Bullshit Sheeds

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Post by stryper »

Yeah Sheeds Havn't you been saying the same thing all year?
Play the kids
Only now after your demise do you wake up
Need a massive clean out at the end of the season...
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Post by sydbomber »

Agree with your sentiments

Love Sheeds for the great things he has done for the club.

Nevertheless , he is all over the place and our lack of a clear direction ( ala Hawthorn ) shows why we had to change.

For too long our direction has been dictated by Sheedys desire to stay in the job. Nothing wrong with that( especially for Sheeds ) but we are very ordinairy.

All we have achieved this year is to win a few close ones that we didnt win last year. Better than nothing , but not enough.

Hanging his hat on a first year player in Davey and a last year player in Hird shows he is making it up as he goes.
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Post by CameronClayton »

Happens every year. Go back to 2005 & he didn't play like blokes like Hank & Gus until about R17 when the season was shot, even though they had been killing them in the ressies all year.

And when those 2 first started that year, they were like a breath of fresh air in the team. They both should have had an extra 10 games under their belts in their 1st year.
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Post by MH_Bomber »

I'd be wary of wholesale clean outs just as the new coach takes the reins. Its a huge transitionary period - end of Sheedy and end of Hird and with that in mind perhaps other changes need to be kept to a minimum.

There are some older players that certainly need to retire or take a background role. Its happened to JJ this year and it may well happen to MJ. Will Mal Michael stick around ? Camporeale will most certainly retire.

With the coaching changes some players will no doubt get a new lease of life and it would be silly to axe a whole lot of guys that may turn themselves around in a new environment.
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Post by jimmyc1985 »

Good post Filth.

And this is why i'm so gobsmacked at the temerity or sheer ignorance of those who want to challenge the Board, partly because "they lied". Wake the f*** up ignoramuses, Sheedy, great coach that he is (or was), is the biggest shit spinner in the game and has been feeding us manure for years.
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Post by Windy_Hill »

I doubt there will be too many challenges to the Board's decision in the wake of the last 2 games.

Agree that we have been one dimensional for way too long

The fact that Sheeds points to Hird as being a mjor loss is in its own a significant problem. Hird should be spending this year waving to the kids in the stands not being the cornerstone to our finals chances.
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Post by pevfan »

I don't know what it is (but I do have my suspicions) but why are so many potentially good footballers going backwards at Essendon, players like Monfies, Dyson, McPhee, M. Johnson, Lovett, Lovett-Murray.

Is it just that they are not as good as we thought they were or is it something else....Fitness, poor coaching, poor game plan...NO game plan, perhaps (as Sheedy has been accused of). The overall lack of run and support and total failure to man up when they haven't got the ball...actually, on the run issue, I'm yet to fathom whether it's because they can't (because of fitness) or, when the going gets too tough, they just won't and if they wont then why.

A change of coach should bring a change of game plan, attitude...all those intangible things that go to make up a good side. There are countless examples of players careers being turned around by a change of club or coach, just to name some of the current ones look at Ted Richards, Roden (did nothing at Richmond for years now doing really well for the Power) dare I say even Solly's career seems to have turned around after he looked totally GONE at Essendon. Who knows, maybe even a Bradley or a Johns may experience a reversal of fortune under a new regime.

Don't know if I'm expressing myself fully here. But I know that this side should be doing better than it has shown over the past few seasons. I remain very hopeful that the changes now set in train will prove to be the fillip that might just turn a few of the abovementioned players careers around and along with them, the team as a whole....One can only hope.
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Post by Rotorog »

jimmyc1985 wrote:Good post Filth.
Good post Jimmy. The old bullshit artist shoud have been made to retire the day the club announced he would not get another term.
I bet you anything he does not care a rat's any more where Essendon will finish. Had the board paid him out ala Pagan Daniher and Connolly it would have given some prospective coach to show his wares during the last 6 weeks.
Mr. Ego just wants to walk out against Richmond and plot another loss for the Dons.
The oracle has spoken :( :(
And this is why i'm so gobsmacked at the temerity or sheer ignorance of those who want to challenge the Board, partly because "they lied". Wake the f*** up ignoramuses, Sheedy, great coach that he is (or was), is the biggest shit spinner in the game and has been feeding us manure for years.
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Post by BenDoolan »

