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Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:52 pm
by gringo
robbie67 wrote:
gringo wrote:
robbie67 wrote:
gringo wrote:Crap in, crap out....
Yeah, you are such an Einstein that you already know the draft picks are going to be crap. What a complete f****** dick-wad you are.
Steady on there old sport. Drafts are notorisouly risky - the "dream draft" of Judd, Ball etc produced Polak at number 4. We've taken Bolton at 4 also, Kepler at 6... We've let go a consistent and premiership player in Solomon for some very low drafts that in some years, clubs wouldn't even bother to use.

We've got a heap of young players at the club at the moment, and need some tough older heads to show them the ropes. Having Solomon down back, although he hasn't had the best year, made players walk taller around him.
ROFL. Solly consistent? Your best work yet. Thought of a career in comedy? Oh, and the good old chestnut, "Premiership Player". Hills, Olarenshaw, Calthorpe, Heffernan, Blumfield. Premiership players all of them. I wouldnt be so harsh on you if you ever made a decent argument, but you just talk shit.
Ha ha ha. Clearly we have a master of argument and intellectual rigour on our hands here. I like the statment "you just talk shit." That's the clincher. Brains like yours are rare...thankfully.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:55 pm
by Ossie
gringo wrote:
robbie67 wrote:
gringo wrote:
robbie67 wrote:
gringo wrote:Crap in, crap out....
Yeah, you are such an Einstein that you already know the draft picks are going to be crap. What a complete f****** dick-wad you are.
Steady on there old sport. Drafts are notorisouly risky - the "dream draft" of Judd, Ball etc produced Polak at number 4. We've taken Bolton at 4 also, Kepler at 6... We've let go a consistent and premiership player in Solomon for some very low drafts that in some years, clubs wouldn't even bother to use.

We've got a heap of young players at the club at the moment, and need some tough older heads to show them the ropes. Having Solomon down back, although he hasn't had the best year, made players walk taller around him.
ROFL. Solly consistent? Your best work yet. Thought of a career in comedy? Oh, and the good old chestnut, "Premiership Player". Hills, Olarenshaw, Calthorpe, Heffernan, Blumfield. Premiership players all of them. I wouldnt be so harsh on you if you ever made a decent argument, but you just talk shit.
Ha ha ha. Clearly we have a master of argument and intellectual rigour on our hands here. I like the statment "you just talk shit." That's the clincher. Brains like yours are rare...thankfully.
So no rebuttal? :roll:

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:02 pm
by AnarchicBomber
I made a point before in response to Gringo. I should've thrown a few swear words in.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:18 pm
by robrulz5
We didn't win or lose anything there.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:32 pm
by robbie67
Ossie wrote:
gringo wrote:
robbie67 wrote:
gringo wrote:
robbie67 wrote: Yeah, you are such an Einstein that you already know the draft picks are going to be crap. What a complete f****** dick-wad you are.
Steady on there old sport. Drafts are notorisouly risky - the "dream draft" of Judd, Ball etc produced Polak at number 4. We've taken Bolton at 4 also, Kepler at 6... We've let go a consistent and premiership player in Solomon for some very low drafts that in some years, clubs wouldn't even bother to use.

We've got a heap of young players at the club at the moment, and need some tough older heads to show them the ropes. Having Solomon down back, although he hasn't had the best year, made players walk taller around him.
ROFL. Solly consistent? Your best work yet. Thought of a career in comedy? Oh, and the good old chestnut, "Premiership Player". Hills, Olarenshaw, Calthorpe, Heffernan, Blumfield. Premiership players all of them. I wouldnt be so harsh on you if you ever made a decent argument, but you just talk shit.
Ha ha ha. Clearly we have a master of argument and intellectual rigour on our hands here. I like the statment "you just talk shit." That's the clincher. Brains like yours are rare...thankfully.
So no rebuttal? :roll:
Dont be silly. The only two words he can string togther is "he's crap". Mental cripple.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:39 pm
by Fratty McFrat
How y'all doing tonight, boys? Alright, alright, alright! GF Day went by faster than 10 peso Mexican hooker and I'm happy to announce the club still sucks.

Do y'all think that Ryan Ferguson (melbourne) kid's worth a gander?

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:02 pm
by CameronClayton
Considering what Freo gave away for Tarrant, you have to say we have been dudded on this deal. Too bad, so sad, it's happened now, let's just pray that Fletch has an injury free season next year, otherwise we will be exposed big time down the back.

Good luck out West Solly, I reckon your new team may just snag a flag in the next few years.

