Sticking up for Laycock

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Sticking up for Laycock

Post by nmgilbert »

Hey everyone! Hope you are all doin well.

It's been awhile since i've posted but i've been regularly reading what's happenin.

I've been thinkin a bit about how footy fans treat their players and would be interested to hear what other people think about how we treat our own. The man who comes to mind is Jason Laycock.

We're all really passionate about the Bombers and we all want to see them win and when things aren't goin well, it's pretty natural to start pickin' apart what doesn't seem to be working. Jason is someone who has copped a fair chunk of this, but is this good or bad?

I'm not pointing the finger at anyone (because i'd need to point it at myself) but I tell you what I reckon we use this kid. The poor bloke has copped so much personal abuse over the season and no one deserves to cop what he has. It's like we treat him as an object, not a person.

I know i've done it, I know i've watched him (and other players for that matter) stuff up on the field and i've been angry at them cause they stopped me from getting my kicks from the game. It's like I love the high of winning so much that if anything gets in the way of it I take out all my anger on it, no matter how it might affect anyone else.

I just reckon in all the heat of the game that we forget that Jason is a person. And because he's a person I reckon he needs to be treated with respect no matter how good a footballer he is. I'd hate to think what some of the stuff that gets said about our players would make a person feel.

So Jason (if you read this), no matter how good your doin' on the field, I want you to know that as a bloke I respect you.

Go Dons!

P.S: I gotta say, we are lookin awesome!!! If we can stay fit we'll have a fair tilt at it next year.
P.S.S: Lol, I just re-read this post and had to chuckle cause it's all a bit wishy-washy but you just gotta run with it hey!
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Re: Sticking up for Laycock

Post by boncer34 »

Piss off. I got on the Laycock bandwagon first. :evil: :evil:

BTW we all know he's a person. But as Knighter said hes a big boy.
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Re: Sticking up for Laycock

Post by nmgilbert »

haha, i'm sorry Bonce - i shouldn't be cutting your lunch! Could i snag the vice presidency?!
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Re: Sticking up for Laycock

Post by Megan »

In all honesty, I've never flogged into Chook on here. Don't get me wrong in the privacy of my own home I've shouted plenty at the TV, but I would never run a Bomber down like that on a public forum.

I just don't think it's nice. I'm a bit soft tho :D

I have faith in the club - it's their job to choose players and whatever. I've never been in their position - or his - so I take the glass houses theory. If I ordered a pizza and it got delivered cold, I wouldn't hop online and start shouting that I wanted the delivery boy to walk in front of a truck (something I've seen said on BT about players), or the like, I'd contact his boss if I had issue. I wonder if anyone who hangs shit on Chook has expressed their annoyance to the club? Probably not.

I realise that comparing the EFC to Pizza Hut is perhaps a stretch but you get my point surely :mrgreen:
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Re: Sticking up for Laycock

Post by Megan »

What's that supposed to mean Filth :P YOu say that like you think I'm a hardarse ;)

I'm interested to hear how many BTers HAVE complained directly to the club about Chook?
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Re: Sticking up for Laycock

Post by BenDoolan »

Megan wrote:What's that supposed to mean Filth :P YOu say that like you think I'm a hardarse ;)

I'm interested to hear how many BTers HAVE complained directly to the club about Chook?
I don't. But then again, it's not like I ring the club and congratulate players when they play well either. I just get on here and give an opinion on what I see. Most of the time it's not very complimentary toward JL because the effort isn't there. I must say that I have never bagged him at the ground. I may shake my head at times, I may bury my head in my hands on other occasions, and I may exhale a deep sigh in frustration as well. But I never bag the crap out of him like some loud mouthed turds.
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Re: Sticking up for Laycock

Post by nathanskinner »

Great post. I think there is way to many players being abused/ridiculed at matches and online. The worst of which was Laycock being given the bronx cheer vs Adelaide. His a 'big boy' but when its 1 vs thousands its gotta get you down.

I myself have wondered whether many an Essendon player was worth a game due to bad performances but Ive stuck it out keeping the abuse aside. If he turns out to be a nothing player then so be it... his played AFL games for the greatest club in the league. Something I (and most supporters) dreamt about doing as a kid. In my opinion their is honestly nothing better than seeing a player blossom with age. A player like Paul Barnard comes too mind.

If he carries on with his current form he will not continue to play at Essendon. If thats the case and he retires, he will then become a person to many again. Baggers should be reminded he is a person.

P.S Quick sidenote... i remember a period after the premiership loss, it might have been the 02' (dont quote me on that) or a year following in between his b&f wins when Scott Lucas was a whipping boy partially online, but massively at the grounds. I never understood that. Just figured people would wake up eventually. Seems if were going bad someone has to cop it.. even someone of his status.
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