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Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:41 pm
by robrulz5
I don't think I've seen him play a worse game that he did today. To be beaten by Croad of all players is a disgrace.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 11:11 pm
by rama_fan
I don't care what sort of day he has,even if the delivery is horrible, if he kicks 0.9 or if he gets every 50/50 decision against him.

But - he's the captain.

He was chosen in that f***'n privileged role for a reason, it's about time he started showing it.

He was more than happy to call a 6AM recovery session last year when we lost and he wasn't playing. Is he going to be so ruthless about his own performance now?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:50 am
by Windy_Hill
Jesus some of you guys are unforgiving bastards!!

This guy has been a complete champion for this club.

Have a look at yourselves!!

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:22 am
by BenDoolan
Windy_Hill wrote:Jesus some of you guys are unforgiving bastards!!

This guy has been a complete champion for this club.

Have a look at yourselves!!
He played a shit game, and deserves the criticism. Simple as that.

So what, he's been a champ. Yes we know. He is captain and has been undisciplined quite a bit this year. Getting suspended, getting sucked in, not being where he bloody well should be. Take a look at his work up the ground. He takes a good grab yes, but then hesitates and doesn't have a clue how to move the ball on quickly. As much as he wants to play upfield, he isn't a Jonathon Brown type. Simple as that.

You seem to think the only blokes that should be criticised are the Mark Bolton's and Kepler Bradley's....

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:08 am
by boncer34
BenDoolan wrote:
Windy_Hill wrote:Jesus some of you guys are unforgiving bastards!!

This guy has been a complete champion for this club.

Have a look at yourselves!!
He played a shit game, and deserves the criticism. Simple as that.

So what, he's been a champ. Yes we know. He is captain and has been undisciplined quite a bit this year. Getting suspended, getting sucked in, not being where he bloody well should be. Take a look at his work up the ground. He takes a good grab yes, but then hesitates and doesn't have a clue how to move the ball on quickly. As much as he wants to play upfield, he isn't a Jonathon Brown type. Simple as that.

You seem to think the only blokes that should be criticised are the Mark Bolton's and Kepler Bradley's....
Holy shit Benny all of a sudden we're on the same page. I'm feeling a certain fondness for you now. :wink:

But shh dont mention the suspension, it wasn't his fault remember. :roll: It was the tribunals and umpires and the little old lady sitting in the stands fault that he hit the melbourne bloke late and out of play.

Also how dare you say we can heap blame on anyone but Keps and Bolts? We all know that if they play and we lose its all their fault, they alone are the measuring stick for this side. :roll:

Speaking of Keps, last week was a shocker even I'll admitt that. But to the f***wit that leaned over the fence and yelled in his ear, "YOU SHOULD f****** RETIRE BRADLEY." I still stand by threat to knock your f****** block off if you do it again, granted we we're both slightly intoxicated but shit how is comments like that helping anyone?

Re: Matthew Lloyd

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:00 pm
by j-mac31
Essendon4eva wrote:I thin the third one has alot to do wiht the 30 second rule. he still takes a very long run up, which means he has to rush through everything else. Shorten the run up and I think his accuracy will increase.
Maybe, but it's not so much his run up that take up so much time.

He fixes his laces, pulls his socks up, pulls his shorts up higher (didn't think that was possible) and tosses grass into the air two or three times.

It pisses me off too these days, it used to only be opposition supporters. Just go back and kick the f****** ball.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:07 pm
by robrulz5

I thought we were getting stuck into him!

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:45 pm
by Windy_Hill
BenDoolan wrote:
Windy_Hill wrote:Jesus some of you guys are unforgiving bastards!!

This guy has been a complete champion for this club.

Have a look at yourselves!!
He played a shit game, and deserves the criticism. Simple as that.

So what, he's been a champ. Yes we know. He is captain and has been undisciplined quite a bit this year. Getting suspended, getting sucked in, not being where he bloody well should be. Take a look at his work up the ground. He takes a good grab yes, but then hesitates and doesn't have a clue how to move the ball on quickly. As much as he wants to play upfield, he isn't a Jonathon Brown type. Simple as that.

You seem to think the only blokes that should be criticised are the Mark Bolton's and Kepler Bradley's....
Not that I am a pathalogical Bradley/Bolton basher - far from it. But to even suggest that Lloyd should be dumped into the same basket as the abovementioned underachievers on the basis of a poor game is patently stupid.

The fact is that he is struggling - bif f****** deal - take a ticket and get in line. The club is clearly struggling and Lloyd is not the only culprit.

He is not a natural leader and I do think he was th wrong choice for captain but to bag the guy in this manner reeks of Richmond

I stand by what I said - you guys are unforgiving

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 7:41 pm
by rama_fan
Windy_Hill wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:
Windy_Hill wrote:Jesus some of you guys are unforgiving bastards!!

This guy has been a complete champion for this club.

Have a look at yourselves!!
He played a shit game, and deserves the criticism. Simple as that.

So what, he's been a champ. Yes we know. He is captain and has been undisciplined quite a bit this year. Getting suspended, getting sucked in, not being where he bloody well should be. Take a look at his work up the ground. He takes a good grab yes, but then hesitates and doesn't have a clue how to move the ball on quickly. As much as he wants to play upfield, he isn't a Jonathon Brown type. Simple as that.