Gutsy move Sheeds, you really are going for long term solutions now, rather than short term patch up jobs, although I think a bottom 4 finish is again on the cards next year, so it might just be your last season in 2007.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:03 pm
by JimboC
Well....Whats done is done....

My opinion is that we lost a physical key position defender who still had 2 good years to offer....

Yeah this recent season was terrible from him......but he would have answered his critics next season....(he WILL at Freo)

Fremantle quietly can't believe their luck.....picks 42 & NOT compensate for a premiership defender...who had (in my opinion) 1 BAD year.....

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:51 pm
by patoman
JimboC wrote:Well....Whats done is done....

My opinion is that we lost a physical key position defender who still had 2 good years to offer....

Yeah this recent season was terrible from him......but he would have answered his critics next season....(he WILL at Freo)

Fremantle quietly can't believe their luck.....picks 42 & NOT compensate for a premiership defender...who had (in my opinion) 1 BAD year.....
Couldn't agree more!!!
This trade stinks and we can only hope we somehow manage to find a player who'll become half the player Solly has been throughout his EFC career...... Rapt to keep JJ but it's gonna hurt seeing solly in purple next year..... :(

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 12:27 am
by BenDoolan
I think Solly wanted to go. I don't think it was a matter of the club saying "look you had a shocker of a year, can you kindly piss off" sort of thing. His last two seasons stank. He was stuffing around with team rules a fair bit, and being one of the senior players of the club, that was pretty poor. He couldn't have seriously thought he deserved a two year contract. If he wanted to stay at Essendon he could have accepted the one year deal and said "I'll show you" and come out next season with all guns blazing. He chose not to.

I loved the bloke and the way he played for this club. I was disappointed on how he tapered off. I was equally disappointed with the tasks he was set every week this season, but well, we had no f****** one else to do it. Let's all remember all the great games he did actually play for this club, and the part he played in that awesome team of 2000. But his last two seasons were quite forgettable, unfortunately.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 7:08 am
by ZeroEffect
Solomons last good game for the club was his first game back after he did his knee... thats going back a good 3 or 4 years now. It's a bonus to get anything for him. I would of been happy if he was just delisted.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:44 am
by 2QIK4U
I am pretty certain he wanted to go. Thing is, if we didn't do the deal, he would've gone into the PSD and we would have gotten nothing. Best to look at the positive, even if we ALL know that Freo paid through the nose for Tarrant.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 12:44 pm
by F111
BenDoolan wrote:I think Solly wanted to go. I don't think it was a matter of the club saying "look you had a shocker of a year, can you kindly piss off" sort of thing. His last two seasons stank. He was stuffing around with team rules a fair bit, and being one of the senior players of the club, that was pretty poor. He couldn't have seriously thought he deserved a two year contract. If he wanted to stay at Essendon he could have accepted the one year deal and said "I'll show you" and come out next season with all guns blazing. He chose not to.

I loved the bloke and the way he played for this club. I was disappointed on how he tapered off. I was equally disappointed with the tasks he was set every week this season, but well, we had no f****** one else to do it. Let's all remember all the great games he did actually play for this club, and the part he played in that awesome team of 2000. But his last two seasons were quite forgettable, unfortunately.
Good post.

I wonder what effect three things had on Solomon.
1. He may have been pissed that the one year deal was firm. What stance pride?
2. His mate Tarrant was heading to Perth. What are the chances they'll get a place together?
3. Harvey and Shaw. I don't know what their relationships are like, but if Harvey was in Soly's ear, either directly or via someone else, then that's some powerful motivation.

I expect Soly to have a good 2007. That doesn't mean he would've had a good 2007 if still at Essendon.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:15 pm
by Boyler_Room
F111 wrote: Good post.

I wonder what effect three things had on Solomon.
1. He may have been pissed that the one year deal was firm. What stance pride?
2. His mate Tarrant was heading to Perth. What are the chances they'll get a place together?
3. Harvey and Shaw. I don't know what their relationships are like, but if Harvey was in Soly's ear, either directly or via someone else, then that's some powerful motivation.

I expect Soly to have a good 2007. That doesn't mean he would've had a good 2007 if still at Essendon.
I was thinking much the same thing. I think we copped the short straw with just a 3rd round pick for him (I don't really count moving up 5 places that late in the draft as much of anything really). In my opinion he's worth a hell of a lot more than a 3rd round pick. Even so, I'm thinking he was the one who was keen to move West, rather than Essendon willing to let him go for peanuts.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:36 pm
by j-mac31
Wasn't Dyson a third round pick? And isn't this draft supposed to be awesome? Two third rounders for Solomon could be very handy, considering his past two years.