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Crows to get Gibbs, no matter what.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 10:35 am
by Filthy

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:25 pm
by Royza
The non-Vics are always on the attack against the Vic sides when anything appears to them as being against the national comp. Hypocrites!

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:23 pm
by beer-man
They had better be prepared to pay for him big time.

Having said that, who would want to return to SA after living in Melbourne for two years. :twisted:

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:23 pm
by jimmyc1985
I'm getting sick of this petulant tosser Gibbs.

For f***'s sake son, you're odds-on to be to be drafted by a non-Adelaide team. If you live up to your hype, you'll be earning $500k per year in two year's time. You'll be living out many a child's dream by playing elite sport, and no matter which club you're at, you'll have adoring fans and a club that will wipe your arse for you.

Who the f*** are you to demand you remain in Adelaide? You're going to turn your back and piss in the faces of whichever club gives you 2 years of their time because you want to go home? f*** off then you sook. Take a dose of humility and loyalty from the likes of Judd, Power, Brown, Pavlich, Griffen or anyone else that has a sense of PERSPECTIVE and chooses to remain away from home for the good of their careers.

I'm really starting to hope we don't draft this immature wanker who wants to go crying home to mummy after 2 years. Let Carlton deal with that problem; let's draft another gun who's going to bleed for Essendon rather than have the hyde to piss in their pockets after the club makes a large investment in them. I'm sure there has to be plenty who fall into that category.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:47 pm
by uptick
I'm a free trade person. Personally, why can't a player play where , and for whom, they choose. Sure, have a salary cap, for the commies, but why not let each club spend that money on as many players as they care to have under that cap, and each club go out and contract freely with who ever is willing to play for the money offered.??.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 3:03 pm
by Megan
Aker Jnr.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:28 pm
by Jazz_84
yeah i agree, we want a player that is going to commit and not run away after 2 years.

i dont see what it acheived by adelaide saying that?? poor form hope you get smacked around tonight!!

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 6:11 pm
by Sartorius
Think it is just Adelaide trying to scare opposition into not drafting him. Not too sure about Carlton, but nearly anywhere else he will stay. Not many players have left Essendon after coming from interstate, I wouldnt be worried about him leaving if we got him

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 6:35 pm
by danstar84
I'm sure Essendon will be speaking to Gibbs personally about it all, along with any other potential players that our #2 pick will be used on.

His father sounds like he wants to control his son. Maybe he would enjoy getting away from that. Once he got here, i'm sure he would love it. Not just the club, but Melbourne in general.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:26 am
by F111
jimmyc1985 wrote:I'm getting sick of this petulant tosser Gibbs.

For f***'s sake son, you're odds-on to be to be drafted by a non-Adelaide team. If you live up to your hype, you'll be earning $500k per year in two year's time. You'll be living out many a child's dream by playing elite sport, and no matter which club you're at, you'll have adoring fans and a club that will wipe your arse for you.

Who the f*** are you to demand you remain in Adelaide? You're going to turn your back and piss in the faces of whichever club gives you 2 years of their time because you want to go home? f*** off then you sook. Take a dose of humility and loyalty from the likes of Judd, Power, Brown, Pavlich, Griffen or anyone else that has a sense of PERSPECTIVE and chooses to remain away from home for the good of their careers.

I'm really starting to hope we don't draft this immature wanker who wants to go crying home to mummy after 2 years. Let Carlton deal with that problem; let's draft another gun who's going to bleed for Essendon rather than have the hyde to piss in their pockets after the club makes a large investment in them. I'm sure there has to be plenty who fall into that category.
In the kids defence, is it him or the Crows making the noise?
I can see they're pissed because of the rule interpretation. I would be too.
The kid is 17-18 and is at the mercy of all the adults around him.
Having said that, all this noise is signalling something dangerous.
Do we get him if the scum passes? A local like Hansen might be a better option.
Would having Monfries and Slats, both from SA, help keep a Gibbs in Vic?
It's a risk. The answer will be in 2 years.
If we get him, hopefully his new found independence will help keep him with us.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 1:00 pm
by Windy_Hill
More to the point, isnt Adeliades public commentry a breach of the AFL Draft rules in so far as they are trying to deter a player from being drafted by another club?