You seem to think the only blokes that should be criticised are the Mark Bolton's and Kepler Bradley's....
Not that I am a pathalogical Bradley/Bolton basher - far from it. But to even suggest that Lloyd should be dumped into the same basket as the abovementioned underachievers on the basis of a poor game is patently stupid.

The fact is that he is struggling - bif f****** deal - take a ticket and get in line. The club is clearly struggling and Lloyd is not the only culprit.

He is not a natural leader and I do think he was th wrong choice for captain but to bag the guy in this manner reeks of Richmond

I stand by what I said - you guys are unforgiving
Give me a break.

No one is bagging the guy - everyone is bagging his performance.

More so because he is one of our elite performers and our captain.

He should be more accountable because of his ability and status - you're overprotecting him and trying to wrap him in cotton wool. Meanwhile you're happy to rip into players who do not have Lloyd's ability.

Lloyd's performance was more than just "having one of those days", his performance was more like a much maligned Richmond forward at his worst.

And that comparison is a lot more accurate than your Richmond comparison.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 7:41 pm
by rama_fan
Windy_Hill wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:
Windy_Hill wrote:Jesus some of you guys are unforgiving bastards!!

This guy has been a complete champion for this club.

Have a look at yourselves!!
He played a shit game, and deserves the criticism. Simple as that.

So what, he's been a champ. Yes we know. He is captain and has been undisciplined quite a bit this year. Getting suspended, getting sucked in, not being where he bloody well should be. Take a look at his work up the ground. He takes a good grab yes, but then hesitates and doesn't have a clue how to move the ball on quickly. As much as he wants to play upfield, he isn't a Jonathon Brown type. Simple as that.

You seem to think the only blokes that should be criticised are the Mark Bolton's and Kepler Bradley's....
Not that I am a pathalogical Bradley/Bolton basher - far from it. But to even suggest that Lloyd should be dumped into the same basket as the abovementioned underachievers on the basis of a poor game is patently stupid.

The fact is that he is struggling - bif f****** deal - take a ticket and get in line. The club is clearly struggling and Lloyd is not the only culprit.

He is not a natural leader and I do think he was th wrong choice for captain but to bag the guy in this manner reeks of Richmond

I stand by what I said - you guys are unforgiving
Give me a break.

No one is bagging the guy - everyone is bagging his performance.

More so because he is one of our elite performers and our captain.

He should be more accountable because of his ability and status - you're overprotecting him and trying to wrap him in cotton wool. Meanwhile you're happy to rip into players who do not have Lloyd's ability.

Lloyd's performance was more than just "having one of those days", his performance was more like a much maligned Richmond forward at his worst.

And that comparison is a lot more accurate than your Richmond comparison.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 9:08 pm
by BenDoolan
Windy_Hill wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:
Windy_Hill wrote:Jesus some of you guys are unforgiving bastards!!

This guy has been a complete champion for this club.

Have a look at yourselves!!
He played a shit game, and deserves the criticism. Simple as that.

So what, he's been a champ. Yes we know. He is captain and has been undisciplined quite a bit this year. Getting suspended, getting sucked in, not being where he bloody well should be. Take a look at his work up the ground. He takes a good grab yes, but then hesitates and doesn't have a clue how to move the ball on quickly. As much as he wants to play upfield, he isn't a Jonathon Brown type. Simple as that.

You seem to think the only blokes that should be criticised are the Mark Bolton's and Kepler Bradley's....
Not that I am a pathalogical Bradley/Bolton basher - far from it. But to even suggest that Lloyd should be dumped into the same basket as the abovementioned underachievers on the basis of a poor game is patently stupid.

The fact is that he is struggling - bif f****** deal - take a ticket and get in line. The club is clearly struggling and Lloyd is not the only culprit.

He is not a natural leader and I do think he was th wrong choice for captain but to bag the guy in this manner reeks of Richmond

I stand by what I said - you guys are unforgiving
Well, thats bullshit. The club IS NOT struggling. In case you weren't aware, we were a real chance of staying in the 8 and participating in this year's finals. Matthew Lloyd is struggling - yes. Unforgiving? Na, just honest - he needs a f****** good kick up the arse.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 9:09 pm
by Dr P
bombers_rock wrote:
Dr P wrote:He's crap, he is worse than an Italian soccer player in front of goal.
What a load of "crap", as you put it.

Of the 4 posts you've made, all but 1 is of a negative nature. Are you capable of a strike rate of more than 25% positivity? :P
f*** off!

Its not how many posts you make dickhead.

So you don't think he dives?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 9:39 pm
by dingus
What is your doctorate in? Diplomacy?

Welcome to the Bombertalk Forum. A word of advice: It'll be a much more positive experience for you if you ease up on the aggro for your next few posts.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 11:59 pm
by Brumaz
I never want to see Lloydy play for a free kick ever again. simple as that. go hard for the ball, and screw everything else. work for the team

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:55 am
by Windy_Hill
BenDoolan wrote:
Windy_Hill wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:
Windy_Hill wrote:Jesus some of you guys are unforgiving bastards!!

