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Post by Sismis »

As long as people realise, these "results" will not happen overnight. We have a lot of tinkering to do. This is essential for long term success but may not yeild much in the way of results next year.
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Post by keri »

gringo wrote:
keri wrote:
gringo wrote:
keri wrote:Soccer is a completely different ball game (Literally) There's a totally different level of fitness, and an entirely different sub-set of muscle development required at elite levels of AFL. If you fail to grasp even that simple premise, then really, you have no hope of ever understanding the decisions made in this game.

As for NFL, which is the most similar game in NFL, because of the different strings used, again, the fitness level and type of fitness required is completely different.
Other AFL clubs have appointed fitness coaches from the major soccer clubs in Europe who have been exposed to all the best techniques, procedures and technical expertise the world has to offer. The fact that players use different muscle groups would take all of five minutes for an expert coach to pick up on. You guys are even more deluded than I thought if you think that these guys can't work across a range of sports successfully. If anything, it would add to their appeal.

We've gone and got ourselves a bloke who knocked around VUT (hardly one of the Australia's let alone the world's elite education facilities) spent some time at Richmond whilst the club was about the worst in the country and then went to St Kilda where he got the boot. Brilliant. I'm so thrilled.

But please stick your head in the sand like most supporters on this site if it makes you happy.
Oh, well if everyone else is doing it, we should be as well! Look, Gringo, there's a group of people jumping off that cliff! Off you go. By that logic, you simpleton, we should also be getting a drugie as a former captain, a criminal as a chief exec, a fat bastard with a bung knee as full forward and encourage all our players to sleep with their team-mates wives!

You know why Essendon is better than the other clubs, Gringo? BECAUSE WE DON'T JUST FOLLOW THE PACK!
Yes, my logic would encourage all of those things. Hmmmm. Were you dropped on your head as a small child Keri? Did your parents hold your head under water for extended periods? I'm just trying to work out how you can draw a link between me wanting to appoint a fitness/rehab coach who has worked at the best sporting clubs on the planet, and your conclusion that this proposition means that I wish to appoint "a fat bastard with a bung knee as full forward". I'm trying desperately hard to join the dots, but for the life of me I can't.

Look, on paper this looks like a dud appointment. Only time will tell whether or not the correct decision was made.
Your logic is that because other clubs have done it, we should as well. You don't look at the facts objectively, you look at the facts from a pessimistic point of view and try and come up with the easiest way of using them to criticise the club. You lambast people before they have even commenced a role at the club, you don't look at the big picture, you're negative, you seem unable to grasp that complicated situations call for solutions that might seem outside the box. If you don't personally endorse a decision, then everyone is a dickhead if they do.

You seem to think that because you can use Google effectively, which surprises me in itself that you know more about the appointment of a rehab coach to a club than the club - with all it's resources and insider knowledge - does.

And I could be dropped on my head every day from birth to death and hold myself under the water for a minimum of an hour a day and I'm tipping I'd still kick your f****** arse in any intelligence test, logic test, or quotiant test you care to name, you rancid pile of monkey vomit.
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Post by gringo »

keri wrote:
gringo wrote:
keri wrote:
gringo wrote:
keri wrote:Soccer is a completely different ball game (Literally) There's a totally different level of fitness, and an entirely different sub-set of muscle development required at elite levels of AFL. If you fail to grasp even that simple premise, then really, you have no hope of ever understanding the decisions made in this game.

As for NFL, which is the most similar game in NFL, because of the different strings used, again, the fitness level and type of fitness required is completely different.
Other AFL clubs have appointed fitness coaches from the major soccer clubs in Europe who have been exposed to all the best techniques, procedures and technical expertise the world has to offer. The fact that players use different muscle groups would take all of five minutes for an expert coach to pick up on. You guys are even more deluded than I thought if you think that these guys can't work across a range of sports successfully. If anything, it would add to their appeal.

We've gone and got ourselves a bloke who knocked around VUT (hardly one of the Australia's let alone the world's elite education facilities) spent some time at Richmond whilst the club was about the worst in the country and then went to St Kilda where he got the boot. Brilliant. I'm so thrilled.

But please stick your head in the sand like most supporters on this site if it makes you happy.
Oh, well if everyone else is doing it, we should be as well! Look, Gringo, there's a group of people jumping off that cliff! Off you go. By that logic, you simpleton, we should also be getting a drugie as a former captain, a criminal as a chief exec, a fat bastard with a bung knee as full forward and encourage all our players to sleep with their team-mates wives!

You know why Essendon is better than the other clubs, Gringo? BECAUSE WE DON'T JUST FOLLOW THE PACK!
Yes, my logic would encourage all of those things. Hmmmm. Were you dropped on your head as a small child Keri? Did your parents hold your head under water for extended periods? I'm just trying to work out how you can draw a link between me wanting to appoint a fitness/rehab coach who has worked at the best sporting clubs on the planet, and your conclusion that this proposition means that I wish to appoint "a fat bastard with a bung knee as full forward". I'm trying desperately hard to join the dots, but for the life of me I can't.

