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Re: f*** off..

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:44 am
by BenDoolan
Very interesting article about Charter. Very interesting. This is enormous. Whether we come out clean remains to be seen. But other footballers AND clubs must be sweating at their shredders at the minute....

Re: f*** off..

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:51 am
by hop
MH_Bomber wrote:I have listened to Vlad's comments a number times. He was never very strong about Hird standing down but said what he said in terms a suggestion and intimation that Hird must be under going a lot of pressure. So when he says its the way what he said was reported that has caused the problem I tend to agree. Caro took Andrew's words and beat them like a Salvation Army drum all last Friday and into the weekend. When she found she had lost the PR battle and Hird was in a position of strength she has slowly slowly relented.

She has come out this a complete fool. I expect her to scream for all and sundry at Melbourne to resign however her hysterical ravings seem to be only restricted to out club.

Also.....What this whole sorry episode has revealed is that Essendon came out on the front foot, called for the Investigation, has cooperated fully, set up an internal investigation around Governance, has had to fend off media scrutiny and a cavalcade of lies, rumours and leaks which are damaging to collective and individual reputations and prepare for a season of football, while there is a presumption of innocence before being proved guilty - evidently :roll:

In the mean-time other club(s) have supposedly lied and covered up their knowledge and involvement and avoided all of the above.

So - the moral to this story journos and Vlad?

Re: f*** off..

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 11:14 am
by Jazz_84
BenDoolan wrote:Very interesting article about Charter. Very interesting. This is enormous. Whether we come out clean remains to be seen. But other footballers AND clubs must be sweating at their shredders at the minute....
and to think the AFL not days ago said "we are comfortable with all the other clubs supplement programs" after auditing them (very very quickly mind you). That Audit was a form with questions to fill out...... f****** unbelievable they simply took their word for it... Clubs must be laughing at the AFL

but they wont be now, the AFL is now being forced to cross-check every club... well at least that's what they are saying

This issue was never as simple as "Essendon-Only" and too keep a clean image the AFL threw us under the bus and completely ignored the possibility other clubs had questionable programs in place.

Vlad is pissed but this could make him sweep stuff under the carpet even more.... some clubs will get found out and some wont... lets just hope the truth comes out about Essendon, because that's the only thing that matters to us

Re: f*** off..

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:21 pm
by j-mac31
So Silvester had three articles (one very short) about Charter today, including the one Jazz put up.

Hird seems to come out of it fine again - another voice saying that he made sure this was all within the rules - and nothing suggesting that our players took illegal drugs. ... 2i5io.html ... 2i606.html ... 2i5tb.html

Re: f*** off..

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:22 pm
by j-mac31
Jazz_84 wrote:That Audit was a form with questions to fill out...... f****** unbelievable they simply took their word for it... Clubs must be laughing at the AFL
If that counts as a f****** audit, the AFL needs it's corporate governance systems reviewed. Seriously.

Re: f*** off..

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:26 pm
by Jazz_84
j-mac31 wrote:
Jazz_84 wrote:That Audit was a form with questions to fill out...... f****** unbelievable they simply took their word for it... Clubs must be laughing at the AFL
If that counts as a f****** audit, the AFL needs it's corporate governance systems reviewed. Seriously.
Hard to believe but what else is there to believe given their history of sweeping under the rug, maybe we should send Ziggy their way

Re: f*** off..

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:32 pm
by Megan
I'm amused at the open slather of articles leading up to Monday, and the sudden silence now Hirdy has been allowed to have his say and chosen not to retaliate. Talk about high road.

Re: f*** off..

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:37 pm
by s'dreams
Megan wrote:I'm amused at the open slather of articles leading up to Monday, and the sudden silence now Hirdy has been allowed to have his say and chosen not to retaliate. Talk about high road.
Ahhh ... but its still drugs for us but supliments for the others!!! And C Wilson was still banging on even last night!


Re: f*** off..

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:18 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
Fox Sports just tweeted that we apparently admitted that some of our players took the banned anti obesity drug last year...... not sure how credible it is considering we are still being investigated and i doubt we would be leaking this kind of info to the media....

lets hope its all rumour :shock:

Re: f*** off..

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:36 pm
by BenDoolan
Mrs Mercuri wrote:Fox Sports just tweeted that we apparently admitted that some of our players took the banned anti obesity drug last year...... not sure how credible it is considering we are still being investigated and i doubt we would be leaking this kind of info to the media....

lets hope its all rumour :shock:
Their brains must be on 48 hour delay. That was established yesterday morning after the 7.30 report on Monday night.

