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Post by robbie67 »

Bishop Muzorewa wrote:no...i asked you
NIFTY wrote:
Come on Keri I will not bring myself down to your level are resort to name calling, that is beneath me.

Now who thinks Keri is out of line?

robbie67 wrote:
How did you go down at South Nifty? Were the natives a bit restless they traded the Danihers for you?

Post by Twits »

swoodley aka filthys lover. if u want a football knowledge competition, i would be happy to oblige. i am sure nifty would too as long as he hasnt started on those 6 bottles of vodka yet.
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Post by robbie67 »

Twits wrote:robbie unless you smashed pots with tony antrobus and brad fox, dont talk to me about knowledge of the Essendon football club.
You really hang out with the legends dont you? Then again, if Antrobus had been at Freemantle, he would have been the 2nd best player in the history of the club.

Post by Twits »

i am fairly confident the Ant would have gone Ok in the Essendon b and f this year. Age doesnt seem to be a barrier to winning that.
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Post by swoodley »

Twits wrote:swoodley aka filthys lover. if u want a football knowledge competition, i would be happy to oblige. i am sure nifty would too as long as he hasnt started on those 6 bottles of vodka yet.
Yes, that would be seem like a reasonably intelligent person, especially with your initial reference to me as filthy under a different name and now refer to me as his lover. :roll:

What a towering intellect you are
"You can quote me on this... He is gawn" - bomberdonnie re Hurley's contract status 25 February 2012

Post by Twits »

i initially thought that you were filthy, i admit wrong. but you are right about me being smart, i will give you that.
Filthys absence now is clear, he doesnt need to be on when his common law husband in your good self is doing his best work for him.
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Post by Bishop Muzorewa »

what are you getting at swoodley?
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Post by swoodley »

Twits wrote:i initially thought that you were filthy, i admit wrong. but you are right about me being smart, i will give you that.
Filthys absence now is clear, he doesnt need to be on when his common law husband in your good self is doing his best work for him.
Obviously your definition of smart is different to mine or maybe you spend too much time with those at the shallow end of the gene pool and that's why you think you're smart.

I've just had a quick look at your posts and it just confirms my original thoughts about you...not one decent comment amongst them all...but what more could I expect given the dictionary definition of a twit Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
twit3 /twɪt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[twit] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation,
–noun Informal. an insignificant or bothersome person.


[Origin: 1920–25; perh. orig. n. deriv. of twit1, i.e., “one who twits others,” but altered in sense by assoc. with expressive words with tw- (twaddle, twat, twerp, etc.) and by rhyme with nitwit] Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
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Post by swoodley »

Bishop Muzorewa wrote:what are you getting at swoodley?
in reference to what?
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Post by Bishop Muzorewa »

i have forgoten what it was a bluddy crisis on my hands here at the abattoir! it is kaos!
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Post by gringo »

What is going on at the abattoir Bishop? I'd imagine most crisis at an abattoir would be bloody. Fill in the blanks a little for us old mate.
Like sand through the hour glass, so are the days at the Essendon Football Club.
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Post by Bishop Muzorewa »

fair dinkum kaos gringo...we had a truck load of camels come in this morning...our business is generally not geared up for such large animals...without going into the finer details, let me just saw the holding pens have broken and we have wild camels running amuk through the place...a camel is a difficult prospect to bring down with just a lasoo
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Post by Gatsid »

nifty and twits consider yourself warned, every thread I visit lately I see you have hijacked, continue this and you will be banned.

Post by Twits »

You ever eaten camel Bishop? Its a tasty meat. What sort of meat do you like Swoodley ?(besides Filthys that is).
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Post by Gatsid »

Thats it twits you're banned goodbye.
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Post by swoodley »

Yet another valuable contribution twits
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Post by gringo »

Bishop Muzorewa wrote:fair dinkum kaos gringo...we had a truck load of camels come in this morning...our business is generally not geared up for such large animals...without going into the finer details, let me just saw the holding pens have broken and we have wild camels running amuk through the place...a camel is a difficult prospect to bring down with just a lasoo
Ha ha ha. That sounds terrible Bishop!! Why is someone who carries such high standing in the world political arena working at an abattoir?

