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Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:00 pm
by sash
Good job gottalovett.... fair assessment there and would have to agree with most of it. Only I didnt really wanna see Sellar fall to the pies, he is rated pretty highly and could go higher and I like many here dont like collingwood so yer. (not ur fault tho) They deserve a dud. :lol: I didnt think McKenzie would go so high and J.Riewoldt that low maybe in McK's spot instead since bulldogs are after talls. Also thought Bachar Houli or even N.brown might fall, would either them be good for us?

I would be fairly happy if we ended up with those picks. Am happy with Hansen,although Gibbs would be alright too and even Gumbleton if he is happy to play down back. But Hansen is my fav for that pick!!! Also to add with the other two picks; I thought Benjamin might be too much like; lets say Dempsey, Lovett, Dyson types as he is a flanker. Dont know if we need another one. Djerrkurra sounds good really depends on if the club rate him or not.

Just to finish whats your opinion of lets say Moss, Schmidt or Hislop? For those two picks> were do you see them fit in?

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 7:09 pm
by ealesy
From what I've seen of people who have actually seen them play a fair amount

Hislop is rated anywhere from about pick 10 to about pick 25 or so.

Don't think I've notice too much about Schmidt but I may have just not have noticed.

Most people I've seen don't see Moss as being anything above a late 2nd rounder, if not 3rd or 4th rounder.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 8:28 am
by Marillion
Not a bad top 20 Madbomber..Ooops...i mean Gottalovett!.......... :evil: