon and loyalty. The greatest loyalty he has shown the club was when the coach, CEO and players, especaially Rama who had just gone his first battle with cancer begged him to stay.

However, I have a real issue with anyone claiming that Dean Solomon is loyal to Essendon and in particular his team-mates.

I say this because of his pitiful on-field discipline!!!!!

Time and time and time again it has been brought to Solomon's attention by the coaches, the leadership group and the players that his behaviour on the field is hurting the team.

He's constantly been told to stop his sniping and cheap shotting because it is harming the teams chances on the field. Solomon's response to this has been to say how upset he is that his team-mates and coaches feel this way and that he's going to change the way he plays. In the past two years he has become an even bigger offender in this area.

We could afford to play a player like Solly and his stupid free kicks and 50m penalties when he was actually performing well, but he has gone downhill rapidly the last two seasons and his on-field discipline is getting worse and becoming more and more costly to the team and he would clearly be aware of this issue!!!

He is loyal in the sense that he stayed at the club a few years back when he could've gone to the Tigers for more money. But there is no way he can ever be considered a loyal team member. The most important thing to Dean Solomon on the football field is stroking his ego and growing his reputation as a 'tough man' player...no matter the cost to the team.

JJ is a loyal servant and deserves 2 years, he went to the match committee and asked to be dropped because he knew he wasn't playing to a standard required at AFL level and he needs a run in the 2s to get his form, fitness and confidence up!!

If JJ is struggling to get a 2 year deal...which he should, then it will be a cold day in hell before Solomon does, maybe he should have a look at his form over the last two years and also his on-field discipline before getting too upset about this.
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Post by Rossoneri »

Solomon should only get a one year deal.

I think JJ will eventually get the two year deal, but I reckon the club is very pissed off with him for not disclosing his injury during the pre-season.
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Post by antcl »

I can't believe we wouldn't offer a player who is almost certainly in our top 3 (if not #1) midfielder only a 1yr deal.

Unless we can get a very good deal for him, I'm going to be very very annoyed about this.
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Post by ealesy »

Lets face facts people JJ isn't going anywhere unless we get an offer we can't refuse.

Seems like we are thinking about shopping him around during trade week and seeing what falls out of the tree.

If not does then we will go back to him at the end of the trade week with a two year deal and probably an extra $10 K or so as way of apology for shopping him around.

He might not like or appreciate what the club has done, but he will re-sign.

Solly on the other hand better hope that some other clubs is able to offer us a deal that we are going to like. Because otherwise he will have to accept 1 year or face going to the Scum with the number 1 pick in the PSD or even back to us with the number 2 pick in the PSD.

The club are totally in control of this situation.

I wouldn't be surprised if the situation with JJ is just the club letting him know that they are not pleased with the way he handled his injury last pre-season. Would not be surprised if the club relented and signed him up over the weekend before trade week starts on Monday.
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