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Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:28 pm
by ealesy
Essendon4eva wrote:Did you read the initial post? I said we are re-building for an era where Lucas will be gone. How hard is that to understand?.
YES I GOT THAT. AS I CLEARLY MENTIONED ABOVE I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOUR INITIAL POST SAID AND THE POINT YOU WERE TRYING TO MAKE...I was merely pointing out that it extermely rare for a gun KPP to be traded ever, even when they are coming to the end of their career.

I was making no comment about whether that is good or bad, merely pointing out the difference, between Scott Lucas and Jason Johnson.

I was also pointing out your argument that everyone was saying footy had passed JJ by when he wanted a 2 year deal was utter bullshit given the reaction on this Board when the club initially refused to give it to him.


Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:30 pm
by Essendon4eva
SO becuase it is rare, means it is wrong? DO you want to think about what is best for the team or do what is popular?

Why bring up JJ again when the post you quoted was only referring to Lucas?

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:34 pm
by BenDoolan
Essendon4eva wrote:Did you read the initial post? I said we are re-building for an era where Lucas will be gone. How hard is that to understand? SO instead f letting him retire and getting nothing, lets put his name out there and see what we can get.
Plus, it was implied Johnson is not playing well because we went to trade im. he is not playing well because the game has passed him by.
So you think he wasn't upset at Sheedy for wanting to trade him?

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:36 pm
by Essendon4eva
I think he was upset, but I don't think his poor form is because he is upset.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 8:27 pm
by BenDoolan
Essendon4eva wrote:I think he was upset, but I don't think his poor form is because he is upset.
It's funny how things turn out. He was livid. Then he had a say on whether Sheedy should stay or go. Guess what he said?

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:20 pm
by ealesy
Essendon4eva wrote:SO becuase it is rare, means it is wrong? DO you want to think about what is best for the team or do what is popular?

Why bring up JJ again when the post you quoted was only referring to Lucas?
You complain about people who don't read your posts and then you do the exact same thing yourself.

Where in my post did I say either way that it was either a good or bad idea to trade Lucas. I was merely pointing out why Lucas is not likely to be shopped around.

I personally don't think we would get a decent enough trade for him for it to be worthwhile shopping him around. What is he 30?? Got maybe 2-3 years, even a team that is a contender and needs a key forward to give them that added push would be unwilling to give away a gun 20-24 year old midfielder for him.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:34 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
Trading Lucas or Lloyd would hurt the team psychologically as well. The players were hurting when Hardwick, Caracella and others got moved on, imagine what it would do if someone like Lucas or Lloyd gets put on the trade table.... it makes no sense at all. :?

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 10:30 pm
by boncer34
Didnt answer my question about Lloyd and Fletcher I see E4E. Does this same theory apply to them?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:17 am
by Essendon4eva
Lloyd is uor captain and hasn't had to play the positiion that Lucas has, therefore it ahs taken less of a toll on his body. Plus I think Lloyd at least has a physical presence and if you look at a David Neitz, he is still gowing strong. So I thnk Lloyd will be around longer than Lucas.

As far as Fletcher goes, we do not have alot of young guys who can take that spot down back, except for Ryder.

If the same theory applied, I would have said 'trade one of these guys', instead of trade Lucas.

Now, 'ealesy'. The first sentance I posted is referring to your's first post saying it is rare to trade KPP.
And then you started talking about JJ, when the post you were referring to was about Lucas.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 12:21 pm
by BenDoolan
Essendon4eva wrote:No.
Lloyd is uor captain and hasn't had to play the positiion that Lucas has, therefore it ahs taken less of a toll on his body. Plus I think Lloyd at least has a physical presence and if you look at a David Neitz, he is still gowing strong. So I thnk Lloyd will be around longer than Lucas.
I think you need to do a bit of research. Lucas has been one of the most durable player in the league. When was the last time he missed a fair chunk of a season? Lloyd LOL, has just come back from a 12 month hamstring injury that threatened his career! Neitz???? He is as fragile as an egg shell at the moment. Would most likely retire at seasons end.

And just for the record, Lucas has played 244 AFL games out of a possible 279 in 12 years!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 12:30 pm
by tom9779
scotty is an absolute champ, why do these posts even come up?

can it be deleted?

what sort of idiot suggests trading a club legend, and the last years best and fairest?

that would be like the dogs trading west, saints trading harvey etc

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:06 pm
by boncer34
Essendon4eva wrote:No.
Lloyd is uor captain and hasn't had to play the positiion that Lucas has, therefore it ahs taken less of a toll on his body. Plus I think Lloyd at least has a physical presence and if you look at a David Neitz, he is still gowing strong. So I thnk Lloyd will be around longer than Lucas.

As far as Fletcher goes, we do not have alot of young guys who can take that spot down back, except for Ryder.

If the same theory applied, I would have said 'trade one of these guys', instead of trade Lucas.

Now, 'ealesy'. The first sentance I posted is referring to your's first post saying it is rare to trade KPP.
And then you started talking about JJ, when the post you were referring to was about Lucas.
And which blokes have shown at any stage at all that their likely to be ready to take over from Lucas next year?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:12 pm
by ace076
Please delete this topic mods!!!!!!! This is embarassing to us so called supporters, trade away Lucas........LMAO!!!!! Get a grip E4E!

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:20 pm
by Essendon4eva
I have from thes tart off this topic till now been saying Gumbelton. Short attention span huh?

And 'ace076' why is it embarrasing? Have I said trade him because he sucks? I've said since our club is looking at the era after Lucas is gone, I feel he is one guy we can trade and get some value for.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:23 pm
by boncer34
Essendon4eva wrote:I have from thes tart off this topic till now been saying Gumbelton. Short attention span huh?
Probably should re-read what I said champ. I asked who at any stage in their career SHOWN they are ready to takeover next year?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:28 pm
by ace076
Your name and your philosophies are one of the great paradoxes I have seen!! Think culture and fabric of the club, and the damage your ideas would do to it!!

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:41 pm
by Shane_Mead
Essendon4Eva is soooo right on this one that it's not funny. We shuld traid Lucus and get the best pick in the draft!

I'm with you E4E!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:43 pm
by boncer34
Shane_Mead wrote:Essendon4Eva is soooo right on this one that it's not funny. We shuld traid Lucus and get the best pick in the draft!

I'm with you E4E!!!
Hi Rob.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:46 pm
by Shane_Mead
Lolz my name is Shane you dumbo, cant u see my username!

Lolz u people are dumber than my borther.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:51 pm
by ace076
Your name may be Shane, and Scotty's name is LUCAS dumbo!!