This guy has been a complete champion for this club.

Have a look at yourselves!!
He played a shit game, and deserves the criticism. Simple as that.

So what, he's been a champ. Yes we know. He is captain and has been undisciplined quite a bit this year. Getting suspended, getting sucked in, not being where he bloody well should be. Take a look at his work up the ground. He takes a good grab yes, but then hesitates and doesn't have a clue how to move the ball on quickly. As much as he wants to play upfield, he isn't a Jonathon Brown type. Simple as that.

You seem to think the only blokes that should be criticised are the Mark Bolton's and Kepler Bradley's....
Not that I am a pathalogical Bradley/Bolton basher - far from it. But to even suggest that Lloyd should be dumped into the same basket as the abovementioned underachievers on the basis of a poor game is patently stupid.

The fact is that he is struggling - bif f****** deal - take a ticket and get in line. The club is clearly struggling and Lloyd is not the only culprit.

He is not a natural leader and I do think he was th wrong choice for captain but to bag the guy in this manner reeks of Richmond

I stand by what I said - you guys are unforgiving
Well, thats bullshit. The club IS NOT struggling. In case you weren't aware, we were a real chance of staying in the 8 and participating in this year's finals. Matthew Lloyd is struggling - yes. Unforgiving? Na, just honest - he needs a f****** good kick up the arse.
Benny, if you can honestly say the club is not struggling you are a dead set moron :wink: . Equal last in 2006 and lucky to have more than 6 wins on the board in 2007.

We will only win 2 more games this year (thankfully due to our draw against 2 teams playing for draft picks) so overall the result looks respectable but I think that is clouding the real deep problems we have currently

Hopefully a new coach, some more quality in the draft and a post season clean out (of deadwood and attitude) will see a spring in the heels in 2008. But right now we as a club have become the very thing we have always loathed in others

A Rabble both ON and OFF the field.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:24 am
by BenDoolan
Windy_Hill wrote:
Benny, if you can honestly say the club is not struggling you are a dead set moron :wink: . Equal last in 2006 and lucky to have more than 6 wins on the board in 2007.

We will only win 2 more games this year (thankfully due to our draw against 2 teams playing for draft picks) so overall the result looks respectable but I think that is clouding the real deep problems we have currently

Hopefully a new coach, some more quality in the draft and a post season clean out (of deadwood and attitude) will see a spring in the heels in 2008. But right now we as a club have become the very thing we have always loathed in others

A Rabble both ON and OFF the field.
Na, struggling would have been contending for the bottom 3 positions of the ladder the whole season. We've been in the 8 or hovering around it for 17 rounds. That aint struggling. The improvement in players like Watson, Winderlich, Ryder, Nash, Slattery and to some extent, Dyson has been refreshing. The consistency of Stanton, Peverill, McVeigh, Fletcher, Hird, Welsh and Lucas, has been great. The emergence of Davey, Jetta, Houli, Gumby and Hislop gives us hope. That's not a "rabble". Sure there are the year's disappointments in Monfries, MJ, JJ, Hille, Laycock (who both have been good recently), and I'd have to throw Lloyd in the disappointments for the year. Sheeds is finished - and that's fair enough, but the onfield desire, inspiration, leadership is up to the skipper to encourage and display. That was not evident on Sunday, and that is most disappointing. He has to unite the playing group and lead by example. Most of the guys have been jolted by the Sheedy decision, but Lloydy needs to get on with the business, show good body language and gather the team and get them focussed. But quite right, we were a "rabble" on Sunday, and I believe there is one guy who needs to stand up and be counted during this time. Over to you Mr Lloyd.....

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:59 am
by swoodley
Jesus Windy, if we do manage to beat carlton and richmond, we will finish the season with 11 wins and after managing only 3 and a draw last year it's pretty clear to me that we have improved.

If we had been told at the start of the year that the team would win 11 games, I suggest that probably 80-90% of posters here would have gladly accepted that.

Although you say we were lucky to have more than 6 wins, there is a well known saying "you make your own luck" which is what we did this year in the close games. Last year we couldn't win those games an that in itself is a major improvement.

Development of players such as Winderlich, Davey, Nash, Hislop, Laycock and Ryder plus debuts from Gumby, Jetta and Houli are all signs of improvement at the club on field.

As for your comment about rabble off field...apart from the Sheedy episode, where else has the club done or been doing wrong off field?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:28 pm
by bombers_rock
I couldn't say it better than that swoodley.

I'll certainly take 11 wins and just miss out on the finals (or just make it, yet to be seen) over 3.5 and being nowhere near it.

Yes, we've struggled in some individual matches. But in others (one in particular) we've been very competitive but done by the better team on the day - I refer to Geelong and the Kangaroos specifically - and in others we've been competitive and actually managed to win (Adelaide, Sydney, West Coast).

I can't wait for 2008. We should improve even further.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 6:01 pm
by jimmyc1985
Good to see he was as hurt by last week as we were.

He's as fired up today as i've seen him in quite some time.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 6:05 pm
by Gyoza
good to hear