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Re: Delistings

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:04 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
It seems that players like Dyson and Dempsey have really taken over the role that Nashy had in the side last year. With those young guys in the team as well as Houli and Myers waiting in the wings i cant see Nash staying here next year. I think we should try and get a trade done for him so he can continue his footy elsewhere. Maybe PA might be an option.

Williams may be a project player but we also have young Michael Still on the list. We cant keep both of them. Maybe Williams can be delisted then drafted as a rookie for next year.

Re: Delistings

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 2:27 pm
by rockhole
boncer34 wrote:For me Nash is one of the most disappointing players I've seen come through Essendon. I remember his early games when he was hitting 40 metre passes lace out and I remember his first goal in footy was a 55 metre drill at the MCG (Think thats the first one he kicked) for me a bloke with his kicking skill should be getting a game and racking up possies at a club like ours who is in desperate need of someone who can hit a target lace out time and time again. I say keep him but it appears he'll be gone.
I agree, Bonce. His kicking skills were superb especially into the forward line. It appreas to be a fine line regarding those they are prepared to nuture and those who are discarded. Once he fell out of favour there seemed to be little chance of him retaining a spot. I can recall seeing him in a couple of practice matches a few years ago and thinking what a superbly gifted player he was. I wonder what went wrong

Re: Delistings

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:02 pm
by j-mac31
One thing about Nash was that even when he was getting plenty of possessions and using the ball well, he couldn't defend at all.
Slattery is our main small man down back and Dempsey has improved so much 1-on-1 defensively and cutting off passes to other players.

I'd really keep Atkinson, but with the minimum delistings rule and the fact he hasn't played a game all year I'm not confident.

Re: Delistings

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 8:34 pm
by s'dreams
Problem we have to face is the low number of players in the 25-30 and 30+ year age range. Most clubs can pick up the players in that range that are dropping off and the newcomers who for one reason or another are not going to cut it. We simply have too many reasonable to strong players who are still under development. What makes it harder is that this is the last uncompromised draft for a few years (no matter how shallow the draft).

That being said - Nash, Magrin and Williams are in the spotlight. Lucas is likely to retire - leaving one more. I would have had NLM in that list, but recent events (even though one tablet in the pocket usually recieves a caution in Victoria - let alone where it was found) would harden the club to keep him.

I suspect that this year there may be more serious trading action from EFC than in the past. Rather than delistings - I suspect that one or two players may be traded for picks that may or may not be used.

Cheers - STI

Re: Delistings

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 9:28 pm
by Crazyman
You may be right there STI, but given our injury history, I would hope that any picks we have available are all used to give us a full list of players...

Also, if we are to get active in the trade period, I would not mind the club going for someone in that 25-28 bracket who may be on the outer at their existing club (of course that is on the proviso that they at least have Prismall like quality about them... :D )

Re: Delistings

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:21 pm
by Windy_Hill
This is our team for next year

McVeigh Pears Fletcher
McPhee Hurley Dempsey
Lovett Prismall Dyson
Zaharakis Gumbleton Monfries
Davey Neagle Jetta

Hille, Watson, Winderlich

I/C - Welsh, Stanton, Ryder, Myers

On the fringe - Houli, Lonergan, Reimers, Hooker, Hocking, Daniher, Laycock, Slattery

McVeigh remains our best small defender and thats where he should play
McPhee should be given 20 hours of video featuring Sean Wellman and become a sweeping type mid-sized defender
Hille and Paddy can rotate off the bench or through the forward line
Its a roll of the dice for the fringe players - depending on form and injury could come in for Zaka, Jetta, Monfries etc
Am assuming no Lucas and Lloyd
Jetta and Davey to apply forward line pressure and crumb from the big unit Jay

Re: Delistings

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:54 am
by swoodley
Windy_Hill wrote:This is our team for next year

McVeigh Pears Fletcher
McPhee Hurley Dempsey
Lovett Prismall Dyson
Zaharakis Gumbleton Monfries
Davey Neagle Jetta

Hille, Watson, Winderlich

I/C - Welsh, Stanton, Ryder, Myers

On the fringe - Houli, Lonergan, Reimers, Hooker, Hocking, Daniher, Laycock, Slattery

McVeigh remains our best small defender and thats where he should play
McPhee should be given 20 hours of video featuring Sean Wellman and become a sweeping type mid-sized defender
Hille and Paddy can rotate off the bench or through the forward line
Its a roll of the dice for the fringe players - depending on form and injury could come in for Zaka, Jetta, Monfries etc
Am assuming no Lucas and Lloyd
Jetta and Davey to apply forward line pressure and crumb from the big unit Jay
Interesting team Windy but how the hell do you have Jetta ahead of Lonergan, Reimers & Hocking who have all moved well ahead of him both in terms of games played and application of ability. The same could be said for Myers who has struggled to get a game this year.

