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Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:15 pm
by BenDoolan
Stocksy wrote:I love it, the first lines of the article state Cuz's old man saying he is not missing and that he has contact with him in the last 12 hours yet then it spins back off into the speculation of he is missing...

What a crock of shit...

He now owes no one any thing, he has been sacked... He is no different to anyone else now. The only person or people he owes anything to is himself & immediate family. If he has gone to ground for a couple of weeks who could blame him. He has been arrested and sacked for having legal medication in his car, had every move watched and critisized by all. And now has the speculation of popping hollywood stars and going missing. What a f****** joke, if he was in trouble or missing Bryan would be on a plane over there (as any father would) to help and find his son...

And Benny, what ****** difference does it make to you whether he turns up at the clinic or not?

And the people who go in there pay for discretion, Hence the no comment, no ones f****** business who is in there or how long thay spend there!
It's because the c*** was allowed to attend the clinic through the WA legal system. That's f****** why. Have you forgotten that he is charged for refusing a driver assessment and was most likely under the influence? Nice try to paint the bloke as some sort of victim. He is a f****** idiot.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:31 pm
by gringo
Stocksy wrote:
gringo wrote:
keri wrote:BD, with this particular clinc, most of the time you'd be lucky to even get a "No Comment" out of them. They are famously discreet.
Are they Keri? Did you see it on A Current Affair or Today Tonight? Was it the same episode you were on?

I wonder what they do when someone asks them a question. Do they just stand their in silence when someone asks them a question, or do they start performing Tai Chi?

You're not Anna Coran are you Keri?
They impersonate you O-ring...

Stand there with a blank look on there face before rattling off a pile of shit...
Ha ha ha. I can see it now:

"Benny Cousins? Man, that boy be junk. Hell, he's junkety junk. He's too slow, too unskilled. He be gettin no votes here dawggggggggggggggggggggggg"

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:31 pm
by Stocksy
BenDoolan wrote:
Stocksy wrote:I love it, the first lines of the article state Cuz's old man saying he is not missing and that he has contact with him in the last 12 hours yet then it spins back off into the speculation of he is missing...

What a crock of shit...

He now owes no one any thing, he has been sacked... He is no different to anyone else now. The only person or people he owes anything to is himself & immediate family. If he has gone to ground for a couple of weeks who could blame him. He has been arrested and sacked for having legal medication in his car, had every move watched and critisized by all. And now has the speculation of popping hollywood stars and going missing. What a f****** joke, if he was in trouble or missing Bryan would be on a plane over there (as any father would) to help and find his son...

And Benny, what ****** difference does it make to you whether he turns up at the clinic or not?

And the people who go in there pay for discretion, Hence the no comment, no ones f****** business who is in there or how long thay spend there!
It's because the c*** was allowed to attend the clinic through the WA legal system. That's f****** why. Have you forgotten that he is charged for refusing a driver assessment and was most likely under the influence? Nice try to paint the bloke as some sort of victim. He is a f****** idiot.
Not trying to paint anyone as a victim..

And what the WA Legal System is paying for it are they?

Or is it because his case was adjourned that means every time he farts the public is entitled to no?

Its adjourned so he CAN attend the clinic. As long as he does that before he returns for the case then he has upheld his side. We have just rolled in to November, Court Case is in January, think he still has a bit of time up his sleeve to attend yet...

But dont worry Benny, I have forwarded an official complaint to the No Comment department and they have assured me YOU will be the first to know when he finally checks in...

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:37 pm
by BenDoolan
Stocksy wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:
Stocksy wrote:I love it, the first lines of the article state Cuz's old man saying he is not missing and that he has contact with him in the last 12 hours yet then it spins back off into the speculation of he is missing...

What a crock of shit...

He now owes no one any thing, he has been sacked... He is no different to anyone else now. The only person or people he owes anything to is himself & immediate family. If he has gone to ground for a couple of weeks who could blame him. He has been arrested and sacked for having legal medication in his car, had every move watched and critisized by all. And now has the speculation of popping hollywood stars and going missing. What a f****** joke, if he was in trouble or missing Bryan would be on a plane over there (as any father would) to help and find his son...

And Benny, what ****** difference does it make to you whether he turns up at the clinic or not?

