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Re: Why us? McBurney & McLaren

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:40 pm
by Doctor Fish
Lopo & Lupo....
#-o [-X

Re: Why us?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:44 pm
by Ronny Rotten
MH_Bomber wrote:The Dempsey "holding the ball" decision was possibly one of the worst decisions in football. Er.. dumb f-cks you actually have to be tackled to be be penalised for holding the ball. He evaded 3 players and had anyone of them laid a tackle yes fair enough but no-one did. So now we are getting a decision by the umpires of what he thought might happen but not what actually did happen. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
What can you expect from the 3 M's (McL , McB & now Meredith) AKA as the the 3 stooges. Worst decision for a long time. What was Meredith thinking , the c%#t. Perhaps he was trying to "outdumb" McLaren in decision making. But what can you expect when is in the same dressing room as the other 2 cocksuckers.

Would be interesting watching these 3 f#@kers in the showers comparing their game to see who could come up with the most dumb decisions. If this decision happened in Melbourne the prick would'nt have got off the ground alive. I can recall in the old Windy Hill days when the maggots often had to get police escorts to the cars after they showered when they gave dodgy decisions against the Bombers, which was usually every game, the pricks.

Re: Why us? McBurney & McLaren

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:13 am
by little_ripper
Filthy wrote:From Foggy on BB:

The worst thing was what wouldn't have been shown on TV. On several occasions inside 50 the end I was sitting there were incidents that McLaren was watching the he let go.

- 1st quarter Hille went to lead and LRT got his arm around Hilles neck. No free.

- 3rd quarter, Welsh was pushed in the back and hit in the back of the head with a forearm whilst McLaren looked on.

- 4th quarter, Goodes and Hocking holding each other then as he went to lead completely pushed Hocking over again as McLaren looked on.

And don't get me started on holding the ball.

I heard this morning McLaren paid 14 free kicks to the Swans and 2 to Essendon.

If this is true...what more needs to be said about banning from our games. :|

I saw a couple of those and in fairness I don't believe Mclaren could have seen them. We gave away too many free kicks pure and simple.
and that really contributed to us losing the game.

you can argue til your blue in the face whether or not they were all justified or not, but I can not honestly say I saw them miss a lot of frees for the dons.

Also we got done in the middle and the swans had 27 scoring shots to 20.

Re: Why us? McBurney & McLaren

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:35 pm
by bueller
I thought the Mcmaggots and their mate couldve done a better job .
That decision that went against us when a Sydney player tackled his own player high deep in a pack typified their stupidity.
if you wore red and white , you can despose of the ball as you like . Gary Rohans' handball to the player in the goalsquare, Mike Pikes freshair handball while tackled wern't paid.
Also, that 100 metre penalty was a joke.
The abuse 50 i can handle, however it never wouldve come to that if some common sense was applied to the situation. The whistle was blown for something in a pack that was far from obvious, David Myers then spontaneously kicked it forward and was paid 50 against. In a frantic last qtr, what else was he to do? I'm guessing the players had no idea who had the free just like the viewers.
Absolute shite.
Boltons free when he rammed his head into Hurleys chest when Hurley had hands on the ball before Bolton was another contentious crap decision. So players can basically burrow their head into a contest and get rewarded because contact to it is unavoidable?
What also annoyed me was whenever they had a free paid against them , the crowd booed like they were getting robbed!

Re: Why us? McBurney & McLaren

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:00 am
by rockhole
I shall watch with great interest on Wednesday as I was unable to either watch or tape the game. I hate to mention the word conspiracy, but 7two has shown at least 3 Dons/Swans games over the last 3 weeks and in everyone we were crucified.

Re: Why us? McBurney & McLaren

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:54 am
by little_ripper
To be
rockhole wrote:I shall watch with great interest on Wednesday as I was unable to either watch or tape the game. I hate to mention the word conspiracy, but 7two has shown at least 3 Dons/Swans games over the last 3 weeks and in everyone we were crucified.
It only seems to be Essendon Swans games. I had a quick look at the free kick count of their other games this year, and Sydney do not appear to be gaining any special treatment.

Re: Why us? McBurney & McLaren

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:09 pm
by Crazyman
little_ripper wrote:To be
rockhole wrote:I shall watch with great interest on Wednesday as I was unable to either watch or tape the game. I hate to mention the word conspiracy, but 7two has shown at least 3 Dons/Swans games over the last 3 weeks and in everyone we were crucified.
It only seems to be Essendon Swans games. I had a quick look at the free kick count of their other games this year, and Sydney do not appear to be gaining any special treatment.
But that is exactly it is not the Swans that get 'special' is US