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Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:55 pm
by BenDoolan
JumboPaddy wrote:I am not the president of the Jason Laycock fan club by any means, he does has his faults, and they do stick out like a sore thumb but he isn't as average as many think. He is very effective in the ruck sometimes and that enables Hille to push forward. Being super tall and I have played footy I know how much pressure is on ruckman, far worse at AFL level. Its not always the ruckmans fault if the opposition's midfielders can read the taps. I gave up footy 5 years ago when i was 13 because of the pressure, yes i bailed, but my team mates always gave me shit about my rucking and I can sympathise with ruckmen. It's not an easy job, trust me.
And fair enough too JP. You are entitled to an opinion as anyone else here. If you feel some of us are posting something that is pissing you off, then say so. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, good onya!

Edit: Oops, I didn't see the last post!Looks like we're in agreeance :wink: 8)

Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:10 pm
by robbie67
I still wanted to kill Kevin Walsh. I got over it though.

Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:20 pm
by BenDoolan
robbie67 wrote:I still wanted to kill Kevin Walsh. I got over it though.

He was the reason why I broke a few transistor radios. I never thought about killing him, but I did wonder why he never seemed to cop an injury. Tell me what your immediate thoughts were when Dipper knocked him out in the last Q of the '84 GF....

Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:25 pm
by robbie67
BenDoolan wrote:
robbie67 wrote:I still wanted to kill Kevin Walsh. I got over it though.

He was the reason why I broke a few transistor radios. I never thought about killing him, but I did wonder why he never seemed to cop an injury. Tell me what your immediate thoughts were when Dipper knocked him out in the last Q of the '84 GF....
I'm an Essendon supporter Ben. I may have wanted to kill him myself, but if some ******* scum Whorefawn wanker ever layed a finger on him, I wanted the Whorefawn wanker and his family dead.

Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:55 pm
by BenDoolan
robbie67 wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:
robbie67 wrote:I still wanted to kill Kevin Walsh. I got over it though.

He was the reason why I broke a few transistor radios. I never thought about killing him, but I did wonder why he never seemed to cop an injury. Tell me what your immediate thoughts were when Dipper knocked him out in the last Q of the '84 GF....
I'm an Essendon supporter Ben. I may have wanted to kill him myself, but if some ******* scum Whorefawn wanker ever layed a finger on him, I wanted the Whorefawn wanker and his family dead.
IIRC, Terry Daniher received fair dinkum death threats if he took the field in both the '83 & '84 Grand Finals (not from our own supporters :lol: )

Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:43 am
by The Don
BenDoolan wrote:
JumboPaddy wrote:
Megan wrote:I wish I wasn't an admin else I'd report this thread and tell the mods I find it incredibly f****** inappropriate.

How nasty are you lot. Really.
100% agree with you Megan, I was going to say it myself but i didnt have the balls and i thought I was on my own, its disgraceful and pathetic that an Essendon supporter(s) would talk such crap about one of their own players. Its really dissapointing to see this coming from Essendon supporters. So what if he had a bad game, everyone has one, its unfair to put one player down when the team doesn't play well. We all know he isnt a superstar, but he has served us extremely well in many games he has paricipated in and never gets the praise he deserves, and when he does i'll let you all know about it.Please keep your player bashing threads off here, support your f**ken team and the players the put on the great jumper. Just stop these threads please, I'm sick of reading such negativity. Thanks.
Agree with your sentiments JP as I think this thread was made in very poor taste (hate, euthenase him, shoot him etc) is savage stuff, and certainly something I don't like seeing (or hearing - reminds me of that bloke at the MCG). However, I don't see a problem with giving a player a cook from time to time especially when they deserve it. Mr Laycock is an absolute frustration......a bloody (Lay)cock tease. I was on his case last year because at the end of 2006 he put his hand out and DEMANDED more money or else he would leave the club. This says two things (1) How "loyal" or committed to the club is he? and (2) Did he deserve the extra dosh without performing? Well 1 year and 5 weeks down the track he still hasn't given value for money IMO. It makes matters worse when he looks like he's having a casual stroll in the park. When he has played well, I'm the first one to congratulate him. But if he has an attitude of walking out on the club unless his pockets are filled with cash, then he's going to cop a blast every time he appears to be relaxing on his banana lounge sinking Pina Coladas.
Megan, my apologies if the post offended you. Maybe killing him was extreme, but I am sick of Laycock. The bloke has had how many chances and even after a shite game last week he will line up again in the second biggest game of the year this week. If as Ben said above he wanted more money at the end of 2006 or he was going to leave, I would have said farewell. The guy is a passenger. I cant remember ever having seen him do anything inspiring or overly memorable. Unfortunately he is a Sheedy project that we are stuck with for the moment. Roll on contract time farewell useless Laycock.

Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:52 am
by stryper
A bit extreme - Really You Think???
Went way to far with your comment - Shoot him...
Just totally unacceptable and NO EXCUSE FOR THAT RUBBISH!!!

Maybe he is struggling at the moment But I for 1 believe he has potential...

I really hope that he has a blinder today...
Deserves better than that Gutter talk about a human being... [-X

Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:05 pm
by Megan
It's cool Don :) Mebbe I'm just sensitive but I don't like seeing threads like this ;)

Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 6:10 pm
by swoodley
I don't hate Laycock....but I do hate his pathetic efforts for a man his size. He goes for too many marks with just one hand, he doesn't chase (earned himself a nice rest on the pine this arvo for lack of chasing) and he just doesn't throw his weight around enough.

A stint with Bendigo is what he needs right now.

Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 6:19 pm
by billyduckworth
Absolutely woeful today. MUST be dropped.
Try young Bellchambers or try Paddy in the ruck or bring back Somerville or do something. :!:

Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:44 pm
by boncer34
I honestly though he was ok untill things went down the shitter for us. Lets be honest, EVERYONE played lousy after quater time.

Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:20 pm
by The Don
billyduckworth wrote:Absolutely woeful today. MUST be dropped.
Try young Bellchambers or try Paddy in the ruck or bring back Somerville or do something. :!:

Please tell me that was said in jest or simply shock at today's performance. Probably my worst possible nightmare :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: , I couldn't take it Somerville and Laycock in the same team! It would take years of counselling to recover and i would definitely need a new TV.


Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:26 pm
by billyduckworth
Relax, man. Of course it was a joke.
Maybe Barnsey could make another comeback? :wink:

Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:37 pm
by hop
Paul Salmon

Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:54 pm
by robbie67
He was good in the first quarter, and he obviously has the talent. I get the feeling though that he is playing because he feels like he has too, and he would rather be doing something else. That's what his body language says anyway.

Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:38 pm
by Megan
A few kids by 21? I think we know what he'd rather be doing Rob ;)

Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:49 pm
by Rossoneri
So glad you dont sit next to me at the footy Megan, you will ban me too :lol:

And I dont bag all players, I only have a crack at the one, and only if he stuffs up (fair chance of that too). When he plays well, I eat humble pie. As I have only jumped off his bandwagon the last 18 months, I haven't put on that much weight yet :wink:

Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:38 pm
by BenDoolan
I wonder if he'll put his hand out at the end of this season (his contract is up) and ask for more money. If he has any decency, he'll ask for a pay cut in his next contract (if he's fortunate enough to be offered one).

Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:46 pm
by nomolos
Fail thread is fail.

Re: I hate Jason Laycock

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 9:23 am
by The Don
BenDoolan wrote:I wonder if he'll put his hand out at the end of this season (his contract is up) and ask for more money. If he has any decency, he'll ask for a pay cut in his next contract (if he's fortunate enough to be offered one).
Definitely should be a heavily weighted performance based contract. Shite performance = no cash. The position he plays is just so important. Without first quality clearance in the modern game, a team can get slaughtered. Hillie finally seems to be getting it and uses his size and taps very well. Laycock is a bigger bloke with longer and higher reach and should match most ruckmen yet he seems to have no idea and he every time he goes near it fear envelops me.

At best Laycock may be a 2nd or 3rd string player. We definitely need to be looking at guys like Neagle or Bellchambers over the next few weeks, and if no joy be scouting some promise for the draft. It is times like this that a midseason draft using preseason draft players would be useful.