Look, on paper this looks like a dud appointment. Only time will tell whether or not the correct decision was made.
Your logic is that because other clubs have done it, we should as well. You don't look at the facts objectively, you look at the facts from a pessimistic point of view and try and come up with the easiest way of using them to criticise the club. You lambast people before they have even commenced a role at the club, you don't look at the big picture, you're negative, you seem unable to grasp that complicated situations call for solutions that might seem outside the box. If you don't personally endorse a decision, then everyone is a dickhead if they do.

You seem to think that because you can use Google effectively, which surprises me in itself that you know more about the appointment of a rehab coach to a club than the club - with all it's resources and insider knowledge - does.

And I could be dropped on my head every day from birth to death and hold myself under the water for a minimum of an hour a day and I'm tipping I'd still kick your f****** arse in any intelligence test, logic test, or quotiant test you care to name, you rancid pile of monkey vomit.
I wrote:

1. EFC should get the most qualified person available to act as fitness/rehab coach

2. On paper, the bloke we have appointed looks dubious.

3. Other clubs, most notably Geelong and Collingwood, have appointed fitness/rehab coaches who have had experience working in sports clubs in Europe and the United States where they would have been exposed to world's best practices.

4. Considering the wealth of experience that such coaches would have built up, it would seem wise for EFC to appoint such a coach.

Now, according to "Keri logic" this means the following:

1. I don't look at the big picture

2. I fail to grasp complicated situations that call for solutions "out of the box"

3. I think EFC should appoint a druggy as captain.

4. I think we should appoint a criminal as chief executive of EFC.

Now Keri, before you actually type something, please explain what goes through your head, because I'm intrigued. Do you close your eyes and bash at the keyboard with your forehead? Do you tape stubbies of VB to your hands, spin around five times, and then begin typing? I have a retarded 4-year-old pet monkey chained up at home that I feed nothing but broccoli stumps to and I'm afraid that it makes more sense than you.

Post by Twits »

admit, gringo has got a point there. admit, massive sword.

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Post by gringo »

Sorry, I must clarify a claim – I came home from work last night and the said pet monkey was chomping on its on faecal material as I had forgotten to give it the broccoli stumps that morning. Accordingly, it appears the monkey's diet is more diverse than I let on. My sincerest apologies.
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Post by Sismis »

gringo wrote:
keri wrote:Soccer is a completely different ball game (Literally) There's a totally different level of fitness, and an entirely different sub-set of muscle development required at elite levels of AFL. If you fail to grasp even that simple premise, then really, you have no hope of ever understanding the decisions made in this game.

As for NFL, which is the most similar game in NFL, because of the different strings used, again, the fitness level and type of fitness required is completely different.
Other AFL clubs have appointed fitness coaches from the major soccer clubs in Europe who have been exposed to all the best techniques, procedures and technical expertise the world has to offer. The fact that players use different muscle groups would take all of five minutes for an expert coach to pick up on. You guys are even more deluded than I thought if you think that these guys can't work across a range of sports successfully. If anything, it would add to their appeal.

We've gone and got ourselves a bloke who knocked around VUT (hardly one of the Australia's let alone the world's elite education facilities) spent some time at Richmond whilst the club was about the worst in the country and then went to St Kilda where he got the boot. Brilliant. I'm so thrilled.

But please stick your head in the sand like most supporters on this site if it makes you happy.
It's not just muscle groups, it's the unique fitness/recovery required.

What clubs have full time fitness/advisors taken from soccer?
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Post by gringo »

Sismis wrote:
gringo wrote:
keri wrote:Soccer is a completely different ball game (Literally) There's a totally different level of fitness, and an entirely different sub-set of muscle development required at elite levels of AFL. If you fail to grasp even that simple premise, then really, you have no hope of ever understanding the decisions made in this game.

As for NFL, which is the most similar game in NFL, because of the different strings used, again, the fitness level and type of fitness required is completely different.
Other AFL clubs have appointed fitness coaches from the major soccer clubs in Europe who have been exposed to all the best techniques, procedures and technical expertise the world has to offer. The fact that players use different muscle groups would take all of five minutes for an expert coach to pick up on. You guys are even more deluded than I thought if you think that these guys can't work across a range of sports successfully. If anything, it would add to their appeal.

We've gone and got ourselves a bloke who knocked around VUT (hardly one of the Australia's let alone the world's elite education facilities) spent some time at Richmond whilst the club was about the worst in the country and then went to St Kilda where he got the boot. Brilliant. I'm so thrilled.

But please stick your head in the sand like most supporters on this site if it makes you happy.
It's not just muscle groups, it's the unique fitness/recovery required.

What clubs have full time fitness/advisors taken from soccer?
http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/st ... 22,00.html

Please read this. This is the sort of professionalism that is lacking at EFC. This might even be considered to be "thinking outside of the square" as Keri likes to say.