Poor old Paddy gets sent to the bench :shock:

Re: Delistings

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:55 am
by MH_Bomber
I/C - Welsh, Stanton, Ryder, Myers

On the fringe - Houli, Lonergan, Reimers, Hooker, Hocking, Daniher, Laycock, Slattery
Again with Lonergan and Hocking somehow not being integral to the team. I cant see what these guys have done wrong this year. If anything I count them as two of our most substantial performers. Had they played in the Richmond game we'd be discussing how far into the finals we'd go.

Re: Delistings

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:45 am
by Jazz_84
Lloyd will be there for sure id say, good young them though but id like to see Lonergan and Hocking in there somewhere and Reimers i hope takes the next step

Re: Delistings

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:23 pm
by merc_2
Cant believe that Myers Jetta and Houli are listed. They are young. They need time to develop considering the compromised drafts in the future with the entry of GCFC and WSFC.
Particularly Myers and Jetta (high draft picks)

Re: Delistings

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:21 pm
by Ossie
Very early to be making these calls obviously ...
But seeing as everyone is, why the hell not. :lol:
If it was up to me,

Laycock (although I think he's got another year on his contract, yes?)
Atkinson (24 now)
Jetta (never really showed anything, fumbles, gives away dumb free kicks, simply not an AFL player)
Nash (23 now and seemingly can't buy a game)
Maybe Williams?

Houli and Myers definitely worth persisting with.

Re: Delistings

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:24 pm
by j-mac31
I believe Magin is a rookie?
I don't think getting rid of rookies counts in the 4 required delistings.

Re: Delistings

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:51 pm
by hop
boncer34 wrote:For me Nash is one of the most disappointing players I've seen come through Essendon. I remember his early games when he was hitting 40 metre passes lace out and I remember his first goal in footy was a 55 metre drill at the MCG (Think thats the first one he kicked) for me a bloke with his kicking skill should be getting a game and racking up possies at a club like ours who is in desperate need of someone who can hit a target lace out time and time again. I say keep him but it appears he'll be gone.
So true Bonce.

What a terrible waste.

Can anyone put their finger on his decline? He seemed to lack a bit of 'ticker' at times - but he wouldn't be the first to be accused of that in this forum. Others like Dyson have managed to turn it around - I keep holding out hope that he will as well.

I fear however, that his time is nigh.

Re: Delistings

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 6:13 pm
by j-mac31
Nash, Lucas, Williams.

Re: Delistings

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:25 am
by ealesy
I remember Nash's first game, we were playing Collingwood, and he gave Nathan Buckley an absolute bath in the first half.

Then in the 3rd quarter the Pies moved Buckley into the forward line, he still wasn't doing much. Then around the 8-10 minute mark of the third, Nash went off for a spell and for someone unknown reason Sheeds put Justin f****** Murphy on Bucks. Will Nash was off for about 10 minutes, in that 10 minutes Buckley suddenly burst to life and kicked 3 goals on that shit truck Murphy. Nash came back on and went back on to Buckley, by that stage Buckley was up and flying but Nash did a pretty good job to hold him to only another 2 goals.

Anyway Buckley ended up with 5 so the Collingwood idiots and Collingwood loving media were fawing over his game, despite the fact that a first gamer had shut him out for half of the game and he had to be moved forward to get into the game and even then he only managed that because Sheeds made a idiotic error and put Justin Murphy on him.

No one rated Nash's game becuse Buckley kicked 5 goals and somehow even attribute all of those goals as being kicked on Nash.

Re: Delistings

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:32 am
by Windy_Hill
Ossie wrote:Jetta (never really showed anything, fumbles, gives away dumb free kicks, simply not an AFL player)
Watch this space - Jetta will be fine.

Re: Delistings

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:42 am
by dom_105
Filthy wrote:Scotty will retire so thats one. I believe we are forced to delist 2-3 others and have 3-4 picks. Thats all for me.
What's been said on here is that you can delist and pick up that player in the national draft, and that counts as one of your compulsory delistings.

Re: Delistings

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:33 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
dom_105 wrote:
Filthy wrote:Scotty will retire so thats one. I believe we are forced to delist 2-3 others and have 3-4 picks. Thats all for me.
What's been said on here is that you can delist and pick up that player in the national draft, and that counts as one of your compulsory delistings.
Unfortunately i have a feeling that this may happen to Skipworth at seasons end... has he done enough to get another year??

Re: Delistings

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:23 pm
by Rossoneri
Mrs Mercuri wrote:
dom_105 wrote:
Filthy wrote:Scotty will retire so thats one. I believe we are forced to delist 2-3 others and have 3-4 picks. Thats all for me.
What's been said on here is that you can delist and pick up that player in the national draft, and that counts as one of your compulsory delistings.
Unfortunately i have a feeling that this may happen to Skipworth at seasons end... has he done enough to get another year??
Done more than Davey and is only a couple of years older.

Re: Delistings

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:30 pm
by Jazz_84
see ya later Jetta and Davey, sick of your shit!