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Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 12:48 pm
by Windy_Hill
karmabomber wrote:
Windy_Hill wrote:
antcl wrote:
Windy_Hill wrote:Most leading clubs have fully realised mid-fields

Ours is all about potential

In terms of player types i believe we have the following

1. In and Under Types - J Johnson, J Watson, D Peverill, C Heffernan, Nash, Monfries
2. Running Play Makers - B Stanton, M Johnson, J Hird (only occasionally now)
3. Outside Receivers - Dyson, Camporeale, A Lovett, Winderlich, Dempsey

Others - too soon to call

I think we need another hard working in and under (Hislop maybe) and two more play makers in the Cousins, Judd mould. Unfortunately its in this area that I think we still look undermanned. Perhaps Bachar Houli, Davey or Monfries can step into this role
Isn't Nash more of an outsider? And wouldn't Slattery be in there somewhere? What about Lonnergen, Neagle and the new kids?

I believe Slattery is more a small defender. Neagle is definitely not a mid fielder and Lonergan I dont know enough about yet. Nash could be an each way bet
Windy's been on the Dubai Drambuie too long!
And why is that?