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Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:18 pm
by BenDoolan
swoodley wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:
grassy1 wrote:Does that mean,we are just as INSULAR, DEFENSIVE and HEAD IN THE SAND as the WEST COAST OSTRICHES whose Board is ACCOUNTABLE to NO ONE,when they f*** UP?
Just out of interest, what exactly has the West Coast Board f***** up? They won the flag last year or am I mistaken?
Where do I start?

They buried their heads in the sand re the Cousins situation (just about everyone in Perth knew Cousins was dabbling in "substances") even though they were aware as early as July last year of his problems...but they won a flag so who cares? :roll:

They took no action of any merit on any of the occasions that Kerr was arrested for beating up on various members of the public

They suggested to Cousins and Gardiner that they stop associating with known "persons of interest to the police" and then did nothing when they were ignored.
So you think the members should spill the board because Ben Cousins is a drug addict? How is that the board's fault? Unfortunately these guys are contracted and therefore bound by the club and the board have every right to try and deal with that issue inhouse and the way they see fit. They do not have to tell the media, and they do not have to terminate the contract. What you would hope they would do is give the individual every reasonable chance to reslove their personal issues, and I believe that is what they have done.

I don't like Ben Cousins. I think he is a ****. But I certainly do not blame the West Coast Eagles board for what he is.

What is far more disturbing is the weak approach adopted by the AFL administration over this issue, which may stretch far wider than the West Coast Eagles football club. Didn't the AFL get an injunction on the media for releasing the names of those who tested positive for out of season testing? And didn't they stand idley by while this whole episode unfolded?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 3:29 pm
by swoodley
BD, I wasn't talking about spilling the board at the eagles...I don't give a toss what they do.

I was just answering your question about where they had f***** up.

And was it their fault that Cousins had a drug problem....probably not directly but they must have been aware of his issues due to the already stated point that just about everyone in Perth knew he had problems and yet they chose to do nothing.

Did/do they have a responsibility/duty of care to his employer they certainly did/do and they failed in that duty of care by continually overlooking his misdemeanours because of his ability on the field.

Maybe if they had acted with Cousins like we did when Jetta got on the piss in Tassie, and pulled him up earlier in his career, he might not have gone so far off the rails.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 3:31 pm
by jimmyc1985
For those who want to relive the moment: ... %26st%3D30

Probably shouldn't make fun of a group of people who probably well-intentioned, but the way the guys on TFS built it up was pretty funny. I don't normally find TFS funny at all, but they did that segment very well, what with Sam Newman going on about how this uprising was going to put Chairman Mao in the shade.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 3:39 pm
by paddyl90
F111 wrote:
JumboPaddy wrote:What an embarrassment for Essendon what the hell was that meeting of a "strong" force pushin for board spill, bloody hell, why can't people just face it an move on? far out. All i can say is embarrassing :oops:
No, not embarassing at all.
The overwhelming majority of voting EFC members chose not to show up. Solidarity at EFC continues.
Well that's good then :wink: but to those who went cmon lol.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 3:49 pm
by KaaN10
What a joke!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:03 pm
by robrulz5
Good to see that no one takes this crap seriously. Hopefully they can all now move on.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:52 pm
by dom_105
jimmyc1985 wrote:For those who want to relive the moment: ... %26st%3D30
"Callistics" lol :)

Poor Hutchy.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:53 pm
by BenDoolan
swoodley wrote:BD, I wasn't talking about spilling the board at the eagles...I don't give a toss what they do.

I was just answering your question about where they had f***** up.

And was it their fault that Cousins had a drug problem....probably not directly but they must have been aware of his issues due to the already stated point that just about everyone in Perth knew he had problems and yet they chose to do nothing.

Did/do they have a responsibility/duty of care to his employer they certainly did/do and they failed in that duty of care by continually overlooking his misdemeanours because of his ability on the field.

Maybe if they had acted with Cousins like we did when Jetta got on the piss in Tassie, and pulled him up earlier in his career, he might not have gone so far off the rails.
Cheers swoods.

I presumed that you were suggesting the WCE board ought to be sacked. The thread is regarding who wish to spill the EFC board. Grassy implied that we as supporters are like the ostriches over in the West re:WCE board who have been held "unaccountable" for "their" fuckups. So it seems Grassy thinks the WCE board needs to be held accountable and challenged just like ours.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 7:01 pm
by dom_105
Isn't the West Coast license owned by the West Australian Football Commission anyway?

I thought they wern't as open and exposed to the damage caused by the whole "100 signatures" business as former VFL clubs.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:39 pm
by bombers_rock
It wasn't Save Essendon. It was some meeting about rare yellow titted humming somethingorothers. ;)

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:48 pm
by Gyoza
Fair someone who hasn`t seen any Aus TV for 6 months, Hutchy is getting even stupider and stupider. Sitting there trying to justify it as an actual story while everyone around him pisses themselves.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:42 pm
by grassy1
I was merely Drawing a Paralell Ben.

West Coast are accountable to NO ONE.Well,the WA Football Commission may tell you otherwise on a Technicality,but in reality they are as THICK AS THIEVES with the EAGLES.

As for their fans,well they're Hopeless.0ne eyed,INSULAR TWITS who simply saw any criticism of Player Conduct and the way the club handled it,as Victorian Rubbish.

As for us,I'll take PATRICK SMITH'S Words OVER A FOOL like HORSBURGH any day.He and the BOARD made a COMPLETE COCK UP OF IT in the last month and DESERVE EVERY KICK UP THE ARSE THEY GET!

Especially NOW that VOSS is looking like a CLASS CLOWN!

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:11 am
by BenDoolan
grassy1 wrote:I was merely Drawing a Paralell Ben.

West Coast are accountable to NO ONE.Well,the WA Football Commission may tell you otherwise on a Technicality,but in reality they are as THICK AS THIEVES with the EAGLES.

As for their fans,well they're Hopeless.0ne eyed,INSULAR TWITS who simply saw any criticism of Player Conduct and the way the club handled it,as Victorian Rubbish.

As for us,I'll take PATRICK SMITH'S Words OVER A FOOL like HORSBURGH any day.He and the BOARD made a COMPLETE COCK UP OF IT in the last month and DESERVE EVERY KICK UP THE ARSE THEY GET!

Especially NOW that VOSS is looking like a CLASS CLOWN!
Ah, I'm with ya now. I do think Horsburgh has been a twit in the last month - no question. He won't last. As for the other board members, well, they've been silent, except for Peter Jackson who has been trying to weather the storm of criticism thanks to Horsburgh. Spill the board? Na. Get rid of one or two of them? Yes. Jackson though, must stay.

Obviously you are much closer to the WCE nest and can see the arrogance much more clearly than me.