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Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:59 am
by Sismis
jimmyc1985 wrote:
It's also clear that the board will have an eye to the commercial 'marketability' of the new coach, given that part of the reason Knights was sacked was due to concerns that sponsors, coterie members and crowds would withdraw their support. Laidley is astute, experienced, hard-nosed and tactically shrewd, but is about as marketable as a cardboard box. So Williams has it over Laidley in this respect.
Because of his AWESOME record with sponsors?

Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:16 pm
by jimmyc1985
Sismis wrote:
jimmyc1985 wrote:
It's also clear that the board will have an eye to the commercial 'marketability' of the new coach, given that part of the reason Knights was sacked was due to concerns that sponsors, coterie members and crowds would withdraw their support. Laidley is astute, experienced, hard-nosed and tactically shrewd, but is about as marketable as a cardboard box. So Williams has it over Laidley in this respect.
Because of his AWESOME record with sponsors?
We get it, Sissy - you don't want Choco as coach. So, who do you want?

Can't quite fathom why you can love Sheedy so much on the one hand and hate Choco on the other; they've got plenty of similarities. If Choco applies himself 100% to coaching us (as opposed to the 50% application we got out of Sheedy from 2002 onwards, and i'm being generous), i think he'll do a very good job.

Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:36 pm
by Rossoneri
An improvement on Sheedy's last few years isn't hard. Neither Knights nor Sheedy had a game plan, but Sheeds had James Hird playing for him.

Knights also played younger players whereas Sheeds still had the older crew trying to prop up his win/loss ratio.

Williams might just be the best of a very very thin bunch.

Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:41 pm
by Sismis
I don't know, someone who has been coaching better than our previous coach rather than worse.

Laidley continually took a mediocre list with appalling resources to finals. Only left because they would not pay him what he was worth. He would be worth a shot.

As for the rest, I have no idea. Anyone who comes in will be under enormous pressure. They may make decisions based on getting imediate results rather than for the long term good.

I could understand ditching Knights for someone like Bomber, Roos etc. But to ditch him based on performance for someone who has done worse is completely illogical!

Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:17 pm
by Windy_Hill
Sis, your argument would be better served with something of substance to support it.

Unfortunately you are basing your argument on Knights and Williams having similar poor records during the same time frame.

I dont think that is a fair analysis given that prior to this point in time, Williams had one of the best coaching records in the league over a sustained period including three straight years as minor premier, 2 GFs and one flag!

Yes, he probably overstayed his time at Port but a change of scenery, a new challenge is all that he will need to switch back into gear.

People are saying he is the best of a thin choice - reality is, his credentials put him right up there with the best coaches of the last decade. How you can then say Knights is his equal beggars belief.

Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:30 pm
by Sismis
Windy_Hill wrote:Sis, your argument would be better served with something of substance to support it.

Unfortunately you are basing your argument on Knights and Williams having similar poor records during the same time frame.

I dont think that is a fair analysis given that prior to this point in time, Williams had one of the best coaching records in the league over a sustained period including three straight years as minor premier, 2 GFs and one flag!

Yes, he probably overstayed his time at Port but a change of scenery, a new challenge is all that he will need to switch back into gear.

People are saying he is the best of a thin choice - reality is, his credentials put him right up there with the best coaches of the last decade. How you can then say Knights is his equal beggars belief.
The same time frame is the only comparison that can be made! What exactly is the "substance" to your contention that all of sudden, with a change of club, he will reverse his form of the last three years? This is simply wishful thinking. He may well be past it.

We dumped Sheedy, at the time he had won a flag 7 years earlier (Choco's was six). Won a minor premiership 6, 7 and 8 years earlier (Choco 6, 7 and 8 ). The only difference is Port limped into a GF as the worst grand finalist ever. That is how quickly the game can pass you by. Sheedy was one of the best coaches over nearly 3 decades.

Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:57 pm
by Windy_Hill
Who's to say Sheedy wont be a good coach again (unlikely, but not impossible)

C'mon Sis, you remind me of a good defence lawyer defending an obviously guilty client. Yes, you have an argument but I am sorry, the Jury just wont buy it.

