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Bagger's ruck stocks take another hit.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:09 pm
by jimmyc1985
..........DeLuca walked from Carlton with one year still left to run on his contract, due to personal reasons.

I know this is a hackneyed topic and people are probably getting sick of it as i am, but this follows their announcement of intention to sign Ackland. So, i think the only 2 rucks on their list now are Ackland and Bryan. The obvious question again gets asked - does this mean they'll be forced to go for Leunberger in the draft? They've got a B-grade ruckman and a D-grade ruckman, and nothing else, so they're going to have to do something, aren't they?

In the event they don't opt for a ruck with their first pick in the draft, would someone who's knowledgable on this year's draft be able to tell me if there's any other solid rucks in this year's drafts besides Leunberger? I ask this because i reckon that if Carlton don't use their first pick on a ruck (Leunberger), they'll at least have to use their 2nd pick (17) to get one, and i was wondering what sort of rucks (if any) might be available at that point in the draft.

EDIT: I forgot they also have Dylan McLaren, but he's hardly a viable ruck option because he's constantly injured, and in any case would still fit in the D-Grade category anyway.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:15 pm
by 2QIK4U
Just when you thought the picks in the draft have settked - along comes this. I never rated him, but at 24 to chuck it in - makes you wonder whats going on - personal reasons or not. I think it brings Leunberger back into their thinking big time.

Keeping with the ruck theme - The Age is reporting that Cartledge is training with the Hawks.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 1:10 pm
by DYSON#2
hope carts gets an oppurtunity with the hawks.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 7:54 am
by antcl
On BF, it seems the draft is a bit light for rucks, with a couple of other candidates who seem to be valued as between picks 20 to 40.

However, next year there are meant to be one or two top ruck prospects.

Personally, I hope we can rookie Cartledge.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 3:07 pm
by ealesy
who's the b-grade??!!

David Hille is B-Grade and his ruckwork, while being somewhat pathetic, is a hell of a lot better than Acklands, and his play around the ground shits all over Acklands.

At best Ackland is C-, Bryan is a D, and even if fully fit and in top form McLaren is at best a D-.

Now anyone who thinks Deluca 'retiring' means Carlton's ruck stocks have taken a hit they are kidding themselves. He 'retired' so he was saved the embrassmet of being delisted from the joke of a playing list Carlton currently have!!!

They recruited Ackland for one reason and one reason only, to save from copping blow back for not taking clearly the best ruck prospect to be in the draft for years at number 1.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 3:10 pm
by ealesy
DYSON#2 wrote:hope carts gets an oppurtunity with the hawks.

wouldn't be surprised, the Hawks rucks aren't fairing much better than then Blues.

No matter how much a Hawks fan cream themselves over Robert Campbell, he will be servicable at best, not too much to suggest Bailey will be anything more.

And Simon Taylor is a hack of an AFL ruckman who has no idea how to play any other position on the field. In fact, the fact he is still on the Hawks list demonstrates just how shit their ruck stocks are.

They needed Everitt to stay another 2 years so they could develop a decent young ruckman to take over from him.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 3:57 pm
by BenDoolan
ealesy wrote:
DYSON#2 wrote:hope carts gets an oppurtunity with the hawks.

wouldn't be surprised, the Hawks rucks aren't fairing much better than then Blues.

No matter how much a Hawks fan cream themselves over Robert Campbell, he will be servicable at best, not too much to suggest Bailey will be anything more.

And Simon Taylor is a hack of an AFL ruckman who has no idea how to play any other position on the field. In fact, the fact he is still on the Hawks list demonstrates just how shit their ruck stocks are.

They needed Everitt to stay another 2 years so they could develop a decent young ruckman to take over from him.
There's a possibility that they can get Leuenberger is Carlton pass him up.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 4:11 pm
by ealesy
don't see him slipping to six.

but it's a possibility.

We won't pick him up. Not after taking Ryder last year.

Carlton need a ruckman, we don't, North don't, Brisbane could take him- after all Jamie Charman is fairly injury prone, and I'm not to convinced about their young ruckman and they've just got rid of McDonald and Keating, Port could take him- Lade's only got a year or two left, and Brogan won't be too far behind them, and I'm not to sure about their young ruck talent.

It wouldn't surprise me to see him to slip through to 6, but I would be surprised if all of Calton, Brisbane and Port passed on him.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:23 pm
by Marillion
I honestly think Carlton will take Matthew Leuenberger now!..... :evil: .....Well i hope so,if they do watch for the first Recruitment Manager wetting his pants on National TV!............. :D

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:32 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
i can't believe deluca has given it away... has he retired for good (like Dew) or is he looking for a home else where??