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Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:32 pm
by Stocksy
Why must Hub demand answers? to satisfy your curiosity? What's to say he hasn't already been given the answers and he has chose to let it go. No answer is going to bring his son back...

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:23 pm
by keri
Good point, Stocksy. There's a difference between acting in the public interest and matters the public might be interested in.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 1:02 am
by grassy1
Because it was him that came out and demanded it in the 1st place.No one had actually given it a 2nd's thought,until he spoke.

He aroused the Public's curiosity more than it ever demanded.And Yes,because of that,I believe the Public's entitled to know who is RESPONSIBLE for supplying MAINWARING with such a LETHAL COCKTAIL.

If he chose to let it go,fair enough.But I suspect someone TOLD HIM TO as opposed to him wanting to carry on with his INITIAL VOICIFEROUS PROTEST.

Wouldn't surprise me if he was warned off.An ex player was told in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS when alarmed about the DRUGS Culture to"SHUT YOUR f****** MOUTH!"

If he has been INTIMIDATED,I'm not surprised he's gone MUM on this.Who would he turn to,without someone SPILLING HIS GUTS and leaving him exposed to possible reprisals?

This is despite the fact,he and his family have had the greater loss.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 9:28 am
by Stocksy
He wanted it made public that his son never commited suicide. I haven't read anywhere about him saying he wants to know who supplied his son the drugs, but if you can find an article where it quotes him saying this I will stand corrected.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:14 am
by grassy1
Why do you think he wanted it public in the manner in which his son passed away?He merely wanted to point out,that there were OUTSIDE INFLUENCES.

If it was a Sudden Heart Attack from some unknown or unexpected Disease,or some Cancer,don't you think they would haver been quick to point that out?It wasn't that and it wasn't SUICIDE.Where do you think that leads?Surely you can work that out?

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 2:29 pm
by Stocksy
Go back and read the ****** articles Grassy, you have been chewing too much of that Grass down Lathlain... It doesn't lead anywhere unless you want to take it there, SPECULATION...

He was upset at the fact people were saying he committed suicide, one to many X-Files episodes for you.

But good news Grassy, the Sunday times are looking for a new person to write for them, all they are asking for is someone who can create bullshit, misinterpret quotes, and jump to conclusions. I respect your thoughts so much I have nominated you for the position...

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 2:59 pm
by rama_fan
Windy_Hill wrote:
keri wrote:

And you'd want to have proof that you know it was Cousins who supplied the drugs before you make that implication.
Were there's smoke...there's fire.
That is simply a ridicolous thing to say, drugs is far more main spread in society and AFL circles.

I reckon at least 10 players at EVERY AFL club would have had consistent experiences with illicit substances.

I would be absolutely shocked if this wasn't the case.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 3:24 pm
by grassy1
You wanna live in CLOUD CUCKOO LAND over this,go right ahead and DELUDE yourslef.

Again,why should I bother,when you simply won't face facts that MAINWARING'S Passing was more than just a simple event.


Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:54 pm
by Stocksy
There is a tragedy waiting to happen every minute of every day Grassy! The only reason this tragedy interests you is because you can judge, sling shit & take the high and mighty road... Where is your demand to know the dealer for every other tragedy that happens in our fine state.

No facts to back f*** all up, just another sheep on the morrally high road...

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:37 am
by grassy1
But I'm not SLINGING SHIT and you might find that hard to believe,but that is the case.

It is sad that Mainwaring and friends should find themselves in the grip of EVIL.What I find STAGGERING is the DEATHLY SILENCE from WEST COAST Fans demanding answers themselves.

I find that curious in the extreme.You seem very defensive of MAINWARING and COUSINS.DON'T you WANT the SLEEZEBAGS that entangle themselves in these guys lives BROUGHT TO JUSTICE?


Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:14 am
by Stocksy
Not short on demanding answers, not deluded though either. Even if they were to find someone it would be a runner, no one of importance and not the main man. The police in every state and country around the world know who there main Dealers are, but with laws to protect them and mules to run for them they remain untouchable, that is why they work so hard at finding the large shipments as this is the only way they will ever be able to stop it hitting our streets...

And I am not defensive, I just have my eyes open. Everybody in life makes mistakes and everybody in life hits hard times in one way or another. Just because your an AFL Player or anyone else in the spot light doesnt mean you dont deserve a chance to get back on your feet. And dont mistake this for sympathy either, I have always been a firm beleiver in the quote "You make your bed, you lie in it". But if someone is trying to remake that bed to better thereself they will always have my support...

You Grassy are just another clone, Demand answers, Demand answers... Life is not always that simple as to demand an answer and sometimes in life the answer is not going to fix or change anything, sadly this is one of those times... Every situation is different Grassy, and for that reason every situation has to be handled differently.

