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Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 3:46 pm
by gringo
Dodoro talking about Leroy Jetta as quoted on the EFC website:

"He has pace, class and has the x-factor."

The X-Factor. Brilliant. I'm not sure if you've realised but this isn't Australian Idol, sunshine. Whilst it seems to be a widely held opinion that Jetta was a steal at 18, I can't help but think the "x-factor" had a lot to do with us drafting Bolton, Kepler and McAlister. When your hanging onto your job by the skin of your teeth, I think I'd leave terms like "x-factor" at home.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 3:56 pm
by swoodley
Or "X-Factor" could mean he has an extra touch of class or "magic" about him like a Chris Judd or Michael Long.

Just another way of looking at things :D

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:26 pm
by Windy_Hill
Let me assure you that Jetta has the full alpahabet when it comes to 'factor rating'

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:30 pm
by sconsey
By the sounds of everything, Jetta is going to be sumthing to watch...I think in the very near future, the Dons are going to be sumthing special to watch....Again!!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:25 pm
by ZRS
general concensus is that we cleaned up in a a super draft, and I keep reading posts from you with a very negative tone.

is there anything about this draft that you do like, or see any positives coming out of for next year?

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:27 pm
by Rossoneri
Gringo, general concensus is that you are a dickhead.

I keep hearing from everyone that we dont have that touch of brilliance in the team, the guy who could do that one freakish thing or turn a game with 3 goals in 5 minutes. Maybe Jetta will bring us that.

Dodo was saying that while Jetta is a good pick up, he ALSO brings us that "x-factor", that bit of excitement that we dont have at the moment.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:47 pm
by DYSON#2
just the name JETTA adds excitment, how fitting to be at the bombers

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:16 pm
by Tamworth Bomber
Gringo, try looking at the glass as being half full rather than half empty

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:32 pm
by BenDoolan
x = mc2

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:35 pm
by Boyler_Room
Did anyone see him play in the Under 18s? The boy can play. He was a star last year. A standout with a year to go before he was eligible to be drafted. Damn straight he was a steal at #18!!

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:20 am
by Filthy
Boyler_Room wrote:Did anyone see him play in the Under 18s? The boy can play. He was a star last year. A standout with a year to go before he was eligible to be drafted. Damn straight he was a steal at #18!!

He was actually pissed off that he didn't go top 10!! Like that. :wink:

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:38 am
by gringo
As usual, y'all have missed the point of my post. The fact we’ve got Jetta at 18 is immaterial to the point I'm trying to make. I'll rephrase:

Dodoro has had, at best, a mediocre career as a recruiter at EFC. If you were going to compare his career to a player's career at Essendon, it would be difficult to go past Bolton i.e. just enough success to avoid the axe. Keeping this in mind, Dodoro has the balls to waddle out on draft day, obviously chuffed that we've snared Jetta at pick 18, and starts dropping phrases like "x-factor".

When your running the recruiting department of a multi-million dollar organisation during one of the best drafts in history, you need to come up with something a little more descriptive and wholesome than "x-factor". For example, in the unlikely event that Jetta turns out to be a dud, people are going to look to Dodoro for answers and he'll be sitting there scratching his head going "but he had the x-factor. I just can't understand it"….

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:49 am
by Fratty McFrat
Coaches and players alike talk of "it," "stuff," "x-factor" whatever you wanna call it. Whether or not this kid possesses that holy intangible remains to be seen. But I’ve seen it before here in the U.S. A kid with a sub-par throwing motion and play-calling ability has “it.” Vince Young just goes out and wins games.

Hopefully Volkswagen Boy will do the same with Essendon. If he doesn't, at least we can all point the finger at Dodoro and justifiably show him the door.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:54 am
by AnarchicBomber
Your argument is based on the premise that the word 'x-factor' was the only word, sentence, term, phrase etc. Dodoro used to describe Jetta. False premise, false argument. And besides, it is a commonly used term and we all knew what he meant by it. Michael Long had a quality to his play that you couldn't teach or even really define. That's the kind of thing Dodoro meant by x-factor.

Seriously, you scrape the bottom of the barrel looking for criticisms and lose all credibility in the process.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:00 am
by gringo
[quote="AnarchicBomber"]Your argument is based on the premise that the word 'x-factor' was the only word, sentence, term, phrase etc. Dodoro used to describe Jetta. False premise, false argument. quote]

Sometimes I wish that I, too, had a brain the size of coos-coos granule. Life would be much simpler.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:09 am
by AnarchicBomber
Do you actually read or listen more widely than the EFC website or is one site the extent of your IT capabilities? Your sterling ability to use the quoting mechanism would suggest so.

And what the f*** is coos-coos? Is it anything like couscous?