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Post by keri »

gringo wrote:
keri wrote:
gringo wrote:
keri wrote:
gringo wrote: Yes, my logic would encourage all of those things. Hmmmm. Were you dropped on your head as a small child Keri? Did your parents hold your head under water for extended periods? I'm just trying to work out how you can draw a link between me wanting to appoint a fitness/rehab coach who has worked at the best sporting clubs on the planet, and your conclusion that this proposition means that I wish to appoint "a fat bastard with a bung knee as full forward". I'm trying desperately hard to join the dots, but for the life of me I can't.

Look, on paper this looks like a dud appointment. Only time will tell whether or not the correct decision was made.
Your logic is that because other clubs have done it, we should as well. You don't look at the facts objectively, you look at the facts from a pessimistic point of view and try and come up with the easiest way of using them to criticise the club. You lambast people before they have even commenced a role at the club, you don't look at the big picture, you're negative, you seem unable to grasp that complicated situations call for solutions that might seem outside the box. If you don't personally endorse a decision, then everyone is a dickhead if they do.

You seem to think that because you can use Google effectively, which surprises me in itself that you know more about the appointment of a rehab coach to a club than the club - with all it's resources and insider knowledge - does.

And I could be dropped on my head every day from birth to death and hold myself under the water for a minimum of an hour a day and I'm tipping I'd still kick your f****** arse in any intelligence test, logic test, or quotiant test you care to name, you rancid pile of monkey vomit.
I wrote:

1. EFC should get the most qualified person available to act as fitness/rehab coach

2. On paper, the bloke we have appointed looks dubious.

3. Other clubs, most notably Geelong and Collingwood, have appointed fitness/rehab coaches who have had experience working in sports clubs in Europe and the United States where they would have been exposed to world's best practices.

4. Considering the wealth of experience that such coaches would have built up, it would seem wise for EFC to appoint such a coach.

Now, according to "Keri logic" this means the following:

1. I don't look at the big picture

2. I fail to grasp complicated situations that call for solutions "out of the box"

3. I think EFC should appoint a druggy as captain.

4. I think we should appoint a criminal as chief executive of EFC.

Now Keri, before you actually type something, please explain what goes through your head, because I'm intrigued. Do you close your eyes and bash at the keyboard with your forehead? Do you tape stubbies of VB to your hands, spin around five times, and then begin typing? I have a retarded 4-year-old pet monkey chained up at home that I feed nothing but broccoli stumps to and I'm afraid that it makes more sense than you.
Gringo, you either have no grasp of sarcasm, or you're grasping yourself too firmly. My objection to what you post is quite simple - you never agree with anything Essendon does. This makes you just as innane as those who agree with everything Essendon does. Every time you post something, you contradict yourself, as evidenced by the article you posted.

Just so we're clear, since you seem to have problems with comprehension of the English language i've started a new paragraph here, so you can see that this is a different point;- You are negative. You rarely, if ever, say anything positive. Even though you disagree with almost everything everyone else says, you rarely come up with anything original. You even go so far as to state that we should follow Collingwoods lead! Excuse me whilst I retch into my breakfast, but have you seen the results of Collingwood throwing money around like confeitti? They still either underperform with good teams and overperform with bad ones, always just missing the mark. It sure as hell hasn't bought them a premiership!

And for the record, I would never be seen dead with a VB stubbie in any capacity, even if it was just for taping to my head purposes.
Most people seem to have agreed with what I've written about our fitness/rehab coach.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but do you have mad cow disease Keri?
Most people agreed that the world was flat as well. And most people disagree with every other bloody word you say.

By your own logic, every time you disagree with something that everyone else agrees on, you have Mad Cows Disease.
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Post by gringo »

Most people agreed that the world was flat as well. And most people disagree with every other bloody word you say.

By your own logic, every time you disagree with something that everyone else agrees on, you have Mad Cows Disease.
Once again you've lost me. I truly try to follow your arguments, but for the life of me, I can't.

When you get done using the computer at Centrelink, I suggest you go enrol at night school. There you'll be able to interact with other humans and learn how arguments are constructed. You'll probably find Filthy in there earnestly taking notes with a pen and paper, occasionally stopping to pick his nose and scratch his arse. Find out which one he goes to and maybe you'll be able to catch the train together.
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Post by keri »

You state that most people agree with what you said about the fitness coach, then follow up with asking me if I have mad cow disease. Exactly how hard is it to follow that just because people agree with you (A miracle in itself) doesn't make it right?

And for the record, you might want to take a look at the national comprehension testings done from 1992 onwards. My name comes in the top 1% in the country for every year until about 1998, when they stopped testing. Also, if you really want to play that game, look up the archives for A Current Affair in the years 1993/1994 when there were two seperate pieces done on an intelligence program that I was part of, based on my IQ and comprehension ratings, which were higher when I was ten than yours would be now.

You might want to actually pick an area of my personality or intellect where I can't wave a wad of paper as thick as your head at you to prove you wrong, arsewipe.
"Let's face it. If I didn't exist, you'd pay someone to invent me"

Post by NIFTY »

I am surprised you are actually allowed on this website Keri, surely women should not be allowed to voice their opinions, they are after all second class citezins
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Post by keri »

Nifty, thank you. My day was going so slowly, and now you've given me something to chuckle at.