Filthy wrote: By doing the "honourable" thing with Sheeds have we fvcked with the minds of the players too much who basically are leaderless and have no goal after all this crap? I know if I was playing I wouldn't be all that motivated to put my arse on the line for a bloke who after the match I was just playing in was off to a interview for a gig with the team that just belted us. Its bloody ludicrous.
Filth, I simply cannot accept any player who "wouldn't be all that motivated to put their arse on the line for a bloke who after the match I was just playing in was off to a interview". Well those guys get a decent pay packet and they are priviledged to represent our club. Nothing less than a decent effort to earn their money is what is expected. Otherwise, they can go somewhere else and stop wasting our time and money. They are grown men, are they not? If not for Sheeds, then certainly play for the greatest and most courageous Bomber in James Hird. They have f****** disgraced him.
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Post by Windy_Hill »

BenDoolan wrote:Otherwise, they can go somewhere else and stop wasting our time and money. They are grown men, are they not? If not for Sheeds, then certainly play for the greatest and most courageous Bomber in James Hird. They have f****** disgraced him.
Here Here.

These players should be ashamed of themselves if they are using the off field issue as an excuse for their insipid performances.

You dont have to be a superstar to run and tackle like a possessed man.

Peter Jackson should go down to training tonight and make it clear that the last three games will be the last chance for any player not single minded about improving his performance.

These guys must realise that the new coach will be already be planning his changes to the playing list. Its happening right now. Whether that person is Neale Daniher or Paul Hamilton, they are all looking over the Essendon list and thinking, " you're gone, you're gone, you have one last chance, you are trade bait, you are gone, see ya pal....."

Its happening right now so every player on the current senior list should be doing everything possible to make an impression now
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Post by billyduckworth »

Windy_Hill wrote:
These guys must realise that the new coach will be already be planning his changes to the playing list. Its happening right now. Whether that person is Neale Daniher or Paul Hamilton, they are all looking over the Essendon list and thinking, " you're gone, you're gone, you have one last chance, you are trade bait, you are gone, see ya pal....."

Its happening right now so every player on the current senior list should be doing everything possible to make an impression now
Very good point. When you look at it this way, it makes it all the more puzzling why we have performed so badly the last two weeks.
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Post by azza78 »

Agreed. Maybe half a dozen of these blokes are playing for their careers over the next 3 weeks, so to go out and perform as insipidly as they have the last two weeks is baffling.
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Post by nudder12 »

aha!! Finally.

I've been so bored with this talk about why the team has played like crap in the last 2 weeks when, by golly, they should be playing for Sheeds and Hirdy.

FFS, they were right in the mix for a finals spot. Bugger their pay and their pride and so on, do they want to play footy, finals footy at that, or not????

Something just ain't right down there, it smells a bit I think. And I'm just hoping it all gets cleared up over the summer.
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Post by rockhole »

In all the years I have followed the club, whenever there has been a lack of performance from a team that looks good on paper, we have later found out that there has been trouble inside the club.

Obviously, Sheedy's departure is a catalyst that has caused major disruption, but I have a bad feeling that something really nasty is going to surface which take the shine of the gentlemanly way the departure has been handled.

I feel that all is not rosy in the camp.
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Post by jimmyc1985 »

rockhole wrote:In all the years I have followed the club, whenever there has been a lack of performance from a team that looks good on paper, we have later found out that there has been trouble inside the club.

Obviously, Sheedy's departure is a catalyst that has caused major disruption, but I have a bad feeling that something really nasty is going to surface which take the shine of the gentlemanly way the departure has been handled.

I feel that all is not rosy in the camp.
But we don't look good on paper.
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Post by grassy1 »

Some of the players were RIGHT SOOKS before he got SACKED.Now they got what they wanted,they're Playing like BIG SOOKS.

And they're acting like it's an excuse to play like WOOLLY LITTLE LAMBS,BLEATING AWAY,straight to the SLAUGHTER!

They both share something in common right now.

NO ONE will remember their contribution to the ESSENDON FOOTBALL CLUB.



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