We are one of the wealthiest clubs in the league, yet seem determined to hoard our money like my pet monkey hoards its brocolli.
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Post by Sismis »

So you go from, "we need someone with experience on the world stage", to someone with almost no experience......
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Post by gringo »

Filthy wrote:You are such a man Farkwit Gringo....picking on a chick.

So what do ya reckon, why don't you and your boyfriend f*** Twits meet up sometime with me and a few others here.....blokes.... and you can show us how tough you are having a go at blokes.... c..t.

Don't bother rushing a reply.....I...unlike you...have a life and am off to enjoy.
Um, this is a virtual world Filthy. For example, I don't have a pet monkey chained up at home of whom I feed nothing but broccoli to. I don't take anything, other than what I write about EFC, to be taken to heart. This is what can be described as "jest". I'm glad you have a life Filthy. Shall we have a virtual high five?
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Post by gringo »

Sismis wrote:So you go from, "we need someone with experience on the world stage", to someone with almost no experience......
As I feared, you didn't READ the article. They've got a chap in there from Fulham.
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Post by robbie67 »

gringo wrote:
Sismis wrote:So you go from, "we need someone with experience on the world stage", to someone with almost no experience......
As I feared, you didn't READ the article. They've got a chap in there from Fulham.
Fulham? FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARKING FULHAM? Maybe we should appoint someone from Leyton F****** Orient as well.
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Post by Sismis »

gringo wrote:
Sismis wrote:So you go from, "we need someone with experience on the world stage", to someone with almost no experience......
As I feared, you didn't READ the article. They've got a chap in there from Fulham.
No I did read that one line, that had almost nothing to do with the rest of the article article. The one line which supports your argument, refers to the club doctor. The majority of the article (describing the model of professionalism) talking about a guy in what seems to be an indentical role to the one we are discussing, would suggest the opposite of what you are advising.
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Post by Madden »

There is a perfectly legitimate argument to be made that Knights is rushing around appointing his mates.

This may be a good thing (and I hope it is), but there is a perfectly logical argument to say that it might not be such a good thing - and that we perhaps should be going for more qualified applicants.

Sure, we don't know the people personally and are not familiar with the process, but we have a discussion board so people can give opinions. Those opinions do not always need to be glowing of the club and its employees.

We will see how this appointment goes. Knights will probably end up looking like a genius or a fool. Hope its the former.


Post by NIFTY »


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Post by andrewb »

There is a disturbing trend on this forum of unerring support for the board. Ashley Prescott seems a good pick up but surely Gringo's criticism of Cera is at least worth some consideration given his background?

We've now got a head coach and a rehab coach who both have a history of being involved with programs that weren't successful. I'm not privy to what's going on behind the scenes but success would have been my #1, #2 and #3 weighted criteria.

As Gringo said, I hope there is method to their madness.

The coaching staff and players have my full support but I reserve the right to question those who appointed them if things go pear shaped next season and I, nor anyone else, should be criticised for doing so.

With regards to questions about soccer fitness vs AFL fitness, rehabilitation has nothing to do with fitness. It's about developing programs for injury management and I would expect that our head of rehabilitation would be looking at all options (e.g. Geelong's experiment with hamstring rehabilitation - not developed for AFL) from all sports.

The proof will be in the pudding. As I expect Knights to deliver at least eight wins next year, I expect our new rehab coach to get results. Those results should be measured based on the time it takes for players to return from injury and the rate of re-injury of said players and should be benchmarked against both historical EFC data and data from other clubs both in the AFL and internationally. If that kind of stuff isn't in the performance criteria then I'LL f****** run for a position on the board.

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Post by gringo »

Staggy wrote:There is a perfectly legitimate argument to be made that Knights is rushing around appointing his mates.

This may be a good thing (and I hope it is), but there is a perfectly logical argument to say that it might not be such a good thing - and that we perhaps should be going for more qualified applicants.

Sure, we don't know the people personally and are not familiar with the process, but we have a discussion board so people can give opinions. Those opinions do not always need to be glowing of the club and its employees.

We will see how this appointment goes. Knights will probably end up looking like a genius or a fool. Hope its the former.
Bang! That is the sound of the nail being hit on the head. The appointment of Knights, on paper, is questionable at best. Accordingly, should things not go well, the board are going to look like complete clowns for appointing him. However, should Knights do well, which I sincerely hope he does, he and the board are going to look geniuses. As I mentioned a few days ago, we can only hope there is method to their apparent madness.

Similarly, any decision that Knights makes, because of the circumstances under which he has been appointed, is going to be heavily scrutinised. If Sheedy had appointed someone to the fold, no one would have blinked. However, if a Knights decision appears questionable, than it will indeed be questioned. Only time will tell whether the decisions are validated or not.
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Post by jimmyc1985 »

gringo wrote:If Sheedy had appointed someone to the fold, no one would have blinked.

Obviously you weren't around when Ayers or Wallis came on board.
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