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Are we happy with what we achieved?

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:18 pm
by DYSON#2
im am a bit between happy and pissed of... thought we could have used bolton and others for picks? in a good deep draft.. but im happy we got a few picks for solomon.

your thoughts on how we went overall this week, could we have done things better?

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:21 pm
by Rossoneri
No. We could have got a 2nd rounder for Solly and Welsh should have been traded. Probably could have got a 2nd rounder or a player for him too.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:31 pm
by jimmyc1985
We did the right thing to get rid of Solomon, but could've gotten more, especially considering Tarrant yielded pick 8! Honestly though, i think it's pertinent that only one or two clubs apparently bothered inquiring about Solomon, so what more could we do? If no one's interested in him, then we can't expect much compensation.

Like Rosso said, getting rid of Welsh as a package deal could've been handy - we could've advertised the fact that he's done well a couple of times in our B&F.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:42 pm
by BenDoolan
After all that huff and puff and I'll blow the house down stuff Sheeds was blurting "we'll target all the best players of every club" we've walked away with FA. I'm glad we didn't pick up any of the shit that was thrown around this week, but we should have come out of this with better draft picks by off loading our rubbish. I agree with Rosso that the club should have actively pursued trading Andrew Welsh. We should have done better than picks 42 & 47 for Solomon.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:54 pm
by swoodley
BenDoolan wrote:After all that huff and puff and I'll blow the house down stuff Sheeds was blurting "we'll target all the best players of every club" we've walked away with FA. I'm glad we didn't pick up any of the shit that was thrown around this week, but we should have come out of this with better draft picks by off loading our rubbish. I agree with Rosso that the club should have actively pursued trading Andrew Welsh. We should have done better than picks 42 & 47 for Solomon.
Sheedy was referring to uncontracted players, hoping that there would be some quality in the PSD.

I wonder what he's thinking now ](*,)

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:18 pm
by Essendon4eva
We got nothing for Solomon. We haev left it all up to chance. I don't like what we got for Solomon. I woudl have rather kept Solomon for another year than get what we got.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:46 pm
by Tamworth Bomber
No. After having other clubs bend over for us in the past it is now our turn. Get used to it because we will be doing it for a little while yet.
Agree that we didn't get enough for Solomon & Welsh should have been traded with a few others off loaded

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:35 pm
by Rossoneri
Well, in 12 months time, we will have a new coach. Because I guarantee we wont make the finals next year. Not with this list.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:43 am
by lozza89
No. What we got for Solomon is absolute rubbish! We do this every year, say we are going to go and get a big named player in the comp, and we always end up in the shit because of it. We lost Solomon, a backman, when at a time our backline is not that good. I think we could of tried a little harder for Polak, at least then we wouldn't have to wait for 2-3 years for the young kids to emerge. :evil:

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:17 am
by Barry_Day
To get something of value you need to trade something of like value. To get a good player, we would have had to give up a good draft choice, and with the draft as good as it is this year, that would have been madness.
Polak won't help Richmond that much - they might be able to make the top 8 - but so what, they're not going to get much further.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:32 am
by Crazyman
Solly definately worth more...question though, how many players remain uncontracted?

Cause IMO, we have to make at least another 5 - 8 places to make the most of our picks this time and depending on uncontracted players we may still score very well out of everything...also, at least we didn't trade for another ex-Scum player ;)

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 11:15 am
by Twentycents
I'm happy with it.
We were always going to lose Solomon, at least we got two picks for him, and since this is supposed to be the best draft ever, it's great to have so many picks in the first 50.

I strongly disagree that we should have traded Welsh, we need him more than ever now that our backline is so depleted and he's a courageous and talented player.

There was no way we could have used players like Henneman, Bolton or Reynolds for trades, it's completely unrealistic to even contemplate the thought. Who would trade for them?

But what's making me the happiest is that now Solomon is gone I might be able to ignore all the absolute idiots who barrack for Essendan...

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 5:05 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
I would have liked a player for Soloman or at least have the club go after players like Thurstans or steve johnson.

Im disappointed that we had to wait all week and until 1.59 and 59 seconds to find out what the club did and it was only Solly and draft picks. What a waste of a week.

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:38 pm
by Makaveli
What a waste of time as always sheeds talks things up and gives absolutely nothing. I mean shit, we couldn't even entice thornton into the pre-season draft, what a joke the club has become.

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 1:17 pm
by ZRS
to all those who think we should have got more for solly, get real.

I would have liked to get more for solly, and think he is worth more than what we got, however, like any market situation, he is only worth what others are willing to pay, and considering we were 30 seconds away from losing him for zero return the ess staff did well to get what they could.
Don't forget that he was gone no matter what.

will be interesting to see what we pick up in the NAB and pre season drafts.

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 1:37 pm
by Crowny
Would like to have seen Welsh traded. Glad they didnt get Polak. Gambling on players with dubious records hasnt payed off for Essendon recently. Whos to say hes going to suceed at Richmond anyway.

Two 3rd round picks was as good as Essendon was going to get for Solomon.

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 1:54 pm
by antcl
Essendon effectively got pick #42 and upgraded our 4th round pick 5 places. If we'd upgraded our first round pick instead I'd have said we did very well. As is, I think it was merely "ok".

My bigger problem is that we now need to use 6 picks in the draft, and I'm not sure if there are 7 players I want delisted (ignoring some who are actually contracted).

I also wanted to trade Welsh, and one of either NLM or McPhee. That nothing like that happened tipped me towards a "No".

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 1:16 pm
by ealesy
God what is it about Essendon fans.

You all expect us to land some massive name in trade period, but the moment anyone mentions a somewhat servicable Essendon player there is a massive outcry about how we can't get rid of them.

Eg Jason Johnson, if we were able to con a high first round draft pick for him then we would've been crazy not to take it. But alot of Essendon supporters made him out to be some sort of untoucable superstar of the game.

Dean Solomon has two dodgy knees, has crap skills, has lost a fair amount of speed, shithouse on field discpline, has been one of the worse players in the competition the past two years and will be lucky to crack the Freo team next year but somehow most Essendon fans think he was worth a least a round 2 if not a round 1 draft pick.

Seems the only players most of were willing to get rid of were Bolton, Reynolds and Henneman and we weren't exactly going to land the big fish with those guys as bait!!

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 2:52 pm
by j-mac31
Spot on Ealsey.