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Post by grassy1 »

Wandering down BURKE RD,staring in the window of THE CHOCOLATE BOX.

Gee,the 72 takes an ETERNITY to get to THE CLOCKS.

Stop!All this Reminiscing is driving me nuts!Heh!Heh!It was my 2nd Home in the early-Mid 70's.
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Post by keri »

It's a very different place from Perth, that's for sure.

Me, I couldn't live anywhere else in the world.
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Post by grassy1 »

Here's a scary thought.BEN COUSINS is actually VICTORIAN!

I'm STAGGERED West Coast Fans haven't recalled that bit NOW!Then again,they'd blame the VICTORIANS for anything under the Sun.
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Post by keri »

Yeah, but he's not the only Weagle who's partial to a bit of recreational snow, is he?
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Post by grassy1 »

No and I'd never deny it.Just that 1 club has STOOD OUT like the PROVERBIAL SORE THUMB.

No ILLICIT DRUGS Policy would come close to COVERING that Mob.
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Post by keri »

I don't like zero tolerance because for me to agree with it would be hypocritical, but you've got to wonder whether anything softer will work.
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Post by grassy1 »

I never use to look at it in BLACK and WHITE Terms.But there's got to be some Benchmark to Toe the line to and even then it's doesn't go far enough.

Footballers should be NO DIFFERENT to the Rest of Society.Problem with that is,they attract HEADLINES like a Light attracts Moths.

Most of it through no one esle's FAULT but their own,Some of it is OVERBLOWN Sensationalism which despite possible recent perception of my analysis,I have a thing about.
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Post by keri »

But that's just it, Grassy. In the rest of society if you are able to function at that high a level, even if you do take drugs, it's not on the front page, is it?

You either get worse until you get found out, and depending on your employer, they give you the chance to clean up or they give you the arse. Unless you're a doctor or something, you don't get black-listed from your profession, do you?

These guys are treated differently, and consequently the rules have to be different.
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Post by grassy1 »

Point taken.


SPORT being the CLASSIC EXAMPLE.That's why SOCIETY goes CROOK on 'em.Some opinions are BIASED as a DANCING BEAR,others more Objective.
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Post by keri »

Meh. I just don't think there's an easy answer.
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Post by boncer34 »

Essendon4eva wrote:
boncer34 wrote:
Essendon4eva wrote:Read what you quoted again. You brought up the specifics. People were making jokes, so I made my own. Your statement also lead me to believe, you are very pro-booze/ciggies.
That was a joke? No really? It was? f***

My statement led you to believe that? Now your joking right?
Yes, your statement, implied, Alcohol and Ciggies should still be legal. If you are for them being legal, you are for the drug. You are saying it is fine to use those substances.
Last time I looked they were still legal. But lets not get into a English lesson. (Should implies they're currently not by the way)

Even if I was for the drugs being legal how does that still equal to "very" pro booze/smokes. It may simply mean I believe in freedom of choice to a certain extent.
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Post by Sismis »

Spot on Boncer. It's all about choice.

Why shouldn't we have the choice to smoke "the dope" if we wnat to?

Why shouldn't we be able to drink if we want to?

Why shouldn't we, knowing the side effects (namely death) be able to smoke IF WE WANT TO?

Freedom, we are allegedly fighting for it.....
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Post by bomberdonnie »

I was very pro ciggies and booze last night and am paying for it today....

What was this topic about originally?
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Post by Essendon4eva »

boncer34 wrote:
Essendon4eva wrote:
boncer34 wrote:
Essendon4eva wrote:Read what you quoted again. You brought up the specifics. People were making jokes, so I made my own. Your statement also lead me to believe, you are very pro-booze/ciggies.
That was a joke? No really? It was? f***

My statement led you to believe that? Now your joking right?
Yes, your statement, implied, Alcohol and Ciggies should still be legal. If you are for them being legal, you are for the drug. You are saying it is fine to use those substances.
Last time I looked they were still legal. But lets not get into a English lesson. (Should implies they're currently not by the way)

Even if I was for the drugs being legal how does that still equal to "very" pro booze/smokes. It may simply mean I believe in freedom of choice to a certain extent.
Yes, I ment illegal. It is a f****** typo. Now, if you are freedome choice, then you should have no problem if I suggest every other drug from weed to ice be made legal. Freedom of choice.
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Post by boncer34 »

Essendon4eva wrote:
boncer34 wrote:
Essendon4eva wrote:
boncer34 wrote:
Essendon4eva wrote:Read what you quoted again. You brought up the specifics. People were making jokes, so I made my own. Your statement also lead me to believe, you are very pro-booze/ciggies.
That was a joke? No really? It was? f***

My statement led you to believe that? Now your joking right?
Yes, your statement, implied, Alcohol and Ciggies should still be legal. If you are for them being legal, you are for the drug. You are saying it is fine to use those substances.
Last time I looked they were still legal. But lets not get into a English lesson. (Should implies they're currently not by the way)

Even if I was for the drugs being legal how does that still equal to "very" pro booze/smokes. It may simply mean I believe in freedom of choice to a certain extent.
Yes, I ment illegal. It is a f****** typo. Now, if you are freedome choice, then you should have no problem if I suggest every other drug from weed to ice be made legal. Freedom of choice.
Well first of all that would make you a hypocrite since your indicating you dont want Smokes and Grog still legal.
Secondly try actually reading all of what I said.
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Post by Essendon4eva »

Listen, I'm jsut trying to highlight the bullshit contradiction by many governments, including ours.

Think about it. How many times have we heard, 'drugs are bad', 'stay away from drugs'? However, they make money from the sale of cigarette's. How f***** is that? They allow us to go out every weekend and get pissed.

If you choose, to use that shit fine. However I get pissed off that the same government which, preaches to stay away from drugs and condems those that use drugs. However they make money from the sale of booze and ciggies.
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Post by boncer34 »

Not going to keep arguing with me? Ok I'm happy for you to concede. BTW I do see your point. But your original linking of the 2 items wasn't necessary.
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Post by Essendon4eva »

I''m not conceding anything. I'm jsut not willing to let arguments, become the focal point anymore. Espicially when I actually make a great point, which the usual Australian will do nothing about, regardless of if they recognise it or not.
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Post by boncer34 »

Essendon4eva wrote:I''m not conceding anything. I'm jsut not willing to let arguments, become the focal point anymore. Espicially when I actually make a great point, which the usual Australian will do nothing about, regardless of if they recognise it or not.
So far your points have been attempting shots at me which so far none have worked.
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Post by NIFTY »

My sources in perth tell me that cousins' new drug of choice is waxing karl langdon's slub and smoking his albino pubes whilst wearing phil narkles helmet
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