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Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 8:27 pm
by ealesy
Not really a surprise and I doubt North would be surprised. I mean James Brayshaw pretty much said they expected that the AFL would cut their involvement in the CG once they decided they did not want to move their.

They were always going to be punished when they did not cave into Andy D's desire.

The big news out of that story is that the AFL will cut their handouts if they continued to be privately owned by shareholders instead of members.

Seems the AFL does not really want 17 clubs, and are making sure that things are going to be as hard as possible for the Roos to survive in their current identity.

It's really up to the North supporters to put their money where their mouths are now, sign up and become members, go to the game, no more bullshite struggling to crack a crowd of 20,000 against other small Melbourne clubs or interstate teams.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 9:03 pm
by jimmyc1985
ealesy wrote:The big news out of that story is that the AFL will cut their handouts if they continued to be privately owned by shareholders instead of members.
Something i've alluded to before myself, and is the main reason why i have no problem watching Norf shriveling up and dying in their current format.

Absolute pissants. Privately owned, yet hold out their hands every year for a big wad of AFL cash. Piss off you pauper mendicants.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:46 pm
by grassy1
If they had to,only on the grounds that VLAD and ADOLPH BUGGERED OFF from AUSSIE RULES 1st!