Regardless, can you say a few prayers for Kepler for me. Cheers.
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Post by Gatsid »

Bishop you are pushing you're luck also mate, just for the record I'm sick to death of having to fish through this rubbish when some people are trying to talk about football and you're talking about camels.
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Post by BenDoolan »

Just for the record, I have eaten Camel meat (in Dubai) and it made me shit twice as much as I ate. Did taste good though.
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Post by bombercol »

So long twits, I think Fremantle are the last club to start pointing the finger at Essendon given its past history and currently given that you've just delisted three contracted players and are getting hard over Joel Reynolds! By the way we'll always thank Freo for helping us secure Lloyd.

Back to the discussion and it's a shame to see such negative crap amongst our "supporters"..yes "supporters".

There is no shame in having a goal, be it top 4 by 2010. You look at this year we were what two games out of the eight in the end and improved by six and a half wins from the year before. We finished 4 games out of the top four, so for a three year plan to try and increase our wins from 10 we got this year to 14 is a realistic plan.

For those negative supporters, to finish top 4 gives you the best opportunity to have a crack at the premiership. A double chance first up is invaluable.

At the beginning of this year, I think the vast majority would not have expected North and Port to fill two of the top four spots.

So, Kinights has been hired, have already said before that I'm rapt with his work thus far. Saw an interview today of Fox Sports (Part one of a three part interview) where again he discussed that plans and prioirities that need to be focussed on.

Knights was asked, could Sheedy have started re building earlier...Knights carefully answered that not necessarily the re building but the development of such players could have. Let's think about it, how many times did Sheeds say it's time to play the kids and see what they can do only to see them dropped after one week and replaced by Campo, Bolton etc.

Under Knights, he stated the Ricky Dyson's, Angus Monfries and he's mention others before who would be given support and given an extended opportunity to develop in a particular spot be it midfield so we really could tell if they can play, so they can learn by playing on the elite midfielders that are there already.

They've basically been given a shape up or ship out message, your fitness or attitude not up to scracth you'll be playing for Bendigo. He expects with a lot of young players that the fitness side will give us many options regarding selection.

Trading Lloyd and Lucas is so stupid it makes me cringe. Lloyd and Lucas are tw of the best ever to pull on an Essendon jumper, they will live and die Essendon Champions full stop.

Kinights has already said that these older blokes will also have mentoring roles with the up and coming list.

Breaking up our list in age groups:

29 and older:- J Johnson 30, M Lloyd 30, S Lucas 30, M Michael 30, D Fletcher 32.

24-28 :- A Welsh 25, A McPhee 25, N Lovett Murray 25, A Lovett 25, D Hille 26, A Ramanauskas 27, D Peverill 28.

23 and under:- S Gumbleton 19, T Hislop 19, B Houli 19, L Jetta 19, K Reimers 19, C Dempsey 20, H Hocking 20, J Neagle 20, P Ryder 20, A Lee 21, S Lonergan 21, A Monfries 21, J Nash 22, H Slattery 22, B Stanton 22, J Watson 23, A Davey 23, C Johns 23, J Laycock 23, J Winderlich 23

then add D Daniher 18.

So by concentrating on developing, supporting and further teaching that large group of young players, given another two more years in the system, that lot not only cover a vast area of the ground but there is huge potential in that lot. A good amount of them have been around for a bit of time and maybe why there devolpment hasn't come on is because well Bolton, Campo, MJ, Heffernan, JJ are getting games over these kids when on form really they shouldn't have.

The middle group Welsh is a quality player, McPhee has the ability and the tricks to become an elite player.

Lloyd and Lucas I reckon would have 2-3 years left, wouldn't surprise is Mal and JJ retire at years end.

Remeber too we have pick 6 in this years draft plus two or three others to get too.

This will be an interesting year and is only the start of the "new' era.

Yes, older elite players leave, but if our current crop is taught correctly and have been the confidence to grow our older when they leave will leave the club in good hands. If you're at EFC and not willing to put your hand up and raise the bar you'll be left behind.

I'm confident and fascinated with how it will unfold.
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