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Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:20 pm
by Muzzareewa
Hey CameronClayton, I heard she has to take her teeth about because if she leaves them in, your c#ck gets stuck between the gap at the front...

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:25 pm
by gringo
Sol wrote:Gringo, your problem is you actually think your allot smarter than you are.

Not saying your completely wrong, I agree our dismal past seasons stem far broader than simply mark Bolton and Henneman and when thier gone next year a new wipping boy will be found, but I dont agree soley pointing out Watson as you have lately is a viable opinion at all.

Ultimately its about team balance, cohesion and a game plan that utilises your team strength. Sydney DO NOT have a team full of highly skilled running players and still manage to win games (maybe even the GF?). It is about balance.

We have too many players who like the close in and under stuff and not enough blokes who run carry, deliver and kick goals. So your right, Watson is not helping the cause, but he wouldnt be the first I'd replace. Peverill, Heff, Soloman, McVeigh, MJ should not be played on ball they should be played in defence or dropped (clearly there is no room for all of them).

We need Dyson, NLM, Lovett, McPhee, Angus and Winder to step up and add polish to the hard work of Stants, JJ and Watson. Then we have a midfield unit capable of giving a forward line boasting with the likes of Lloyd, Lucus, hird and Johns a great chance of kicking a score.

Sure Watson really needs to work on his kicking skills to become the complete in and under package but keep this post and remind me in a few years if im wrong if you like, but Watson will continue to improve and will be top 5 in our B&F for years to come and we will make finals in that time.
Hi Sol. I've highlighted the more glaring mistakes in your post:

Gringo, your problem is you actually think your allot smarter than you are.

Not saying your completely wrong, (full stop required) I agree our dismal past seasons stem far broader than simply (consider rephrasing) mark (proper nouns require capital letters. A school boy error but easily made) Bolton and Henneman and when thier gone next year a new wipping boy will be found, but I dont agree soley pointing out Watson as you have lately is a viable opinion at all. (Again, consider rephrasing).

Ultimately its about team balance, cohesion and a game plan that utilises your team strength (it needs to be either your team's strength, or team strengths). Sydney DO NOT have a team full of highly skilled running players and still manage to win games (maybe even the GF?). It is about balance.

We have too many players who like the close in and under stuff and not enough blokes who run carry, deliver and kick goals. So your (hmmm, you really struggle with this one) right, Watson is not helping the cause, but he wouldnt be the first I'd replace. Peverill, Heff, Soloman, McVeigh, MJ should not be played on ball (really should have a full stop in here) they should be played in defence or dropped (clearly there is no room for all of them).

We need Dyson, NLM, Lovett, McPhee, Angus and Winder to step up and add polish to the hard work of Stants, JJ and Watson. Then we will have a midfield unit capable of giving a forward line boasting with the likes of (Lord. That sentence really is a mess. Rephrase please). Lloyd, Lucus, hird (see previous comment regarding proper nouns) and Johns a great chance of kicking a score.

Sure (either comma or full stop required) Watson really needs to work on his kicking skills to become the complete in and under package (full stop) but keep this post and remind me in a few years if im wrong if you like, but Watson will continue to improve and will be top 5 in our B&F for years to come and we will make finals in that time

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:30 pm
by Madden
gringo wrote:

Hmmm. Were you dropped on your head when you are small child? Did your parents hold your head under water for long periods whilst they bathed you? Were you fed on a stable diet of urinal cakes? I'm just trying to work out why logic seems to have been something that has escaped you. NOw, let me see:

1) Scot West said Misiti was his toughest opponent.

2) So, it logically follows that I think Scot West shouldn't be getting a game.

Rigggggggght. When you're done using the computer at Centrelink, I suggest you go enrol at your local primary school.
Muzzareewa wrote:
Gold Gringo.

Writing a post which tries to be funny, then logging in under another username to congratulate yourself on how funny you are.

That is so sad.

And now you are pointing out the grammatical mistakes of others. Even sadder.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:43 pm
by gringo
Writing a post which tries to be funny, then logging in under another username to congratulate yourself on how funny you are.

That is so sad.

And now you are pointing out the grammatical mistakes of others. Even sadder
What can I say? It's a very sad day by the looks of it. :( But you're wrong (note the use of "you're" Sol). Gringo and Muzoreewa (whom I suspect is named after the great Bishop Muzorewa - the late Rhodesian PM) are two seperate people.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:46 pm
by swoodley
gringo wrote:
Writing a post which tries to be funny, then logging in under another username to congratulate yourself on how funny you are.

That is so sad.

And now you are pointing out the grammatical mistakes of others. Even sadder
What can I say? It's a very sad day by the looks of it. :( But you're wrong (note the use of "you're" Sol). Gringo and Muzoreewa (whom I suspect is named after the great Bishop Muzorewa - the late Rhodesian PM) are two seperate people.
Bluey may be back or is it Sybil?

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:07 pm
by jimmyc1985
gringo wrote:
Writing a post which tries to be funny, then logging in under another username to congratulate yourself on how funny you are.

That is so sad.

