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What is the biggest "WOW" that has happened thus far?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 7:11 pm
by brad
What is the biggest WOW for you during the first 6 rounds (quarter) of season 2011?

Here's some that might get the ball rolling.

1. Gold Coast's first win/comeback against Port Adelaide AWAY.

2. The demise thus far of the St Kilda Football Club.

3. Essendon's 15 goal first quarter Vs Gold Coast Suns.

4. Geelong's unexpected "continued" dominance of the competition.

5. Fremantle's horror preseason injury tally baring little resemblence in their season to date.

6. Melbourne's lack of "expected" improvement.

7. Essendon sitting 5th on the ladder (when most expected them to be BOTTOM 4).

8. Dustin Martin taking the competition by storm.

9. Fev and Ricky Nixon still in the headlines/completing interviews over incidents that took place now MONTHS ago.

10. AFL securing the biggest TV RIGHTS of all TIME (including the return of Fox Sports AFL channel).

For mine it is number 1. I'm sure there are others though.

Over to you.

Re: What is the biggest "WOW" that has happened thus far?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 7:28 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
Our 15 goal first quarter yesterday!!!!! Nothing comes close to beating that at the moment. vingertje

Re: What is the biggest "WOW" that has happened thus far?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 7:42 pm
by Jazz_84
as footy fans the Gold Coasts win would be top

as Essendon fans the 15 goal qtr is streets ahead for me

and ive thought Martin took the comp by storm very early last year so that's no surprise to me

Re: What is the biggest "WOW" that has happened thus far?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 9:43 pm
by robrulz5
Our 15 goals first quarter. The Gold Coast will have many more wins eventually but we will more than likely never have a 15 goal quarter again.

Re: What is the biggest "WOW" that has happened thus far?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 11:37 am
by little_ripper
not so much a wow, but surely significant statistically.

3 draws in one season.(and there is still plenty of time for more).

Re: What is the biggest "WOW" that has happened thus far?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 12:27 pm
by rockhole
It was stunning just sitting there during that 1st quarter watching us score a goal every 2 minutes as a result of 9 possessions per goal. It was stunning to see the Gold Coast (Goasters??) at $22.00 and us at about $1.01 !!. It was also stunning seeing "Kyle the Smyle" get 8 goals when he struggled to even get a game with the seniors.

That did it for me!!