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Re: The Rip Off Raffle

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:34 am
by Ronny Rotten
EFC raffle tickets are usually sent out in the post . This could be a scam.

I've registered on the Govt. "Do Not Call Register" so i don't get any calls from these telemarketing scumbags.

If it is genuine i would be disappointed with the EFC trying to sell tix by this method especially with a vague reason " for the boys " . The " boys " earn plenty , much more than me, let them pay for their trips themselves. At the moment they should be paid only on results. Their current salaries , at least for the last 6 weeks, should be put in a supporters fund for us to buy drinks for having to endure the rubbish they have dished up lately. What a joke, " for the boys" ha

Re: The Rip Off Raffle

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:47 am
by BenDoolan
Ronny Rotten wrote:EFC raffle tickets are usually sent out in the post . This could be a scam.

I've registered on the Govt. "Do Not Call Register" so i don't get any calls from these telemarketing scumbags.

If it is genuine i would be disappointed with the EFC trying to sell tix by this method especially with a vague reason " for the boys " . The " boys " earn plenty , much more than me, let them pay for their trips themselves. At the moment they should be paid only on results. Their current salaries , at least for the last 6 weeks, should be put in a supporters fund for us to buy drinks for having to endure the rubbish they have dished up lately. What a joke, " for the boys" ha
It's ridgey didge Ronny. It was to my mobile phone, not my landline. They have my details as I am a member.

I haven't received a raffle book (in the mail) for about 3 years now. They are now using different methods to selling their tickets. They have given up on sending tickets out because they probably didn't get many returned.

Re: The Rip Off Raffle

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:03 am
by dom_105
Sweet Jesus.

Don't get me wrong, I love the club, but sometimes they f****** pull some stupid stunts.

Re: The Rip Off Raffle

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:46 am
by Gimps
Windy_Hill wrote:I think we officially have our own version of the Hitler Parodies (see You Tube)
"the board couldn't run a f****** chook raffle.."

So true :lol:

Re: The Rip Off Raffle

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:41 am
by lozza89
F111 wrote:I had that call about a month back.

"for the boys" I took to imply the end of year trip, but I have no idea what the funds are intended for?
If i can afford a holiday to Bali on a part-time wage, im sure "the boys" have enough to pay for their own end of year trip.

Re: The Rip Off Raffle

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:51 pm
by Crazyman
I was wondering if they had an indian sounding accent...

Re: The Rip Off Raffle

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:32 pm
by Megan
Hawks have been doing this for years. My sister is a member and regularly gets asked to buy hideously expensive tickets on the theory of less tickets sold = better chance.

Shame we're now doing it. It's a very niche market, perhaps they should ask in their survey if you earn over $100 000 a year and only ask those people :?

Re: The Rip Off Raffle

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:52 pm
by dom_105
It's interesting to see what the AFL thinks of all this in relation to the salary cap.

Re: The Rip Off Raffle

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:11 pm
by BenDoolan
dom_105 wrote:It's interesting to see what the AFL thinks of all this in relation to the salary cap.
No-one knows what the proceeds are for though. It's to "help the boys". Which could mean it will be used to buy a clue....or to purchase some passion....or to hire some desire....

Re: The Rip Off Raffle

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:44 pm
by dom_105
Yeah, but you suddenly have a 6 figure sum floating around "for the boys", being rustled up by the members of the club that could be used for anything really.

You'd think/hope/suspect that everything would be above board in that regard (pathetic as it is), but with the shit that went down in relation to the Storm, it's not a brilliant look.

Re: The Rip Off Raffle

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:41 pm
by pevfan
They've been pestering me all phone, text as well as by snail mail. It's got crapped right off them at the moment...IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE (If you get my drift)

Re: The Rip Off Raffle

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:55 pm
by gringo
"have you got the raffle rickets in front of you right now?"


"good. Now why don't you throw your legs behind your ears and slowly insert them in your anus."

This club cuurenty has more cheek than a butcher's shop dog. Two hundred spuds a ticket. Please.