And now you are pointing out the grammatical mistakes of others. Even sadder
What can I say? It's a very sad day by the looks of it. :( But you're wrong (note the use of "you're" Sol). Gringo and Muzoreewa (whom I suspect is named after the great Bishop Muzorewa - the late Rhodesian PM) are two seperate people.
Don't they usually teach kids the difference between desperate and separate in year 2?

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:16 pm
by Bombers4Premiers
swoodley wrote:
gringo wrote:
Writing a post which tries to be funny, then logging in under another username to congratulate yourself on how funny you are.

That is so sad.

And now you are pointing out the grammatical mistakes of others. Even sadder
What can I say? It's a very sad day by the looks of it. :( But you're wrong (note the use of "you're" Sol). Gringo and Muzoreewa (whom I suspect is named after the great Bishop Muzorewa - the late Rhodesian PM) are two seperate people.
Bluey may be back or is it Sybil?
That's what I thought when I first saw it.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:46 pm
by Sartorius
Hey Moderators/ Admin. Can we please have an IP check on bigboss, gringo etc. If there is a match can we ban him or at least warn him.
Thanks fellas.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:52 pm
by Gatsid
no match

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:52 pm
by Sartorius
damn. He is one step ahead :P

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:09 pm
by Megan
Gats, you're learning, I checked as I went along and you beat me to it ;)

The IPs may not match but the IQ does, my sweets.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:47 pm
by Sartorius
lol. It isnt very hard to dodge the IP filter, but i have a feeling those blokes are too dumb to be able to do it.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:56 pm
by mrredfox
suggested delistings this year Henno, Carts and Gringo :)

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:27 pm
by boncer34
Megan wrote:Gats, you're learning, I checked as I went along and you beat me to it ;)

The IPs may not match but the IQ does, my sweets.
Any match to Bluey?

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:41 pm
by Jazz_84
boncer34 wrote:
Megan wrote:Gats, you're learning, I checked as I went along and you beat me to it ;)

The IPs may not match but the IQ does, my sweets.
Any match to Bluey?
haha na mate

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:05 pm
by Gossy7
Even when you IP dodge, the first three numbers are the same.

No worries guys, carry on with the topic :D

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:40 pm
by Rotorog
CameronClayton wrote:Gringo; I don't mind you have a crack at our team because we have had a few ordinary years in a row, but this thing about Jobe not getting Brownlow votes = a dud, is right off the mark.

Teasdale won a Brownlow & Simon Madden never did, therefore going by your theory, Teasdale is a better ruckman than Madden. Peverill got 2 votes in this years Chas & Jobe got none - does that mean Pev is twice the player Jobe is?

We need a new in & under to take over from the JJ's & Pev's of the world & I for one am glad that Jobe is coming on leaps & bounds in this department. Does his kicking need improving? Sure, as does Dyson's, Stanton's, Winderlich's, John's, Welsh's, Solomon's etc - why pick on him is beyond me. FFS, Scotty won the B&F this year & can't kick with his right foot - why isn't that a concern for you also?

Clubs B&F rewards consistent players more often rather than blokes that play half a dozen blinders a year & are maybe quiet for the rest of the season. Without checking, I would almost guarantee you that the 2 B&F that JJ won, I bet he didn't get our most Brownlow votes in that same year (probably Hird). Reason is that JJ is consistent, Hird has blinders.

To me, Jobe is the least of our worries, as at least he gets his hands on the pill. I'd be more worried about the complacency (& smugness) that this club has, whereby everyone thinks that if we miraculously have a injury free year next year, we are certs for the finals - that to me is our greatest problem.
Excellent Post. Succient and to the point. :roll:

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:55 am
by Fratty McFrat
Ehhhh, Gringo. Seems like the sharks smell blood in the water... All this talk of IP runnin' and maskin' makes me wonder if these boys ever pull their little willies out of their disk drives long enough to actually get out and play footy.

Just 'cause Gringo has the cojones to say the emperor isn't wearin' any clothes doesn't mean he needs to be taken out behind the wood shed. I agree with just about everything he says, 'cept for the line 'bout Misiti. He did sack up for the 2000 Finals.

Essendon sucks. And nothing short of a complete overhaul will help this club. When I'm often asked by Aussies whom I barrack for, I'm embarrassed. Many 'a supporter of lesser clubs are reveling in Essendon's demise.

Oh yeah, Kepler Bradley sucks at life.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:15 am
by nomolos
Fratty McFrat wrote: When I'm often asked by Aussies whom I barrack for, I'm embarrassed. Many 'a supporter of lesser clubs are reveling in Essendon's demise.

Oh yeah, Kepler Bradley sucks at life.
Well maybe you should just f*** off, we certainly dont need you as a supporter.

Im sure the club is ashamed to have a wanker like yourself as a barracker.

Do us a favor, go and take a nice lay down on the nearest railway line.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 8:50 am
by Bombers4Premiers
nomolos wrote:
Fratty McFrat wrote: When I'm often asked by Aussies whom I barrack for, I'm embarrassed. Many 'a supporter of lesser clubs are reveling in Essendon's demise.

Oh yeah, Kepler Bradley sucks at life.
Well maybe you should just f*** off, we certainly dont need you as a supporter.

Im sure the club is ashamed to have a wanker like yourself as a barracker.

Do us a favor, go and take a nice lay down on the nearest railway line.
=D> =D> =D> =D>