A theory about the Pussies.

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Re: A theory about the Pussies.

Post by jimmyc1985 »

MH_Bomber wrote:Ablett brilliant - I dont think so.

Yes he got the ball, yes he ran with it BUT honestly have a look at what he actually did with the possessions. I dare say that 80% of his possessions resulted in turn overs. He didnt hit targets by hand or foot.
I saw your post in the other thread about your husband's health scare - i hope he's on the mend, by the way - and how you missed the game as a result.

But seriously, i hope you haven't seen the replay (or failing that, you're baiting), because if you have seen the replay yet still managed to come to the conclusion that 80% of Ablett's possessions resulted in turnovers and he didn't hit targets by hand or foot, it is my sombre duty to inform you that your ability to objectively analyse a game of AFL is almost non-existent.
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Re: A theory about the Pussies.

Post by MH_Bomber »

He is on the mend thanks Jimmy and you dont have to be sombre cant we just agree to disagree. Honestly I dont think my thoughts were coloured by the stressful time we had. Please have an objective look at what he did with his possessions. Many fell short of their target resulting in turn overs or putting Cats players under pressure.

Leigh Matthews didnt give him a vote so he obviously saw Abletts performance in the same light I did - flashy yes - best on ground no. I have seen him play much better games this year and always hit targets.

Even after my prognostications about Geelong and umpiring I still did want them win because of Essendon's history with Hawthorn so my thoughts are not inspired by an anti Geelong axe to grind.
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Re: A theory about the Pussies.

Post by jimmyc1985 »

I can't agree to disagree because you're factually wrong.

You asked me to take an objective look at his performance? My god, i sincerely hope you're being sarcastic. You stated that 80% of his disposals resulted in turnovers and he didn't hit targets by either hand or foot. The fact is that his disposal efficiency was 85%, which puts him easily in the better half of both teams' efficiency ratings. The fact is that he had only 3 clangers from 34 disposals. The fact is that he had 5 tackles, 8 contested possessions, 8 clearances (most on ground by a mile), 8 inside 50s (most on ground by a mile) and 2 goals. The fact is that Ablett busted his balls, played a f****** brilliant match, and was the major reason why the Cats were still a chance going into the last quarter.

Leigh Matthews? Bullshit. Ex-Hawthorn, biased thug. Couldn't give a droplet of shit about his thoughts. Personally, i'd place more stock in the comments of the coach of the player in question, Mark Thompson, who said of Ablett's performance:

http://afl.com.au/News/NEWSARTICLE/tabi ... wsId=68394
"Gary Ablett's performance was sensational. He looked like he just wanted to win so much," Thompson said.

"I wish he had a few friends in that same frame of mind.

"I was thinking about it, to be honest, at the end of the game. Like everybody, I was wondering who they would give it to, because I thought Gary may have been up there in the voting somewhere."
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Re: A theory about the Pussies.

Post by s'dreams »

Watched the game ... thought that many of the cats, if they were racehorses, should have benn sent to the stewards for dope testing... yes they were slow, but quite quite simply...

They lacked heart!!!!!

The Dawks wanted it more ... and had the capacity to dig deep. The cats appeared to be professionals who as a collective couldn't give a stuff (yeah we know that Aabblett shed tears ... but who else did???).

Also - Geelong's forward structure was shot. IMO they missed Nathan Abblett (B grader at best - but you need someone to hold structure when you have a midfield based goal attack) and Tomahawk hasn't stepped up this year.

Cynical speculative side of me wonders is the Cats may be interested in a CJ (along with Melb and the Doggies)

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Re: A theory about the Pussies.

Post by Madden »

Ablett was F****** heroic on Saturday. Fact. And for the life of me, I can't understand where people's hatred of him comes from. He seems like a good bloke, always conducts himself well in public, and is a fair ball player on the field. Can't fault him.
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Re: A theory about the Pussies.

Post by bomberdonnie »

Staggy wrote:Ablett was F****** heroic on Saturday. Fact. And for the life of me, I can't understand where people's hatred of him comes from. He seems like a good bloke, always conducts himself well in public, and is a fair ball player on the field. Can't fault him.
His old man is a cnt Staggy.... This is the only reason I can think of

I agree with you totally.. .He is a superstar and plays the game tough and fair without the Buddy 'look at me I am awesome' Franklin bullshit attitude.

Hodge was good and tough and brave but most of his possessions were from floating around the backline free... Ablett earned almost every single one of his touches and would have been Norm Smith by a mile had the pussies won
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Re: A theory about the Pussies.

Post by rockhole »

I wonder if the "Sleepy Hollow Syndrome" has kicked in again. How many times in the past has Geelong blown a finals series after having a great Home and Home series, sometimes going out in straight sets.

The hopeful expectations from last year grew into total arrogance this year and probably exerted more pressure on the Cats than Hwthorn did. Several Cats supporters I spoke with over the past few weeks were dismissive of the opposition and if they only had to go through the motions to go back to back. And this was in Melbourne. I can only imagine the the mind set in Geelong.

