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Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 11:22 pm
by robrulz5
BenDoolan wrote:
robbie67 wrote:Even if his stats are shit, I don't care. Here is a stat. Running race V Goldstein = lose. Under no pressure on a half back flank, don't look and kick into our CHF forward area, so Norf can rebound and get a shot on goal = LOTS.
That effort with Goldstein was abysmal. f****** rubbish. Even North supporters (the two that were near me) laughed.

And still gets knocked over by a feather. f****** soft. Just please clear your locker and give it up.

He started well ahead of Goldstein there as well.

Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 11:37 pm
by hop
Finals maketh the footballer.

Was another lamentable display. At the ground there were collective groans from the Essendon faithful everytime it went near him in the second half.

This thief has his name on a locker and is a life member. Wake up EFC!!!!!

Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 12:23 am
by ZeroEffect
BenDoolan wrote:
robbie67 wrote:Even if his stats are shit, I don't care. Here is a stat. Running race V Goldstein = lose. Under no pressure on a half back flank, don't look and kick into our CHF forward area, so Norf can rebound and get a shot on goal = LOTS.
That effort with Goldstein was abysmal. f****** rubbish. Even North supporters (the two that were near me) laughed.

And still gets knocked over by a feather. f****** soft. Just please clear your locker and give it up.
Stanton has always been an outside midfielder and for whatever reason people seem to accept that. The problem is he isn't very good at it and hes always been slow and his disposal has always been ordinary.

Under Bomber Thompson he's lost his ability to not pick up a man so he's been forced to play somewhat accountable football. This obviously doesn't suit him.

For a senior player of over 200 games his performance tonight was a disgrace. He has little awareness of where his team mates are let alone the opposition. For him to play like that in the most important game we have had for years really hurts. Going forward I can't imagine a football side with Stanton in it winning a flag. He needs to be hopefully traded or delisted. One things for sure I don't want him at our club next year.

Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 12:25 am
by Windy_Hill
Blame Hird for the over expectations

I know Caro will

Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:04 am
by hop
Just finished reading posts on "Stants" on Bomberblitz.

According to some of the faithful he did try hard tonight and he is a valued player. I doesn't require too much cerebral activity to understand why we are mediocre.

Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:11 am
by BenDoolan
hop wrote:Just finished reading posts on "Stants" on Bomberblitz.

According to some of the faithful he did try hard tonight and he is a valued player. I doesn't require too much cerebral activity to understand why we are mediocre.
We deserve what we get then. We're destined to have a 50 year drought with this feeble minded dribble.

I think I sat next to some Blitzers on the train home tonight. Heard a couple of deluded supporters say "we put in a good effort tonight".

:roll: ](*,)

Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:11 am
by jimmyc1985
robbie67 wrote:
jimmyc1985 wrote:Ah. Good old Stants. Responsible for two of the three times i punched my computer while watching the game.

He is beyond cooked.
About f****** time, where the f*** have you been? This place could really use your above average IQ, to make up for a certain shit c*** that has been hanging around like herpes.
Moved to New York for work about a year ago. I still read the posts on here but work has been obscenely busy and the games are on at ungodly hours given the timezone differential, so i'm ashamed to admit that i missed quite a few this year (live, anyway - i'd try to watch the replay at some point later in the week but quite often failed doing that, as well). Still wake up for the big ones / important games, but i value my sleep more than i do getting up at 5am on Saturday mornings to watch 'just another game'.

I need to change my signature, by the way. This group is just never quite going to get the job done.

Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:19 am
by tonysoprano

f****** highlight of the season to see your ugly mug again!

Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:26 am
by jimmyc1985
tonysoprano wrote:jimmy!!!!!!!!!!

f****** highlight of the season to see your ugly mug again!
The season truly has been that dull, i guess :lol:.

Another year, more mediocrity. It's kind of nice being away from it, truth be told - i wake up in the morning, check the final score on my phone and am either chuffed or disappointed for about two minutes, then all's forgotten. I was exchanging messages just after the game with the two mates i used to go to every game in Melbourne with, and i just know how shit it would have been to be there in attendance with them and watch that dross unfold. I thought about turning my computer off 10 minutes into the third quarter when the result was already plastered all over the walls, but it was 7.30am and i wasn't going to do anything else productive, so i watched it unfold and didn't really even get that annoyed when we get run all over because it's so predictable (aside from punching my computer on Stanton-related issues).

