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Re: Letter to Stants - comments to add

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 11:49 pm
by pevfan
With "feiends" like you Turncote and those other Scum like embarrassments in the crowd...who'd need enemies.
As a proud and passionate Bomber fan of over 50 years I am personally deeply embarrassed by this disgusting behaviour. My missus (who could be Pres of the anti football league) will never let me hear the end of this. :x :x :x

Re: Letter to Stants - comments to add

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 1:52 am
by stryper
Message to Turncote - Don't throw stones in glass houses... If you have something nice and constructive to say then fair enough...
If you can't do that then piss off...
We need to be happy for the massive improvement from the Essendon Football Club...
Enjoy the ride, Don't try to cause speed humps along the way...
In other words suck it up princess...

Re: Letter to Stants - comments to add

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 2:24 am
by Western Red
JumboPaddy wrote::lol: What a entertaining thread this has turned out to be. I love the whole #5 is a sacred jumper and everyone who wears it has to be a champion. If it's so friggin sacred it should've been retired to immortalise the great Sir James. I f***** love James Hird but the way some people carry on about him is sickening....
If that were the case I would have retired it when TD hung up the boots!!

Its is a legendary jumper - even before Jimmy got it (I am sure BD, Swoods and RH can add other great players that wore the famous number 5) and Stants has every right to it - top 5 in how many years in a row in the CM???

I was lucky to see the ANZAC Game - first game I have seen live for some time and although the kick in from the square and the taking the eyes off the ball incident were bad I was more critical of Hurley and Ryder after the game than Stants. Although really all I felt was very pleased after the game as I realised we are a lot closer to the mark than I thought and really challenged the benchmark of the competition on the biggest non final stage you could ask for!!

And I wear number 5 - but I am president of the club - so I get no arguements! 8) 8)

PS: Timbercote - HTFU - quoting the policies of the forumn will win you no friends....

Re: Letter to Stants - comments to add

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 6:59 am
by Mick
You can find all the number 5s at ... p?a=no&n=5
probably a few ordinary footballers among that lot. I only saw players from Gary Parkes onwards. The number you wear makes no difference to your ability to play the game, He didn't become a better player because he took off the 34 one season and put on 5 the next season. He has become a better player because of his hard work and natural ability.

Stanton is a very good player and the only thing in the way of him making the next step to elite level is the errors he makes in games (kicking in to the man running at him etc). His effort when he ran back into the backline and took that mark was excellent and great to see he has added that to hi obvious strength of running all day.

Re: Letter to Stants - comments to add

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 8:09 am
Hird said when he got given the number 5 that he got abusive letters saying he didn't deserve it and would never be as good as TD

Re: Letter to Stants - comments to add

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 8:55 am
by BenDoolan
BERT wrote:Hird said when he got given the number 5 that he got abusive letters saying he didn't deserve it and would never be as good as TD
That figures. We know what sort of arsehole supporter would do that sort of thing. To think that you HAVE to write such a thing to a new kid on the block makes you wonder what mental state they are in. f***'n lunatics.

Re: Letter to Stants - comments to add

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 9:08 am
by Windy_Hill
BenDoolan wrote:
BERT wrote:Hird said when he got given the number 5 that he got abusive letters saying he didn't deserve it and would never be as good as TD
That figures. We know what sort of arsehole supporter would do that sort of thing. To think that you HAVE to write such a thing to a new kid on the block makes you wonder what mental state they are in. f***'n lunatics.
Who would have thought Turncoat has been around that long....?

Re: Letter to Stants - comments to add

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 2:58 pm
by BenDoolan
Here you go Turncote, perhaps you wanna have a dig at Bomber Thompson as well....
Essendon assistant coach Mark Thompson says he can't understand why Bombers fans would jeer midfielder Brent Stanton considering the club's significant improvement this year.

Stanton was jeered by Essendon supporters when he was subbed out of the Bombers' game against West Coast at half-time on Sunday, but Thompson said the 25-year-old had the full support of the club.

"Up in the box you don't hear crowd noise, but we found out after the game. It's amazing our supporters can do that," Thompson said.

"I thought most of the things we've done this year have been pretty positive. From the coaches' perspective, from Hirdy down, we all love what Brent Stanton does for the team."

"He's a leader of the team, he takes people with him, he trains exceptionally well. We rate him as one of our best players, so to think our supporters would cheer him [being subbed off] amazes me."

"The club is behind him 100 per cent and we'd like our supporters to get behind him."

Meanwhile, Thompson said Stanton, and veteran defender Dustin Fletcher, would face fitness tests before facing the Brisbane Lions at the Gabba on Saturday night, a game which the two-time premiership coach said was important given the club's poor record interstate.