Apart from the above, Hawthorn simply had more mongrel in them. I always admired Sheedy's strategy in having a couple of tough enforcers in a GF team and the relentless pressure that Hawthorn were able to impose, put the Cats off their pretty handball/short pass game that got them into the GF. Their short game broke down time and time again as a result of this pressure and put more pressure on their forwards and the delivery was rushed.

One final comment; Mooney would have to be the most overrated forward going around.
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Re: A theory about the Pussies.

Post by Chris »

The Hawks didnt win this one, the Cats blew it, just like we did in 99. Great job by the Hawks to maintain focus and despite being smashed in the midfield in the first half and copping injuries to some key players they persisted and pressured Geelong and in the 3rd quarter and Geelong lost the plot under the self imposed pressure of not converting their abundance of chances.

Geelong should have been up by 3-4 goals at half time. If that were the case, the run and confidence of the hawks would have been diminished and at the opposite end Geelong would have been up and running. Instead, thier woeful kicking for goal and lack of forwards presenting saw them go into the second half 3 pts down despite absalutely dominating.

When they couldnt find avenues for goal early in the 3rd they lost the plot. I saw it unravelling just before the quickfire 3 goals the hawks put up. They were fumbelling, second guessing and just wern't excecuting the 'share at all cost' game plan that has made them so successful. Two passages summed it all up, Moony at 55 meters had 2 free and 1 manned up inside 50 and went to the only one of the 3 in range of a defender, ball was rushed behind. Second was Ottens with 2 players streaming to the goal square on their own, he has a shot 20 out and misses, they have been handballing over the top all year :roll:

I cannot agree with any of your comments of them being too slow, or having played around with the ball too much. They have been the best team for 2 years and are still the best team, they have pace, are strong, use the ball brilliently and generally play the best team game I have seen. Their lack of key forwards is more than supplimented by goal kicking mid sized players and midfielders of the class of chappy, johnson, abblett and ling.

As for Abblett, im glad Hodge got the NS, as I believe it should go the the best on the winning team (if you lost, the last thing you want is a medal which confirms that if the rest of your team held up their end you would have won), but anyone who thinks Abblett was not best on ground by a mile is an absalute moron or in denial. Stats arn't always the best indicator, but in this case, the stats support what was plain to see, he had every right to feel shattered about losing with the effort he put in.

The pain of 99 haunts me til this day. I cringed as the Cats made the same mistake we did and fell over when it really matterred. Sad, just sad, and their supporters will now feel the pain for years to come as we have.
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Re: A theory about the Pussies.

Post by MH_Bomber »

I read the statistics too Jimmy and there were 3 critical errors not clangers. I guess they dont have a stat for kicking in the general direction of a team mate where the ball bounces a metre short so the teammate gains possession but because of the inprecision of the kick the teammate is under pressure. I am supposing that that goes down as an effective disposal but is it really to Geelong's advantage ? I seem to remember a lot of those from Ablett.

I hate Leigh Matthews as much as anyone but do you seriously think he would let his old Hawthorn allegiances cloud his judgement so much for such an award. I am not saying Ablett didnt bust a gut for his team BUT I reckon his accuracy in delivery let him down.
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Re: A theory about the Pussies.

Post by billyduckworth »

Chris wrote:The Hawks didnt win this one, the Cats blew it, just like we did in 99.
Chris, much as I hate being reminded of 99, I think you are spot on.

I started the game barracking for the Cats (still hate the Hawks from the 1980s!!) but by half way through the third quarter, I switched and started going for the Hawks, because I felt it was Geelong's own fault they were losing it and they didn't seem to be doing anything to remedy it. They just seemed to think (arrogantly/stubbornly) that it would all come right in the end. Much as I love Bomber, I think he blew it as a coach too. It was obvious to every single person watching the game that Geelong were dominating everywhere except the scoreboard, yet he made no moves to do anything about it. Why not try Scarlett in the goalsquare or Ottens or something different? Instead, he just stuck with Mooney who couldn't kick straight to save himself.

In the end, they deserved to lose.
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Re: A theory about the Pussies.

Post by Sismis »

History shows just how hard it is to win back to back. Regardless of what is said it must be very hard to go in with the same intensity as a team whch has not won a flag in 17 years.
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Re: A theory about the Pussies.

Post by tom9779 »

Sismis wrote:History shows just how hard it is to win back to back. Regardless of what is said it must be very hard to go in with the same intensity as a team whch has not won a flag in 17 years.

Unless that team you get to play is collingwood(twice)....(02 and 03).

I just love the way Geelong move the ball by hand...always had a player in support. They did lack the ability to break lines around the forward 50 and kick goals on the weekend though. If a few of their mids aside from ablett(eg selwood, ling, bartel) could have broken the line and kicked a couple of goals each, noone would be pointing the finger at Mooney and Lonergan.
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Re: A theory about the Pussies.

