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Draft Reaction

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 10:41 am
by rama_fan

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 10:51 am
by DYSON#2
i think we did too.. Gumby, Jetta, Houli and Hislop... i can enjoy my saturday afternoon beers now ;)

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:31 am
by bomber_girl

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:45 am
by jimmyc1985
All looks good. Although, to state the obvious, not all of Lovett, Dempsey, Jetta, Houli, Hislop, Dyson and Winderlich would be compatible in one team. Some of them aren't going to make it, and if these draftees are as good as people are saying, guys like Winderlich or Dyson are in for a battle.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:44 pm
by Makaveli
How many quick and magical aboriginal players can we get? I mean surely there has to be a happy medium.
Daveys brother at pick 36 will be a massive blunder. His like 23 yrs old why didnt we just take him with a late pick? :shock: . That one will be like when sheeds picked up byron pickets brother, a complete waste of time and waste of a reasonably high draft pick in a very deep draft.
Also i thought we'd go with hansen, the highlights ive seen of him look really good, but hopefully gumbleton isn't another tall and unco player that sheeds likes to draft early. It's mostly better to draft a forward than a defender early though so i can see their thinking behind it.
One thing its good to see we got some midfielders im just worried that a lot of the magical aboriginals players are hot and cold and you can't have too many in the team at one time.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 5:29 pm
by sash
Was thinking the same thing with them being hot and cold. Can't have to many would have rathered trying to grab him later on in the draft and gone someone else with pick 36 ohh well in the end all looks ok.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 6:45 pm
by BenDoolan
jimmyc1985 wrote:All looks good. Although, to state the obvious, not all of Lovett, Dempsey, Jetta, Houli, Hislop, Dyson and Winderlich would be compatible in one team. Some of them aren't going to make it, and if these draftees are as good as people are saying, guys like Winderlich or Dyson are in for a battle.
That makes for good competition. All will be vying for a spot in the team, and that may make them more hungrier and better players, and the team will benefit in the long run (we hope).

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 6:53 pm
by bombercol
We did good fellow Bombertalkers :D

Great bunch of kids, a couple that could very well make an impression next year (Gumbleton & Davey) with a Mal Michael to come.


The match committee and recruiters (and coach) have earned a pat on the back and a few relaxing coldies today. :wink:

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 6:54 pm
by jimmyc1985
Makaveli wrote:How many quick and magical aboriginal players can we get? I mean surely there has to be a happy medium.
Daveys brother at pick 36 will be a massive blunder. His like 23 yrs old why didnt we just take him with a late pick? :shock: . That one will be like when sheeds picked up byron pickets brother, a complete waste of time and waste of a reasonably high draft pick in a very deep draft.
Also i thought we'd go with hansen, the highlights ive seen of him look really good, but hopefully gumbleton isn't another tall and unco player that sheeds likes to draft early. It's mostly better to draft a forward than a defender early though so i can see their thinking behind it.
One thing its good to see we got some midfielders im just worried that a lot of the magical aboriginals players are hot and cold and you can't have too many in the team at one time.
I agree about the Alwyn Davey selection in that it's puzzling, to say the least. He's 22 and has previously trained with the Demons, and they obviously didn't like him enough to pick him up. He's the one that has me scratching my head.

As to the issue of having too many flashy/'magical' Aboriginal players in the team at one time, i don't see that as an issue. As i understand it, Jetta isn't your typical flashy player that tends to run hot and cold - he's actually a very good, consistent midfielder who's also capable of doing the flashy things, perhaps in the mould of a Burgoyne (except smaller in stature) or, to pump up his tyres even more, McLeod (wouldn't that be nice!!!!).

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 7:15 pm
by paddyl90
From AFL's description sounds like we did an amazing job. I was at work all day but what a wonderful way to come home. Im pumped for 2007. If all goes well I'm saying top 4. Not getting ahead of myself but I am that confident. Lloyd back, Mal Michael, Gumbleton and these kids that have pace like Aaron Davey's bro my god if he's anything like him. My god. Bring on Adelaide already.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 8:14 pm
by Gossy7
I think that with Gumbleton and Jetta already playing senior footy is an awesome boost for us. They are pretty much ready made players and can fit into our side already. Add Mal Michael to that and we have a very very decent bunch.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 8:29 pm
by gottalovett
just to clear something up, davey has only really come into draft contention in the last 6 months, he just exploded, but before that he was just an average footballer without a hope of being drafted.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 9:56 pm
by ealesy
gottalovett wrote:just to clear something up, davey has only really come into draft contention in the last 6 months, he just exploded, but before that he was just an average footballer without a hope of being drafted.
yeah and lets not forget that his brother and Lovett didn't really start to hit their straps until they were his age.

I don't think we needed to us pick 36 on him though, I reckon he would've still been around at 47....and if Bachar Houli hadn't been I would've been annoyed.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:54 pm
by Sismis
In today's game, having 4 or five lightening fast players is essential. Look at the doggies. If even a coupe of these guys come through, we will play an awesome brand of football when you combine our quality talls.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:43 pm
by Ossie
I think we have done very well. Getting Jetta at 18 is outstanding - I thought he would go at 10 or 12.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:22 pm
by antcl
Its interesting to wonder if Davey's selection is an indication of where the club think Lovett's head is at. After all, they'll be expected to play a very similiar role, and both are hardly spring chickens so you need them to step into the side straight away.

Still think Davey's pick should have been used on another tall, probably Garland.