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:25 pm
by bombercol
Gossy wrote:Think it is just Adelaide trying to scare opposition into not drafting him. Not too sure about Carlton, but nearly anywhere else he will stay. Not many players have left Essendon after coming from interstate, I wouldnt be worried about him leaving if we got him
Agree with Gossy, Adelaide are beating their chest and carrying on about missing him themselves.

We have only in the past lost Wanganeen and Anderson (any players of note) because they wanted to go home.

You look and the likes of Cooney, Judd, Griffen, Wells, Leppitch, The Scott boys,Wirrpunda etc that all have had rumours of coming home in drafts and it's never happened.

I would think its most important if you spend two years at a club establishing yourself to consolidate as opposed to racking off after doing your time and you find that the "really good boys" tend to stay where they are.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:30 pm
by jimmyc1985
F111 wrote: In the kids defence, is it him or the Crows making the noise?
I can see they're pissed because of the rule interpretation. I would be too.
The kid is 17-18 and is at the mercy of all the adults around him.
Having said that, all this noise is signalling something dangerous.
I think both him and his related parties (e.g. parents), as well as the Crows, are both making the noise. Both Adelaide and his parents, and Gibbs himself, have come out at various times voicing their opinion that he should stay in Adelaide. He just reeks to me of a kid who's had that South Australian sense of parochialism drummed into him ad nauseum by those around him, most notably his parents, and he's been conned into believing that football life outside of South Australia isn't worth living.

Like you said, i see danger signs with this kid. He may well be a phenomenal footy player, but is he really going to play to his maximum ability if he's simply marking time at a club he doesn't want to be at?
More to the point, isnt Adeliades public commentry a breach of the AFL Draft rules in so far as they are trying to deter a player from being drafted by another club?
Is there such a rule? I've never heard of it, and there's nothing in the official AFL Laws of the Game that has anything to do with drafting. It might be a rule of general courtesy that clubs shouldn't deliberately sabotage other clubs' drafting by making such comments, but i'm not sure if there's an official rule saying clubs can't do what Adelaide are doing.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 6:16 pm
by Rotorog
Gossy wrote:Think it is just Adelaide trying to scare opposition into not drafting him. Not too sure about Carlton, but nearly anywhere else he will stay. Not many players have left Essendon after coming from interstate, I wouldnt be worried about him leaving if we got him
Names like Greg Anderson, Gavin Wanganeen and Mikey Prior ring a bell, Gossy??

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:43 pm
It's just the Crows having a sook. Who cares. I've only ever heard Bryce talk once and he said while he would prefer to stay in SA (what kid would want to move interstate) he knows that he is going to have to move and is prepared to follow his dream anywhere in Australia.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:19 pm
by Essendon4eva
He is buying into the hype of bieng projected to be the number one pick. I think this kid needs a reality chekc. Send him to Adelaide and let Roo deal with him.

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 8:15 am
by mrredfox
pick him up keep him for 2 years and hopefully he will stay. The whole article sounds like the Adelaide recruitment manager having a whinge.

If he wants to go back then they can pay through the nose :O)

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:46 am
by Doctor Fish
Bloody hell. It puts a shiteload of pressure on the kid! What if he comes to Melbourne, does his knee in round 1, gets on the piss for the remaining season, grows manboobs and starts hanging out with Michael Gardiner and Chris Tarrant. Will Adelaide want him then come two years time?

What a joke of an article. Adelaide and the media in general should let the kid enjoy his footy (wherever he plays) and just shut-up. Plain and simple. :x

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:12 pm
by Doctor Fish
Am I the only one that finds this funny?

"...Adelaide recruiting manager James Fantasia"

Silly bugger... :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 5:42 pm
by uptick
I'm with you Doctor.
Doctor Fish wrote:ot;]Am I the only one that finds this funny?

"...Adelaide recruiting manager James Fantasia"

Silly bugger... :mrgreen: