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Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:28 pm
by billyduckworth
I think you have hit the nail right on the head, Robbie.

Many of us on this forum probably do overrate Jobe a bit (maybe because of his Dad, maybe because he has made a huge improvement this year or maybe because there hasn't been much else to rave about this year).

But on the other hand Gringo for some odd reason grossly underrates Jobe and the Brownlow has NEVER been a good judge of a good player. Did TD ever get a lot of votes?

Re: Zero Brownlow votes for Watson

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:29 pm
by BenDoolan
gringo wrote:At the risk of sounding arrogant - HA HA HA HA HA HA. Can people now understand why we are in trouble at Essendon? Why people like Jobe are bettered suited to careers in piano moving?
gringo wrote:As everyone is aware, Jobe Watson came second in our B and F this year. Whilst everyone is singing his praises about what a great season he has had and how hard he has worked, and to be fair to Jobe, he has, I think this is major cause for concern.

Firstly, I cannot think of any teams that, given the chance, would start Watson in their midfield. In fact, he wouldn't be close to getting a game for any of the top eight teams. This effectively puts Watson outside the top 40 midfielders in the AFL, and definitely outside the top 100 players in the league. Travis Johnson, for example, starts on the bench for Melbourne. Realistically, he is not going to poll a single vote in the Brownlow medal.

The fact, then, that he was second in our club B and F is most worrying. What does this say about the other players at our club and where their form is at? With the aging of our key players that have held up the club over the past 4-5 years (Hird, Lucas, Fletcher, Lloyd etc) I think we have a number of dark years ahead of us before we start seeing the light!
And what was your opinion of Joe Misiti? That slow moving sloth only managed 31 Brownlow Votes in 236 games. He also managed 2 premiership medallions and was runner up in the B & F in 1997.

I think Misiti was a terrific centreman, but you'd probably say he was crap. Jobe is in the mould of Joe, and will improve his footy as he matures in the next couple of years. If you don't think he was in our top 4 best players this season, then you haven't seen many games this year.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:38 pm
by Muzzareewa
Robbie67...what's with taking swipes at blokes' mums.... surely you can do better than that...c'mon

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:49 pm
by gringo
Doctor Fish wrote:I think Gringo barracks for Collingwood. Come on Gringo, admit it. It's not that hard... :wink:
I'm an Essendon member, sunshine. And it's very amusing that you pick Collingwood 'cos their midfield is as slow and unskilled as ours, which is the point I'm trying to make. Hence they got smashed by the Bullies in the first final.

I'm gonna ride on, ride on...

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:51 pm
by billyduckworth
So which players at Essendon do you actually like, Gringo?

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:00 pm
by swoodley
gringo wrote:Swoodley - Watson would make Scot West look like a Farrari. His footskills are more than sufficient and he plays bloody good defence. Try watching him play next season.

Play on, kids....
Gringo - I watched Scott West a hell of a lot this year and your Ferrari comment (try spelling it right next time) is way off the mark.

They're both a bit like four wheel drives in low four but that doesn't stop them doing the job for their teams.

Whatever you feel, Watson did a damn good job this year as his performance in the B & F proves.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:06 pm
by CameronClayton
Gringo, explain to me how Brett Kirk & Chad Fletcher are getting a game this week, because going by your theory, they are dinosaurs. They are both slow & disposals by foot are usually short dinky kicks.

And you haven't answered Ben's question about Misiti - reason being that your theories aren't fully fleshed out.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:06 pm
by Doctor Fish
gringo wrote:
Doctor Fish wrote:I think Gringo barracks for Collingwood. Come on Gringo, admit it. It's not that hard... :wink:

I'm gonna ride on, ride on...
...Down to the Lexus Centre.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:17 pm
by gringo
CameronClayton wrote:Gringo, explain to me how Brett Kirk & Chad Fletcher are getting a game this week, because going by your theory, they are dinosaurs. They are both slow & disposals by foot are usually short dinky kicks.

And you haven't answered Ben's question about Misiti - reason being that your theories aren't fully fleshed out.
Damn, y'all really need it spelt out in black and white.

Misiti was a tremendous servant of the EFC but was never more than an everage-good player in excellent teams. Even during his prime he was dropped from time to time and often spent long periods on the bench, particularly in finals.

Since his time, the game has quickened dramtically. Midfields are now dominated by quick, skillful players who can run both ways. Like Watson, Misiti wouldn't be close to getting a game for the Eagles, Crows, Bulldogs, Bears of a few years ago etc.

As for CameronClayton, that ol' chestnut, Kirk and Fletcher are both quicker then Watson, have better foot skills, and are exceedingly physical players. I'm not sure I get your point here, old mate.

Anyhoo, touched, play on....

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:19 pm
by billyduckworth
Please answer my question, Gringo.
Which Essendon player(s) do you actually like?

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:32 pm
by gringo
billyduckworth wrote:Please answer my question, Gringo.
Which Essendon player(s) do you actually like?
I've heard that J Hird can play a bit. Jokes. We've got some excellent players but at the end of they day, we're the worst team in the league! We need to start looking at all players, not just the usual whipping boys of Bolton, Reynolds, Henneman etc.

Y'all shouldn't be afraid to do a bit of lateral (most of you will need to look that one up) thinking every now and then, rather than repeat what the clowns on TV say.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:53 pm
by Muzzareewa

Let's get away with the whipping of Watson...who do you think we should delist this year? How many players are we allowed to delist?

I would think that Reynolds, Bolton and Henneman have had the chances at AFL level and have clearly failed. Would think they should go to a lesser comp...perhaps K Bradley has some trade value? If he performs next year as he did this year then I surmise he will have no trade value left as most other clubs will see him as a player that stayed at Essendon for 3 years and delivered nothing. Perhaps now is the time to off load?

Does Andrew Welsh represent a good trade option? I get frustrated by his style of play, but realise he may be viewed as a good trade by other clubs. Perhaps we should make use of that.



Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:58 pm
by CameronClayton
You know gringo, I was talking to Scott West about his hardest opponent a few years ago & he had no hesitation in saying Misiti.

So here we have on one hand, a bloke who came runner up in THIS YEAR'S brownlow saying his toughest opponent was a bloke you say wouldn't get a game now. In other words, you are saying that Scott West shouldn't be getting a game now too, because he is too slow.

You are indeed a F*ckwit.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:06 pm
by gringo
CameronClayton wrote:You know gringo, I was talking to Scott West about his hardest opponent a few years ago & he had no hesitation in saying Misiti.

So here we have on one hand, a bloke who came runner up in THIS YEAR'S brownlow saying his toughest opponent was a bloke you say wouldn't get a game now. In other words, you are saying that Scott West shouldn't be getting a game now too, because he is too slow.

You are indeed a F*ckwit.
Hmmm. Were you dropped on your head when you are small child? Did your parents hold your head under water for long periods whilst they bathed you? Were you fed on a stable diet of urinal cakes? I'm just trying to work out why logic seems to have been something that has escaped you. NOw, let me see:

1) Scot West said Misiti was his toughest opponent.

2) So, it logically follows that I think Scot West shouldn't be getting a game.

Rigggggggght. When you're done using the computer at Centrelink, I suggest you go enrol at your local primary school.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:10 pm
by Muzzareewa
Gold Gringo...

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:10 pm
by Doctor Fish
gringo wrote:
billyduckworth wrote:Please answer my question, Gringo.
Which Essendon player(s) do you actually like?
I've heard that J Hird can play a bit. Jokes. We've got some excellent players but at the end of they day, we're the worst team in the league! We need to start looking at all players, not just the usual whipping boys of Bolton, Reynolds, Henneman etc.

Y'all shouldn't be afraid to do a bit of lateral (most of you will need to look that one up) thinking every now and then, rather than repeat what the clowns on TV say.
Maybe you should heed your own advice old fruit. Nothing new in anything you're saying, even though you seem to be on a higher level from the rest of us BTers oh great one...