Post by tonysoprano »

bomberdonnie wrote:
MH_Bomber wrote:Ablett brilliant - I dont think so.

Yes he got the ball, yes he ran with it BUT honestly have a look at what he actually did with the possessions. I dare say that 80% of his possessions resulted in turn overs. He didnt hit targets by hand or foot. Cyril Rioli with only 11 possessions had more of an impact because all of his possessions were quality which resulted in a positive for Hawthorn.
He came second in the Norm Smith so I along with a lot of so called experts disagree with you...

Ablett kept them in the game for 3 and a half quarters!
i haven't seen a replay - but i cannot remember ablett turning the ball over once. he was the standout performer on the day
(although i have no probs with hodge winning the nsm).
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Re: A theory about the Pussies.

Post by gringo »

I agree with Filthy to a degree - the Cats could def use some more pace through the middle. It hurts them more when they don't have the ball then when they do. I reckon we swap Kelly for Lovett. What do y'all think?

Other than that, Geelong had their chances and didn't take them. It's as simple as that. They are still an amazing side and will probably finish top and push for the flag again next year.

Watching that game made me realise how far Essendon is away. Essendon would have been belted by over 100 points by either side.
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Re: A theory about the Pussies.

Post by gringo »

And I thought Ablett was clearly the best player on the ground. I'm not sure why you think he's arrogant Filthy. If he played for Essendon you'd be loosing your junk over him.

In order, best players on the day were:

1. Ablett
2. Sewell
3. Rioli
4. Hodge
5. Dew
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Re: A theory about the Pussies.

Post by F111 »

After all the talk during the week re: in & outs..read Chapman, I'm surprised that he has largely escaped comment in here. :o He is often their barometer in the forward line, running amuck, kicking or assisting goals.

The Cats were inside 50 so often, that it was a surprise Chapman didn't snag at least 4 goals. He was essentially as useful as Kelly and Stokes down forward....Lonergan and Mooney had chances, took a few, but missed far to many.

My short summary...Geelong started slowly, but settled well to lead at Q1 end. During Q2 they dominated play, so much i thought they were about to explode, but they were unable to dominate the scoreboard. Costly misses, and multiple rushed behinds. The hawks weren't concerned re: behinds, they were more concerned with possession. It paid off for them.

Geelong continued the Q3 in a similar way, but did manage to convert, but only to keep the contest interesting. Now, I felt hawthorn had the game around 10 min into Q3...Geelong were looking too frustrated. Frustration and then panic eventually lost it for them, as they saw Hawthorn score easily after they'd (cats) had held the ball in their forward line without enough scoreboard success.

In the meantime, the hawks got a taste, and were able to capitalise thru hard running and pressure on the opposition player.

That game was played and won between the ears.
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Re: A theory about the Pussies.

Post by gringo »

Reckon that's a pretty good summary there F111
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Re: A theory about the Pussies.

Post by j-mac31 »

My theory is: Skinner likes dog food.

But seriously, their tall forwards are crap. Put Dean Wallis in front of the midfield and he would have kicked 50 for the year, K Bradley too.
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Re: A theory about the Pussies.

Post by F111 »

Filthy wrote:
F111 wrote:After all the talk during the week re: in & outs..read Chapman, I'm surprised that he has largely escaped comment in here. :o He is often their barometer in the forward line, running amuck, kicking or assisting goals.

The Cats were inside 50 so often, that it was a surprise Chapman didn't snag at least 4 goals. He was essentially as useful as Kelly and Stokes down forward....Lonergan and Mooney had chances, took a few, but missed far to many.

My short summary...Geelong started slowly, but settled well to lead at Q1 end. During Q2 they dominated play, so much i thought they were about to explode, but they were unable to dominate the scoreboard. Costly misses, and multiple rushed behinds. The hawks weren't concerned re: behinds, they were more concerned with possession. It paid off for them.

Geelong continued the Q3 in a similar way, but did manage to convert, but only to keep the contest interesting. Now, I felt hawthorn had the game around 10 min into Q3...Geelong were looking too frustrated. Frustration and then panic eventually lost it for them, as they saw Hawthorn score easily after they'd (cats) had held the ball in their forward line without enough scoreboard success.

In the meantime, the hawks got a taste, and were able to capitalise thru hard running and pressure on the opposition player.

That game was played and won between the ears.
Yeah Chappy....diving...ducking into tackles.....complaining to umpires..f.cking champion. :roll:

They have NO forward line....the ball is pumped in so often by their mids/backs Mickey and Minnie Mouse could score enough goals to win. Hawks simply applied so much pressure in those 2 areas that they got a enough efficient possession to win and when it went in to the Pussy's 50 applied similar pressure to rush half of the Pussy's score through the small stick thus giving them possession again.
Doesn't matter how he normally gets them...fact is he does. GF, however, he didn't get them so much despite the usual myriad inside 50's they had.
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