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Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:47 pm
by robrulz5
There are other players in line that deserve a pay rise more than he does.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:07 am
by Jazz_84
he wants to leave, let him!! f*** who does he think he is???

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:10 am
by hird22
where has he said, anywhere, at all that he wants to leave?
just because some random ****head comes on here and says, "Laycock wants to leave, Laycock wants a payrise" doesn't mean he acutally does.
i'll beleive either of those stories when i see an offical statement, or on SEN or big footy ;)

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 3:18 am
by nomolos
hird22 wrote:where has he said, anywhere, at all that he wants to leave?
just because some random ****head comes on here and says, "Laycock wants to leave, Laycock wants a payrise" doesn't mean he acutally does.
i'll beleive either of those stories when i see an offical statement, or on SEN or big footy ;)

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:01 am
by danstar84
Nothing wrong with asking for a pay rise, but if he is holding the club to ransom over it, bugger that.

By the way, where did this story come from? I havent seen anything in the media?

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:28 am
by beer-man
If other clubs are prepared to offer him more money, then it would appear that demand is such that he can seek what the others are offering from the club. Whilst he may take a bit less to stay, no one is going to hang around when their services are wanted more elsewhere.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 7:05 pm
by Sartorius
Certainly has the potential to be a great player, but potential isnt enough to argue for a pay rise. He has played a few good games, but he needs to consistently prove himself before claiming to be a key player

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 8:29 am
by Filthy
Windy_Hill wrote:Fair comment - Filthy. Do you think he is a player though. Can we ever get this kid up, or should we just cut our losses.

Maybe Laycock holding out for some more dough makes it easier for us to let go of a problem child without any fan backlash?
If ANZAC Day is any guide Windy yes....however with this current matter I have to question what is going on between the ears, something this Club views seriously. Just ask the 10 blokes who got the flick last year how seriously we do.

As for those who ask about the veracity of the "facts" it was reported in the press that the Clubs 2 year offer was "light years" away from Jason's requirements by his Player Manager (parasites).

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 8:57 am
by beer-man
It seems that the supply of promising young ruckman well exceeds demand hence why somone had no problems with being able to list three or four clubs would be knocking at the door should the cock choose to go elsewhere.

In this climate it is no different than what happened to bananas after the Cyclone up north, bananas are no better than apples or pears but becuase there was less of them, their price went up. Some people were happy to pay the big dollars for bananas, others looked elsewhere.

Same, it seems with young ruckmen, there arn't many around, so the demand has pushed up the price. Same young ruckman is now worth more.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 1:15 pm
by jimmyc1985
Interesting Filthy that you point to Laycock's ANZAC Day performance last year as proof of his potential; i didn't think he was really all that great.

He basically played a kick behind the play and sat in Collingwood's forward line 'hole', they continually bombed the ball in high and long and he just kept picking off the marks. Rocca wasn't playing for them either so as i remember it most of Layock's marks were essentially uncontested. Any player can perform that role - see Jason Cloke. Moreover, Fraser wasn't playing that game, so he wasn't opposed to a half-decent ruckman.

I don't really rate Laycock that much at all. But the fact that i rate Cartledge far less means we should try to keep Laycock, unless we can trade for another semi-established ruckman.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:13 pm
by rama_fan
Don't believe any talk about player movements until our list is finalised.

I reckon Jason will be on our list next year.