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Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:37 pm
by jimmyc1985
Every time you feel anger at poor Keps, please jar that anger, and divide it as follows:

30% - Adrian Dodoro, for picking him at number 6. If he was picked at 46, no one would be half as worried as they are.
35% - Kevin Sheedy, for both his input in drafting Bradley and his apparent mishandling of the kid in failing to find him a position and hurting his confidence by mercilessly 'throwing him to the lions' last year.
20% - Miscellaneous coaching and technical staff, for not correcting the obvious errors in his skills set.
10% - Every other member of the team. If we were a better team, Bradley wouldn't play in the AFL, and if he wasn't in the AFL, we wouldn't be worried about him.
5% - Kepler himself. I'm sure he's trying his guts out but i had to give him a tiny portion of the anger.

It's looking like Mark Bolton all over again, and anyone who's harnessed and attributed all of their pent up anger over the years to Bolton himself would've either suicided or hunted Bolts down. Just learn to live with it and stop blaming Keps himself; he's an ordinary player, but he's trying his best and it's the idiots behind the scenes mentioned above that really deserve your vitriol.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:00 pm
by BenDoolan
Megan wrote:Benny you're getting this real "Blame Sheeds" thing going on aren't you ;)

I have a theory - no one person, whether he be player, coach, official or bootstudder can be blamed for an entire team playing like shite. It's usually a collective effort, and if I'm not wrong there aren't too many decisions made in a footy club by one induvidual these days?
The point I'm making is that some of us are continually banging the drum about how crap Bradley is, and how him being in the team is the reason why we will remain crap, then it is obvious that there is one person who makes that happen. Sheedy has a big say on selection. Sheedy has a big say on player positions. If those who wish to put a blowtorch on Bradley's ability, then I am suggesting that they use that blowtorch on the person who keeps giving him a game, and leaving him on the field.....

I mean it's that simple. If Sheedy thought along the same lines as those who keep assassinating Bradley, then #1 Bradley wouldn't be in the team and #2 Bradley wouldn't be at the club.

Think back just a little re:Henneman. Why did he remain on the list for so long? Who was responsible? When he was delisted, who was the one contemplating picking him back up in the PSD? If Mal Michael didn't change his mind, we would still be seeing Henno at the club.....

I just don't see the point on venting that much anger at the player himself, because in simple terms, he didn't select himself, and he didn't just walk around on the park without instruction.

FWIW, I don't believe Bradley was the cause of our loss the other night. And FWIW, I do believe his football development has gone backwards. At this point in time I am neither distressed or elated that he is in the team. I'm just pointing out to those who want to piss on him, that there is someone else responsible for him being there. And I am yet to hear them criticise that person for that fact.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:05 pm
by BenDoolan
jimmyc1985 wrote:Every time you feel anger at poor Keps, please jar that anger, and divide it as follows:

30% - Adrian Dodoro, for picking him at number 6. If he was picked at 46, no one would be half as worried as they are.
35% - Kevin Sheedy, for both his input in drafting Bradley and his apparent mishandling of the kid in failing to find him a position and hurting his confidence by mercilessly 'throwing him to the lions' last year.
20% - Miscellaneous coaching and technical staff, for not correcting the obvious errors in his skills set.
10% - Every other member of the team. If we were a better team, Bradley wouldn't play in the AFL, and if he wasn't in the AFL, we wouldn't be worried about him.
5% - Kepler himself. I'm sure he's trying his guts out but i had to give him a tiny portion of the anger.

It's looking like Mark Bolton all over again, and anyone who's harnessed and attributed all of their pent up anger over the years to Bolton himself would've either suicided or hunted Bolts down. Just learn to live with it and stop blaming Keps himself; he's an ordinary player, but he's trying his best and it's the idiots behind the scenes mentioned above that really deserve your vitriol.
Well, that sounds more like've answered Meggles better than I have....

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:27 pm
by rama_fan
Can I just add that Kepler did win the medal for the Best player over the course of the Division 1 national U18 Championships.

In other words he was the best rated kid in the country in the 2003 Championships. This is the same medal won by guys like Marc Murphy and Tom Hawkins.

He was also expected to go higher than the No.6 position we got him at, many on here thought he was "a steal" at No.6. He was rated by many as a top 3 selection.

So it's not as if we took some punt on an unconventional player, everyone in the football world thought he would make it and be a very handy addition to a side.

Geelong did come out and say they would have taken him at pick No.7 if we hadn't of.

Not that this does him any good on the field of course, I'm just saying at the time his selection was deemed an absolute "steal."

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:49 pm
by bpdons
I don't mind Kepps, i reckon he's ok. He does try very hard.
I hope he comes good and proves all you buggers wrong

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:29 am
by Windy_Hill
Lets hope KB reads these damn posts coz God knows he needs a fire cracker up his ass.

Enough is enough Kep

Get out there and do it for the fans or begone

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:27 am
by Sol
bpdons wrote:I don't mind Kepps, i reckon he's ok. He does try very hard.
I hope he comes good and proves all you buggers wrong
So do I mate!!

But like my feelings on Lucus years ago, im not wanting him cut or traded. Only played in the 2's until he deserves a senior match. Sure Lucus came good (better than good actually), but doesnt change the fact that some time in the two's may have sped up the turnaround in form.

Let the bloke get some confidence and maybe he'll come out the other end. Because ATM he is a liability.

As mentioned earlier he was touted as a great young talent. So at 20, sure give him time. But dont embaress the kid week after week, because he looks rediculous out there.

Finally, you guys are right, the selection panel including Sheeds are as much to blame as Bradley as they are contempt on allowing him to play in the 1's week after week.

But ultimately they saw something in him good enough to use pick 6, so clearly the talent was there. It's time for Bradley to deliver something, no excuses, pull the finger out, trust the instincts get that bloody ball and do something with it. He doesnt have to be a superstar (although he should) but at bare minimum be useful.