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Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 12:21 pm
by robbie67
Essendon4eva wrote:Actually I'd rather contribute to society with a honest job, rather than making money sitting on your ass playing poker. CONTRIBUTING tax dollars to society!
But you spread your cheeks, and tell them to make you an offer you cant refuse. By the way, poker is my second job. I make more money just in my first job, than your lazy arsed old man who cant get out of bed in the morning.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 12:26 pm
by Essendon4eva
And with all that, you can't buy a set of balls! You have my address Mr. Money maker.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 12:33 pm
by Doctor Fish
Come on boys...



Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 1:07 pm
by Sismis
Anyway...... next year could be a tough one but I think if we go in with resonable expectations it could be very rewarding year.

What i'm hoping for is to see every player on the list given a crack. I'd be happy to see older guys like Fletch actually rested to give younger guys responsibility.

With the extra cash we have in our coffers I'd like to see each player given individual incentives to improve the various parts of their game.

We need to really experiment with new ideas, knowing we'll get punished for some, but maybe finding something in others.

A similar finish tot his year is a good median goal. making the finals is probably an upper level goal. BUT a lower finish as lon the above happens is still a good result.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:31 pm
by rockhole
After reading most of this, went out to the bathroom to slash my wrists but was laughing too much over the longest running "lovers spat"

New coach, most of the deadwood gone, bunch of kids who could produce almost anything and some genuine stars. I figured we could be a little more optimistic.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:40 am
by hop
You can't trade if you haven't got bait or aren't prepared to offer any Essendon have traditionally been piss poor in trade week and this year was no exception.

I'm glad we hung onto our 2 picks inside 25. I'm glad we picked up a son of a gun who wants to play for us. I'm happy with all the retirements and delistings thus far - I hope for 2 more (either Johnson, Johnson or Bradley).
I'm impressed with everything Knighta has said and done to this point in time. I look at the deals that other clubs have done and nothing says to me "F****** hell that was clever" or "Gee they've done well"

The 2008 draw and injuries are the 2 things out of our control - everything else is falling into place.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 2:02 pm
by Windy_Hill
I am sure we can maintain a win loss ratio of about 50/50.

Good feelings about several younger players-Ryder, Gumbleton, Neagle, Hocking, Houli, Hislop, Dempsey, Jetta, Davey, Daniher

Nash, Monfries, Slattery, Stanton, Winderlich, Watson to get better under a younger coach

Laycock poised to take the next step and get a lot fitter

Reliability in the form of Lucas, Lloyd, Fletcher

I dont think its too bad at all

There's something about Knighta!!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:51 pm
by Rossoneri
I would be happy if we win 8 games next year. I said this year that I would have been more happy losing two extra games provided players like Houli, Hislop, Jetta, Dempsey, Dyson, Reimers, Hocking etc had have played more games.

We pretty much have to start our re-building from 2008 as Sheeds was too stubborn to start it in 2006.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:14 am
by bombercol
To be honest I'm not expecting September action for us next year.

As from today our list will see a couple more let go in my opinion, some new faces, a recruit from elsewhere in the PSD and Darcy Daniher.

I'm looking forward to our how we play under different instruction and ideas of a new coach.

We do rely on Hird a lot and our older guys so the ongoing development of our young players who have been around a few years now will be critical.

Monfries, Winderlich, Stanton, Slattery, Ryder, Lovett, NLM.

Looking forward to Froggie Davey getting back and stuck in and the promise of Houli, Dempsey, Jetta, Gumbleton etc getting more opportunities.

I'll throw one out of left field and suggest that Davey should be put into our leadership group, he's a bit older than the main crop of kids and he showed everyone the way on how important second efforts, pressure, tackling and simply using your best abililty to create for your team. I thought he was my huge highlight of 2007.

Looking forward to Jobe too, I reckon he'll have a great year under Knights and there'll be a sense of showing up Sheedy's unfair criticism of him.

Lucas should be stamped never to leave the forward line again.

I think we will just have to be patient while we sought ourselves out, all I ask is if we have a dip and play for each other and our mighty jumper each week.