Everyone knows we're still a ways from being up the higher end of the ladder. But sinking the boots into a young, talented kid in the manner you seem to enjoy doing isn't anywhere near helpful. What would you have us do with one of our most consistant players this year. Trade him? You're kidding aren't you oh ye' wise and educated one? =D>

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:12 pm
by Sol
Gringo, your problem is you actually think your allot smarter than you are.

Not saying your completely wrong, I agree our dismal past seasons stem far broader than simply mark Bolton and Henneman and when thier gone next year a new wipping boy will be found, but I dont agree soley pointing out Watson as you have lately is a viable opinion at all.

Ultimately its about team balance, cohesion and a game plan that utilises your team strength. Sydney DO NOT have a team full of highly skilled running players and still manage to win games (maybe even the GF?). It is about balance.

We have too many players who like the close in and under stuff and not enough blokes who run carry, deliver and kick goals. So your right, Watson is not helping the cause, but he wouldnt be the first I'd replace. Peverill, Heff, Soloman, McVeigh, MJ should not be played on ball they should be played in defence or dropped (clearly there is no room for all of them).

We need Dyson, NLM, Lovett, McPhee, Angus and Winder to step up and add polish to the hard work of Stants, JJ and Watson. Then we have a midfield unit capable of giving a forward line boasting with the likes of Lloyd, Lucus, hird and Johns a great chance of kicking a score.

Sure Watson really needs to work on his kicking skills to become the complete in and under package but keep this post and remind me in a few years if im wrong if you like, but Watson will continue to improve and will be top 5 in our B&F for years to come and we will make finals in that time.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:54 pm
by BenDoolan
gringo wrote:
CameronClayton wrote:Gringo, explain to me how Brett Kirk & Chad Fletcher are getting a game this week, because going by your theory, they are dinosaurs. They are both slow & disposals by foot are usually short dinky kicks.

And you haven't answered Ben's question about Misiti - reason being that your theories aren't fully fleshed out.
Damn, y'all really need it spelt out in black and white.

Misiti was a tremendous servant of the EFC but was never more than an everage-good player in excellent teams. Even during his prime he was dropped from time to time and often spent long periods on the bench, particularly in finals.

Since his time, the game has quickened dramtically. Midfields are now dominated by quick, skillful players who can run both ways. Like Watson, Misiti wouldn't be close to getting a game for the Eagles, Crows, Bulldogs, Bears of a few years ago etc.

As for CameronClayton, that ol' chestnut, Kirk and Fletcher are both quicker then Watson, have better foot skills, and are exceedingly physical players. I'm not sure I get your point here, old mate.

Anyhoo, touched, play on....
I couldn't ignore that comment without reply. Which finals series are you referring to? In 1993 he was outstanding (at 18 years of age ), 1999 was an excellent series for him, 2000 was brilliant (he won Best in Finals award), and was great again in 2001. 2002 & 2003 finals were solid games for Misiti. His 1995 & 96 series weren't too flash and was dropped for the finals in 1998. I would say, overall, he was an excellent finals player for us.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:08 pm
by BigBoss
I can't help but agree with the big-bossing-gring-gossage. Watson needs to frat up, or ship out.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:12 pm
by CameronClayton
Oh gringo aren't we the smug one. You are saying that Misiti is too slow. Him & Scott West were of the SAME pace - therefore, your logic not mine, Scott West is too slow for the modern game. MUPPET

Having a slow midfielder who average 25 touches a game is the least of our problems. What about issues like:
1. Zero back up for Fletch in the back line
2. No decent tap ruckman at the club
3. Coaching staff lacking in innovative ideas
4. Young inconsistent receiving midfielders like Dyson & Winder
5. Crap recruiting in the past
6. A complacent, smug attitude at the club that thinks that as long as we don't have injuries, we will always play finals footy


So really, Jobe Watson's problem of lack of pace would be about 188th of any list of major issues that are affecting EFC. Anyone with any knowledge of football can see that. Every other club in the comp would think it's hilarious if they're one major problem at their club was a bloke who gets 25 touches each week.

Oh & BTW gringo, you sister gives great head, especially when she takes her teeth out.