The short story is that it is not on the banned list, nor is it approved for human use. Therefore, it is declared banned under a specific WADA clause. Excuse me for not bothering to print the exact details on this technicality, but I am tired of this entire issue. It is claimed that we sought ASADA's advice on using this drug, and they gave it the "all clear". Again, there are no details to back this up (as yet). This is what complicates the breach. If ASADA has given us approval, then how can they impose a penalty if their advice was incorrect?

Just have to trust James Hird's confidence that he and the club will be fine.

Re: f*** off..

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:19 am
by dom_105
If ASADA has given us approval, then how can they impose a penalty if their advice was incorrect?
Imagine the silks from ASADA tasked with rolling on down to Windy Hill to serve papers on the club and various players.

"Well, this is kind of awkward, but..."

Re: f*** off..

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 8:51 am
by s'dreams
dom_105 wrote:
If ASADA has given us approval, then how can they impose a penalty if their advice was incorrect?
Imagine the silks from ASADA tasked with rolling on down to Windy Hill to serve papers on the club and various players.

"Well, this is kind of awkward, but..."
Bugger - the club seems to have mislayed the paperwork - and Dank has the only copy... I'd imagine that ASADA has also mislayed the author of the advice...

Only analogy I can think of is when I bought an expensive electrical item and the copy of the reciept went with the ex- in an acromoniuos split (and naa she wouldn't provide and the shop wouldn't honour my word that I bought their damn product 2 weeks earlier and wanted to return a defective product).


Re: f*** off..

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:55 am
by Sismis
It is not going to matter whether ASSADA said it wasn't on the banned list. We are going to get pinged for duty of care to our players and rightly so. There is good reason we have the testing and approval process for drugs (thalidomide.....) and the club took a stupid risk in using the stuff.

The good news is the players should be in the clear as it is not performance enhancing nor is it a masking agent.

Re: f*** off..

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:58 am
by patoman
So it has been reported that 6 of our players used the
anti obesity drug, which we have now found out to be
banned. Anyone heard rumours of the players involved?
I'll be gutted if it was jobe and those fu**ers try to take
his brownlow. Gutted if any of our players cop anything
but fines over this shit! I think we've proved we never set
out to cheat or try and use banned products.. Fuc$in Dank..

Re: f*** off..

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:24 am
by tonysoprano
At the start of this entire joke it was reported that an entire team was subject to doping.
On day 1 Vlad said it wasn't us.
On day 3 his deputy McLachlan said it was us.
Now it's down to 6 players.

Where's the spotlight on that "one player from another club"?
What about the 30 odd players from 6 other clubs that Charters said he has directly assisted?

I can't help but think we should have just kept our mouths shut and not drawn attention to ourselves.

Re: f*** off..

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:31 am
by patoman
The stink of the Dank ment we were always gonna be
in the spotlight.... Our worst crime was letting that
Asshole into our club. Just hope it doesn't come back
On the players or hird.

Re: f*** off..

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:06 am
by bombercol
I am concerned that we don't have this letter approving the use of this substance. Something as important as this is very bad on the club's part.

My other concern if Dank has the only copy, unless he also wants to clear his name, he may not be willing to be spoken to or cooperative with us to show it.

Re: f*** off..

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:24 am
by patoman
Is there a chance Dank just forged a letter showed it to us
We figured it was all above board so we didn't need the letter
As we could just refer back to wada or Asada if anyone had questions

Re: f*** off..

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:31 am
by tonysoprano
What case does Dank have to answer?
If the ACC had evidence against him - why not pass on to appropriate authorities who actually cam do something about it?

If he wants to clear his name (just reputation wise) I would have thought the best thing he could do would be to show that ASADA has given him written approval to use AOD or anything else he might have tried. He has previously claimed that he always checked with AsAda.

If he has no case to answer - then I'm completely at a loss as to how we could have a case to answer. Unless of course he fraudulently stated that ASada has given approval for things they haven't and we have taken his word for it. In that case I can only suggest we have a strong claim against him and a strong defense against player bans. We might have problems at a governance level - but I don't see how that's any one else's business but our own.

Re: f*** off..

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:33 am
by tonysoprano
Sorry Patoman - must have posted at same time! Thinking along the same lines in one respect!