"Stanton is probably our biggest fitness concern. [Dustin] is one who is a little bit of a concern, but he's probably ticked more boxes than Brent at the moment," he said.

"We just have to give the guys a belief that if they do what they've been doing then we'll go up to Brisbane and be competitive."

"It doesn't really matter where you play; you just have to put in the same effort every week. Good teams can win interstate," Thompson said.

Re: Letter to Stants - comments to add

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 6:51 pm
by Megan
BERT wrote:Hird said when he got given the number 5 that he got abusive letters saying he didn't deserve it and would never be as good as TD
I might drop a line to TD and have a go for not being 'as good' as Hirdy :D

Re: Letter to Stants - comments to add

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 7:57 pm
by dom_105
I can't believe people can get so wound up about a f****** number so as to use it as a bat to beat Stanton with.

Champions have worn number 5, for sure. It meant something when Hird was running around. But sorry guys, in my opinion it's now just another bloody number. Just like all the others across the board.

I don't have an intimate knowledge of the history between certain players and certain patrons on the Windy Hill terraces, but from what I've heard this kind of stuff has been going on for years. The way Paul Salmon was treated in the dying days of his first stint at Essendon was pathetic, and I thought once the football-attending experience got more civilised under the dome at Docklands, we would have all moved past that sort of behaviour.

The stupid thing is, it's actually counterproductive.

We are playing the best football in 10 years, we are in the 4 for the first time in f*** knows how long, just chillax people. There is no need to jump up and down about pointless bullshit.

As for Stanton, it's not for me to give advice, because everything that has needed to be said has been said. But the unsilent minority are just that.

Re: Letter to Stants - comments to add

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:39 pm
by Jazz_84
Hey guys i got a letter today to everyone that contributed, hand written and signed by James Hird thanking us for our support and ended it with a "Go Bombers!"

lets hope he has got the confidence still to rip it up each week, and im praying to god the rumour that he will quit footy once this contract is up is false

Re: Letter to Stants - comments to add

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:26 pm
by Windy_Hill
Jazz_84 wrote:Hey guys i got a letter today to everyone that contributed, hand written and signed by James Hird thanking us for our support and ended it with a "Go Bombers!"

lets hope he has got the confidence still to rip it up each week, and im praying to god the rumour that he will quit footy once this contract is up is false

Jazz have you got a copy of the letter writtent to Stanton? or at least the contents?

Re: Letter to Stants - comments to add

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:34 pm
by Jazz_84
yeah it's still on my PC, it's just what i wrote to him followed by everyone's comments, most of which are in the first 2 pages of this thread anyway. I sent it as a BomberTalk group thing, so hope they appreciate us a bit more if they didn't like us haha

Re: Letter to Stants - comments to add

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:38 pm
by Windy_Hill
Maybe Stants already logs on, who knows, maybe he is really Timbercote :shock:

Re: Letter to Stants - comments to add

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:08 pm
by Rossoneri
Heard today that he requires surgery on the shoulder he hurt against WCE. I spoke to him at the player sponsor night and he said he wasn't right for the Richmond game but the coaches needed him to play.

Seriously, so we don't have our two best midfielders and we are also going in two short on the actual game day with Stanton carrying an injury. Why don't they just put him in for surgery now and get some fit blokes into the team. We can not carry injured players. Why not give Prismall, Dyson, Riemers extended game time and let Stanton rest his shoulder? Stanton is a player we can cover.

Re: Letter to Stants - comments to add

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:53 pm
by BenDoolan
Rossoneri wrote:Heard today that he requires surgery on the shoulder he hurt against WCE. I spoke to him at the player sponsor night and he said he wasn't right for the Richmond game but the coaches needed him to play.

Seriously, so we don't have our two best midfielders and we are also going in two short on the actual game day with Stanton carrying an injury. Why don't they just put him in for surgery now and get some fit blokes into the team. We can not carry injured players. Why not give Prismall, Dyson, Riemers extended game time and let Stanton rest his shoulder? Stanton is a player we can cover.
Agree with you. If this is the case, I'm disappointed with the coaching department.

Re: Letter to Stants - comments to add

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:48 pm
by Windy_Hill
Rossoneri wrote:Heard today that he requires surgery on the shoulder he hurt against WCE. I spoke to him at the player sponsor night and he said he wasn't right for the Richmond game but the coaches needed him to play.

Seriously, so we don't have our two best midfielders and we are also going in two short on the actual game day with Stanton carrying an injury. Why don't they just put him in for surgery now and get some fit blokes into the team. We can not carry injured players. Why not give Prismall, Dyson, Riemers extended game time and let Stanton rest his shoulder? Stanton is a player we can cover.

Totally agree - on all levels - not good for Stanton, not good for the team and we have players who can and should be able to cover