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Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:01 pm
by dheal
As CollingFILTH are a shit side & won't make the finals, maybe the MORONS were having their Mad Monday(& Sunday) 4 weeks early??

Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:17 pm
by Malky
When it rains, it pours!

The wheels are falling off!

And if all of this means Corringwood doesn't win the Premiership for another 44 years... the world is a better place

Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:31 pm
by jjono
Might be drawing a long bow here, but why can't the AFL step in and charge Shaw and Didak with bringing the game into disrepute? It's Didak's 2nd offence at least, and whilst I'm not sure on Shaw's previous form, this has got to be getting to the stage where the 3rd Reich, sorry, the AFL, think enough is enough. I mean the Wet Coke Eagles were hammered for off-field indescretions last year, so why is this any different. Or is it because alcohol is legal, where as Wet Cokes drug dramas weren't legal?

Can Jimmy or another of our legal-eagles tell me if I'm on the money? Has the AFL got any powers here re licensing agreements etc??

Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:56 pm
by dom_105

Demetriou has already come out and said, for better or worse, that it is a club issue.

Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:03 am
by grassy1
Put it in the TOO HARD BASKET in other words.

Their INCOMPETENCE Equals Collingwood's Complicity in Telling all that were GULLIBLE that there was NO BOOZE CULTURE. :roll:


Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:16 am
by grassy1

Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:33 am
by danstar84
It keeps getting better and better! 8)

Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:41 am
by Lenni
They were planning on doing a runner and framing Barry Hall. Anyone else notice the Sydney sticker on the back window? :P They were planning ahead to round 21! The lengths those two boys will go to for their club, amazing :lol:

Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:58 am
by BenDoolan

It keeps getting tighter, eh Dicksmack?

You are a shit footballer, and a shit bloke.

Karma chameleon.

Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:18 am
by hop
Two aspects of this sharade go to the crux of the matter for me.

Firstly - why would a full-time AFL footballer drive a UTE?
Secondly - why would 2 AFL footballers from a club who are fighting for finals contention be out on the piss (in a big way - 0.14) 2 days after a game and 4 days before the next crucial game?

I suspect the answer to both of these questions is "Yob dickhead feral filth"

Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:25 am
by billyduckworth
hop wrote:"Yob dickhead feral filth"
That sums it up beautifully, hop.

Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:26 am
by Madden
My favorite part of the McGuire presser is now this:

McGuire described the passenger as a "so-called friend" for letting Shaw get behind the wheel drunk. "There comes a time in your life when you have to get rid of scaly mates, let me tell you."

Ha ha. Ah ha. Ahahahahaha.

Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:40 am
by andrewb
I just love the fact that the F/S rule is so good for Essendon and so bad for clubs like Collingwood.

They've had two Shaws and three Clokes from that rule over the last few years. Travis Cloke and the two Shaws can play a bit but they are absolute dickheads and true white trash.

We've had a Watson, a Daniher and a Neagle... and in all cases it seems that the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree. Upstanding citizens all by the look of things.

Here's to many more generations of upstanding EFC players and decades of toothless, dickhead Pies.

Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:20 pm
by Madden

Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:27 pm
by j-mac31
Buckley pissed off.
T Shaw calls for Didak to be sacked, yet blasts the way the club handled H Shaw's involvement. :roll:
Lol and this was in the "national" news, not sport. wrote:Didak and Shaw's lies 'unforgivable': Buckley

Reko Rennie, Adrian Lowe
August 5, 2008 - 10:26AM

Collingwood's Alan Didak and Heath Shaw should be suspended indefinitely for their "unforgivable" lies about their drink-driving incident at the weekend, former Magpies captain Nathan Buckley said today.

Buckley's comments came after fellow Collingwood legend Tony Shaw called for Didak to be sacked and attacked his former club over its handling of his embattled nephew Heath, who lied about the identity of the passenger in his car after he drunkenly crashed into two parked cars in Kew on Saturday night.

Shamefaced Collingwood star Heath Shaw fronts the media after his involvement in a drink drive accident at the wekend.

He initially said it was someone not linked to football but witnesses to the crash told the media the passenger was Didak.

Buckley told Radio 3AW this morning that Shaw and Didak's lies were "unforgivable".

"For those players to be out from a football perspective six days before a game, when they have had an eight-day break is just unacceptable and then to top it off by being dishonest to the people in an environment where you rely on honesty and you rely on trust is unforgivable,'' Buckley said.

Buckley said both players should be suspended.

"I'd be suspending him indefinitely, if it was me, and I'd do the same with Heath Shaw, they're both mates of mine ... Alan's made too many poor choices," Buckley said.

"There needs to be a strong stance made by the club to set the tone, not just for Alan Didak or Heath Shaw but for all young players at football clubs, so it's distinct, what's acceptable and what's not, there needs to be a clear line drawn.''

Tony Shaw earlier told Radio 3AW that by covering for Didak, his nephew had "picked the wrong person".

"I think Heath deserves everything he cops in all ways from the club but the one thing about it, the lying part, there's no doubt there's an unwritten law within footy clubs that you look after your mates and unless they do something that physically harms someone or something against the law ... maybe Heath did the right thing in one way in helping out a mate but he probably picked the wrong person to do it for,'' he said.

"I think Alan Didak should have come out straight away and said he was part of it.

"I'd sack him (Didak), no doubt.''

Tony Shaw said his nephew's family had struggled with the club's approach to the incident by putting him up in front of the media "and publicly humiliating him".

"Last year Alan Didak did his press conference (about taking a wild car ride with CBD killer Christopher Hudson days before Hudson murdered Brendan Keilar) and they shut up shop,'' he said.

"I'd be pretty dirty if I was Heath.''

The club legend said the administration had not handled things properly.

"I the (club's) just trying to make an example and they haven't set the scene prior to this - Eddie (McGuire) will tell you I've rung him a number of times about different players doing different things off the field for nearly four to five years and I think that the protectionism that Eddie's trying to give the club to save their image in fact is detrimental to the very thing that you try to build and that's the culture," Tony Shaw said.

"He loves the club, he's got passion for the club, but this has been behind the scenes and they've always said they can handle it; well this is four times in the last two years that things have happened. They aren't handling it well at all.

"I just thought it should have been nipped in the bud with Alan Didak.''

The Collingwood hierarchy is still meeting to discuss the future of Shaw and Didak.

Some players have left the Lexus Centre, refusing to comment to waiting media.

Former Kangaroo great Glenn Archer, who is involved with Shaw's management, also declined to answer questions as he left the building.

Collingwood is expected to make a statement later today.

- with Lyall Johnson

Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:09 pm
by jimmyc1985
Press conference is apparently happening at 3. Watch this space.

Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:04 pm
by jimmyc1985
Both Shaw and Didak have been suspended for the remainder of the season, including any potential finals.

Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:07 pm
by BenDoolan
Whoa! Now that's a penalty! Looks like Dicksmack is finished.

Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:09 pm
by Madden
Funny how suspension was the 'soft way out' yesterday, but suddenly is fine today.

Rhyce Shaw has got two weeks as well apparently! Was out drinking too.

Re: Heath Shaw Involved in Drink Driving Accident

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:13 pm
by jimmyc1985
Media grilling them for only Pert and Geoff Walsh fronting the presser.