I could stay overseas for a decade and i don't think i'll be missing any success. The club as an institution is f*****, it's more than just the playing list.

Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:33 am
by tonysoprano
its been a disappointing decade or so, but the last 2 have been tearing me inside out.

new york eh? nice one. trust its all going well.

Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:49 am
by jimmyc1985
tonysoprano wrote:its been a disappointing decade or so, but the last 2 have been tearing me inside out.

new york eh? nice one. trust its all going well.
The last decade has been appalling.

New York is going fantastically on the personal / life front, but i'm actually refreshing my CV on the couch at this very second :lol:!

Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:02 am
by auditor
Said it all about Stanton 2-3 years ago...he's not the only one though. Hocking at times showed a lake of awareness.

Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:31 am
by Jazz_84
I've defended him up until this year knowing he will never be elite but a good honest worker that every team needs, but this year has been a big step back for the guy, and it will be hard for him to get it back I suspect.

Him and Dempsey have had complete shockers this year, fumbles and fickle in basically every game, can't understand what's happened to them.

Bomber did hint at the fact that the saga has hit them harder then anyone has had us believe but once that ball is bounced surely your not thinking about that sort of stuff?

Truth be told Stants and Demps shouldn't be playing next year but they will. which in itself already has me :( about 2015

Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 10:03 am
by donsgetthere
white leon davis/nlm. No where to be seen when the pressure is on. Trade please.

Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 10:17 am
by robrulz5
BenDoolan wrote:
hop wrote:Just finished reading posts on "Stants" on Bomberblitz.

According to some of the faithful he did try hard tonight and he is a valued player. I doesn't require too much cerebral activity to understand why we are mediocre.
We deserve what we get then. We're destined to have a 50 year drought with this feeble minded dribble.

I think I sat next to some Blitzers on the train home tonight. Heard a couple of deluded supporters say "we put in a good effort tonight".

:roll: ](*,)
I've seen a lot of tweets about being "proud of the boys performance." What a f****** disgrace.

Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 10:39 am
by gringo
Stanton's first half was good. His defensive pressure was outstanding.

Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 11:00 am
by BenDoolan
gringo wrote:Stanton's first half was good. His defensive pressure was outstanding.
Gotchya now.

You're just taking the piss. Therefore, anything you write in the f*** off c**** thread is of similar persuasion.

Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 11:07 am
by gringo
BenDoolan wrote:
gringo wrote:Stanton's first half was good. His defensive pressure was outstanding.
Gotchya now.

You're just taking the piss. Therefore, anything you write in the f*** off c**** thread is of similar persuasion.
Second most tackles for Essendon.

Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 11:14 am
by robbie67
gringo wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:
gringo wrote:Stanton's first half was good. His defensive pressure was outstanding.
Gotchya now.

You're just taking the piss. Therefore, anything you write in the f*** off c**** thread is of similar persuasion.
Second most tackles for Essendon.
He had a reasonable second quarter. Everything else was just his typical trash. Bomb it with no thought? Yep. Kick a banana from the back pocket to the opposition? Yep. Be second to the contest? Yep. He ticks all the boxes. Second most ineffective tackles I think you'll find. Even your guide dog thinks he's no good, he just cant find a way to tell you.

Re: Congratulations Stanton

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 11:35 am
by BenDoolan
gringo wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:
gringo wrote:Stanton's first half was good. His defensive pressure was outstanding.
Gotchya now.

You're just taking the piss. Therefore, anything you write in the f*** off c**** thread is of similar persuasion.
Second most tackles for Essendon.
I find it interesting that you used to hammer the likes of Jobe and Stants and label them "junkety junk" when they were in their early 20's. Most thought it unfair because both guys had years ahead of them to improve. And so they did - mainly Jobe.

But here we are when they've played 200 games and should be leading and guiding the team through campaigns like last night. I can forgive Jobe due to an obvious physical issue which probably set him back to 80% fitness. But Brent, wow, what a liability.

As I said in another thread a few weeks ago, what does he add to the team? Doesn't hit the scoreboard, doesn't set anyone else up for goals, and doesn't defend any goals. In effect, he hurts us more than the opposition. Highlighted by last nights "performance".