Williams vs Knights is a no brainer - Williams, despite a downturn in fortunes, is clearly the better credentialled coach. I am not a fortune teller so I cant say he will do any better than Knights at Essendon - but based on his CV, he is the better option as of today.

Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:23 pm
by danstar84
Whatever happens, all applicant need to make sure their laptops and powerpoint presentations are in working order! :lol:

Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:30 pm
by j-mac31
danstar84 wrote:My ideal coaching panel would consist of:
Matthew Lloyd
I'd rather Bewick as forward line coach than Lloyd. He would be better able to work with the small guys who need work and teach some of them how to crumb a goal. Also he has been working at another club, which is always seen as beneficial.

Also has Lloydy given any indication he wants to give up his cushy media jobs?

FWIW I've changed my mind again and want Laidley as head coach now.

Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:48 pm
by uptick
All this Choco love is kinda weird, to me.

Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:20 pm
by Windy_Hill
uptick wrote:All this Choco love is kinda weird, to me.
My Momma always said, "Essendon is like a coaching box of Choco's, you never know what you're gonna get"

Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:26 pm
by patoman
I don't know wether Laidley is the right man for the job, think williams with richo as his assistant looks more likely at the moment. :?:
But I'd be upset if Evans didn't at least sound out Leathal to see if there's enough fire in the belly for one last go around..... he does owe us three premierships after all :!:

Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:38 pm
by hop
I voted for the Greens- but I would be happy if Tony Windsor became our next coach.

Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:40 pm
by rockhole
BenDoolan wrote:
jimmyc1985 wrote:Laidley is astute, experienced, hard-nosed and tactically shrewd, but is about as marketable as a cardboard box. So Williams has it over Laidley in this respect.
A very sensible, witty, logical and funny piece of writing. Totally agree!
My thoughts exactly. With all the recent pain, we need someone who in addition to their coaching skills is able to bring the supporters and media along with him.

Laidley just does not have an ounce of the required charisma.

Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:09 am
by uptick
Personally I'll take success over PR crap any day of the week.

Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:43 am
by little_ripper
Mark Williams will be ok.

ideally i would love the club to find another sheeds(the early 80s sheeds that is).

a young coach with a bit of mongrel about him, who is also a real thinker and innovator.

i think it was the mongrel that they missed out on with matty knights.(although who knows behind closed doors at the club).

Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:49 pm
by Rossoneri
From all reports, Knights was pretty scathing behind closed doors, and this is probably something that some players didn't like. McVeigh on SEN (a while ago) said that Sheedy was an optimist, even if you lose by 100 points, he would take positives out of it whereas Kinghts was a realist and would tell you then and there where you were at.

From that point of view, I kind of like Knights.

We need someone who can get rid of the factions in the club as well. Can Williams unite the club? Can he control some ego's in the Essendon changerooms?

Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:30 pm
by Windy_Hill
Rossoneri wrote: We need someone who can get rid of the factions in the club as well. Can Williams unite the club? Can he control some ego's in the Essendon changerooms?
Geez if Choco cant shut down the dressing room drama queens, I am not sure who could? Certainly not a mid 30's recently retired player

Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:20 pm
by JimboC
I liked Danstar84's coaching Panel...However,

IMHO I would rather have Dean Laidley coaching us, and I don't care about charisma. He got a whole lot out of Nth Melbourne when they were consistantly touted as cellar dwellers...better club, more resources, better potential supporing cast, who knows what might happen.

He could get a whole lot out of our list too...

Re: Poll: Do you want Choco to coach Essendon in 2011?

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:01 pm
by grassy1
I won't answer the question unless we know ALL the CANDIDATES.

Do I think CHOCO may have something to offer us.I'd like to think Yes,like the JUNKYARD DOG.And BOMBER?Nah,.......couldn't happen could it?Be a NO CONTEST if he applied.Won't happen.


SIMON MADDEN or G'OD want to have a CRACK?

RICHARDSON?Mmmm,might have something to offer.But if KNIGTA came from a Free Wheelin' Bottom of the Ladder RICHMOND,what hope has a Guy like RICHARDSON got just for being from 1990 COLLINGWOOD?

Could he do better than TUDDY on a Simple Win/Loss basis?