And the people who go in there pay for discretion, Hence the no comment, no ones f****** business who is in there or how long thay spend there!
It's because the c*** was allowed to attend the clinic through the WA legal system. That's f****** why. Have you forgotten that he is charged for refusing a driver assessment and was most likely under the influence? Nice try to paint the bloke as some sort of victim. He is a f****** idiot.
Not trying to paint anyone as a victim..

And what the WA Legal System is paying for it are they?

Or is it because his case was adjourned that means every time he farts the public is entitled to no?

Its adjourned so he CAN attend the clinic. As long as he does that before he returns for the case then he has upheld his side. We have just rolled in to November, Court Case is in January, think he still has a bit of time up his sleeve to attend yet...

But dont worry Benny, I have forwarded an official complaint to the No Comment department and they have assured me YOU will be the first to know when he finally checks in...
Thanks mate, appreciated! :lol:

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:42 pm
by Stocksy
My Pleasure :wink:

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:47 pm
by gringo
Yo, my name is Benny Cousins,
I slay saucy bitches by the dozen,
I'm a playa in LA,
Where I smoke ice, crack and hay,
I'm a playa back home,
Cept when I'm stoned,
My main man is Daniel Chick,
And we've formed a little click,
The league has split us up,
But we still can run amok,
Trevor Nisbett is a mo fo,
But he's still my bro, yo,
He said I'll play again,
And just to let him know when,
That team is junk without me,
Physically and spiritually,
Come round 20 I'll be back...



Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:48 pm
by MH_Bomber
Perhaps he's been kidnapped "Intervention" style !

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:48 pm
by keri
gringo wrote:
keri wrote:BD, with this particular clinc, most of the time you'd be lucky to even get a "No Comment" out of them. They are famously discreet.
Are they Keri? Did you see it on A Current Affair or Today Tonight? Was it the same episode you were on?

I wonder what they do when someone asks them a question. Do they just stand their in silence when someone asks them a question, or do they start performing Tai Chi?

You're not Anna Coran are you Keri?
Do you have some kind of degenrative brain disease, Gringo? I didn't think it was possible, but you seem to be getting dimmer.

I watch neither A Current Affair or Today Tonight, Gringo. I watch Emmerdale on UKTV. It's far more informative.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:40 pm
by jimmyc1985
I'm riveted and keenly await new developments. Surely Hutchy is hiding out in a Los Angeles trashcan somewhere so we can all stay on top of things.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:40 pm
by BenDoolan
My apologies to Ben Cousins.

I would like to see the journalists responsible for the latest farce brought before the public and barbecued. These bastards ought to be drug tested as well and the results publicised. ******* dogs need to be put down. Seriously.,23599,22682277-2,00.html

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:27 pm
by bomberdonnie
gringo wrote:Ha ha ha.

Bloody champion. I love the way the say "bad things" can happen in LA. Californians are hysterical.

Why is it that Errol Flynn is held on a pedestal, but Ben Cousins is frowned upon?

I hope he knocks up both those girls on the bonnet of the Mercedes screaming out Nisbett's and Demetriou's name.
First time I have ever agreed with you gringo

Let him have his fun what ever it is, the guy is an adult who cares!!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 8:02 am
by keri
BenDoolan wrote:My apologies to Ben Cousins.

I would like to see the journalists responsible for the latest farce brought before the public and barbecued. These bastards ought to be drug tested as well and the results publicised. ******* dogs need to be put down. Seriously.,23599,22682277-2,00.html
Like I said, BD - He's pissed someone off somewhere, and I'd love to know whom. Stank of it from a mile away.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 8:58 am
by Doctor Fish
Just another case of the footy media stooping to the levels of crappy women's gossip magazines... This year has been unbelievable.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 9:00 am
by keri
And more proof that you can't believe everything you read.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 9:24 am
by BenDoolan
And these rabid dogs need to be rounded up and ridiculed. It's OK for them to try and ridicule their subject or target. Who the f*** were they?

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 9:29 am
by keri
Bunch of vultures, BD, that's all they are.

And especially when this is someone trying to get his life and his health back on track.

I'm all for more control when it comes to these mongrels. Regulate them, I say.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 10:27 am
by Bishop Muzorewa

you claim we should regulate the media...why may i ask? so people like Ben Cousins can just run amok with impunity??

surely the public has a right to know....

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 10:28 am
by keri
Yep. Anyone else did this kind of shit, they'd be charged with stalking.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 10:39 am
by andrewb
Twits was on his way to rehab for his freo problem but got sidetracked and was last seen in aaron sandilands laundry sniffing his (giant) underpants.