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 4:29 pm
by Madden
Some people in this thread need to stop their crazy ranting and remember the facts.

The guy is a recovering drug addict who got back on the sauce when his best mate dropped off the perch. Hell, I’ve never done drugs in my life but if there’s anything that might make me turn to them it would be the death of a close mate. If I would be tempted I can’t imagine how tempting it would be for a recovering drug addict.

Keep also in mind that that Cousins was tested the morning after Mainwairing’s death and tested negative. It’s a fact a lot of people are ignoring. He also tested negative every week of the year since he returned (he was target tested, remember), and they all came up negative.

So the guy has done too many drugs over the years, become addicted (although even this is pure speculation), he has undergone rehab, been clean for months, and has had a relapse caused by the trauma of a mate dying.

Wow. What a scandal – excuse me while I pick up my jaw from the floor.

Total, complete non-issue.

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 5:33 pm
by grassy1
BRYAN COUSINS(EARLY 2007)-"My son has a Substance abuse problem!"

It might be a NON ISSUE,but invariably when a Footballer found themselves in the news it seemed to be one CONSTANT -


Been clean for months?Where's the PROOF?

Tested clean?Oh well,he won't mind telling us,who else mau have been in CLOSE FRIEND Mainwaring's presence,in the closing hours.

Footballers instead of drinking,take other substances that are not DETECTED at TRAINING,the Morning After.Unlike ALCOHOL,the alternative is OUT within 6 Hours,not the whole day.

14 times?May have been TARGET TESTED,but we're not supposed to know that and no aushority should have leaked that out.Whether they did or didn't,it was BRAD HARDIE about 2 weeks ago on Radio, who revealed it was COUSINS himself who revealeved that number.My JAW DROPPED to the Floor in Incredulty and wondered,'' and You didn't press him on this?"

Was he telling the truth?Who can honestly say after his own coach revealed that up to 8 players have admitted LYING to him on the issue of ILLICIT SUBSTANCE.

Divorced from UNDERWORLD FIGURES?Not yet!

I'd like to see him pull himself out if all this.But frankly,I don't see it.Sadly it is NOT a NON ISSUE.

And now the AFL will have their own investigation into all this and if they DO THEIR JOB PROPERLY(That's asking for a lot) and NOT put up with any WHITEWASH(Far too late for that now),they will get RIGHT TO THE BOTTOM of this and find out more to the point,which players EXACTLY it was that ADMITTED LYING to WORSFOLD.


They found a convenient reason to Suspend hm early in the year.FAILURE to attend training.It was more than just the once,eh?

If he was sick of the Flu or something and forgot to tell anyone,fair enough.You couldn't suspend someone for that.IT WAS CERTAINLY A WHOLE LOT MORE THAN THAT and his Defenders KNOW THAT FULL WELL!

COUSINS wouldn't be one of those SERIAL OFFENDERS WOULD HE?Yeah,right!

This is a MESS of his OWNMAKING(in the main)and he has NO ONE ELSE TO BLAME but HIMSELF!

GOT IT STOCKSY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 6:13 pm
by Stocksy
Dribble dribble & more ****** dribble Grassy, signs of a ****** demented old man...

Sir sir come quick, the boys are lying and experimenting and i think one of them kissed a girl!

Get off ya ****** soap box, open your eyes, and break through that clone mould that has hold of you...

Said all I have to say on it, go back and read it again ifi it pleases, my opinions are above and wont change...

And whats with all the CAPS Grassy, is this meant to intimidate... Tell ya what Grassy will catch up with ya for a West Perth v Perth game when the season gets underway and you can try and make sure I GOT IT...

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 1:59 pm
by grassy1
Force of HABIT,nothing else.


You've got your opinion,I've got mine.We are NEVER GOING TO AGREE on this,so let's just coll it.

I'll try and waut for the MAGISTRATE to get his work done.That might take some trying.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 3:24 pm
by Sismis
Grassy, correct me if I'm wrong here but, mainwaring was a fair bit older than Cousins and more than capable of

A: Finding his own drugs.
B: making his own choices.

Cousins, as foolish as he is, has only one victim for crimes, himself.

As Rosso pointed out. Didak's little blunder was far worse and potentially had far greater impact.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 12:29 am
by grassy1
No,you're right on both counts.

It wasn't about trying to PIN him down for anything.Rather,...someone else.

Unfortunately,the someone elses I suspect,most likely knew them both.They might end up CLAIMING BOTH if he SERIOUSLY doesn't change things NOW!

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 7:58 pm
by Essendon4eva
His mate man died, then he lost his job because he didn't let the cops drug test him. That is a lot for one man to take, espicially a recovering drug addict. Plus you have the mainstream media, watching you 24/7, reporting on everything you do.

That is not the best position to be in.