Really, I'm in your debt.
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Post by robbie67 »

Twits wrote:Would you like me to combine South and East Fremantle premierships??
Come on now Twits, you cant go including rural and country competitions.
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Post by gringo »

keri wrote:You state that most people agree with what you said about the fitness coach, then follow up with asking me if I have mad cow disease. Exactly how hard is it to follow that just because people agree with you (A miracle in itself) doesn't make it right?

And for the record, you might want to take a look at the national comprehension testings done from 1992 onwards. My name comes in the top 1% in the country for every year until about 1998, when they stopped testing. Also, if you really want to play that game, look up the archives for A Current Affair in the years 1993/1994 when there were two seperate pieces done on an intelligence program that I was part of, based on my IQ and comprehension ratings, which were higher when I was ten than yours would be now.

You might want to actually pick an area of my personality or intellect where I can't wave a wad of paper as thick as your head at you to prove you wrong, arsewipe.
This is brilliant. I've only just stopped laughing. Pppppppppppppppplease tell me you aren't being serious. Please.
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Post by keri »

As long as you have a self-deprecating sense of humour and can laugh at yourself, Gringo, there may still be hope for you!
"Let's face it. If I didn't exist, you'd pay someone to invent me"

Post by NIFTY »

Wow your credability has just shot through the roof in my humble opinion Keri, being on ACA IS HUGE NEWS!!!!! The journalists on that program and Today Tonight are pillars of our society and the fact that chose to include the likes of yourself speaks volumes!!!!!

My next door neighbour was once on ACA for trying to lick his genitals and throwing his back out, maybe it was the same story that you appeared in?
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Post by robbie67 »

NIFTY wrote:Wow your credability has just shot through the roof in my humble opinion Keri, being on ACA IS HUGE NEWS!!!!! The journalists on that program and Today Tonight are pillars of our society and the fact that chose to include the likes of yourself speaks volumes!!!!!

My next door neighbour was once on ACA for trying to lick his genitals and throwing his back out, maybe it was the same story that you appeared in?
That kind of neighbourhood ay Nifty? Do you live in Altona? It sounds like something Essendon4eva might try.

Post by Twits »

where art thou filthy??
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Post by keri »

NIFTY wrote:Wow your credability has just shot through the roof in my humble opinion Keri, being on ACA IS HUGE NEWS!!!!! The journalists on that program and Today Tonight are pillars of our society and the fact that chose to include the likes of yourself speaks volumes!!!!!

My next door neighbour was once on ACA for trying to lick his genitals and throwing his back out, maybe it was the same story that you appeared in?
Learn how to f****** well read, will you? Did my post say I was on it? Did I say it enhanced my credibility? You retard. Funny how you stay well away from the undeniable parts of the post, f***stick.

Your credibility is really enhanced by throwing your lot in with Gringo by the way.
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Post by dom_105 »

Twits wrote:Would you like me to combine South and East Fremantle premierships?? And our supporters truly would have celebrated them unlike most of the Bombres who by the next day would have moved on to practising their yoyos or playing marbles, whatever the fad of the day was.
You can do that if you want, if we can add all the premierships won by Keilor, Keilor Park, Aberfeldie... may as well add the flags from all Essendon District FL clubs.

Essendon - 171 EDFL/VFL/AFL flags.


Post by Twits »

Thats a good way of looking at it, Dom. I never realised that Essendon were born out the history of every EDFL club.
True, most of the current list more suited to playing at Keilor Park than in the AFL, but you do make a good point.
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Post by gringo »

I'm actually negotiating with ACA at the moment to see if they will come around and do a story on my retarded 4-year-old pet monkey that I have chained up at home and feed nothing but broccoli stumps to.
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Post by robbie67 »

Twits wrote:Thats a good way of looking at it, Dom. I never realised that Essendon were born out the history of every EDFL club.
True, most of the current list more suited to playing at Keilor Park than in the AFL, but you do make a good point.
Yes, meanwhile your list still plays like a WAFL club. Soft.
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Post by robbie67 »

gringo wrote:I'm actually negotiating with ACA at the moment to see if they will come around and do a story on my retarded 4-year-old pet monkey that I have chained up at home and feed nothing but broccoli stumps to.
Is he the one you get your predicitons from? :lol:

Post by Twits »

Yes but not deluded at least. Its a shame you think a former Essendon legend such as mark harvey has gone soft.
Noted hard men such as Adam McPhee have always been our achilles heal though.
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Post by robbie67 »

Twits wrote:Yes but not deluded at least. Its a shame you think a former Essendon legend such as mark harvey has gone soft.
Noted hard men such as Adam McPhee have always been our achilles heal though.
How's Tony Delaney going? About to notch up number 300?

Lloyd and Lucas say hello, and I say thanks for being our bitches ever since.
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Post by gringo »

robbie67 wrote:
gringo wrote:I'm actually negotiating with ACA at the moment to see if they will come around and do a story on my retarded 4-year-old pet monkey that I have chained up at home and feed nothing but broccoli stumps to.
Is he the one you get your predicitons from? :lol:
He is my high powered source, yes. He has also told me 6, 8, 10 into 8, 9, 10, 13 into 6, 8, 9, 13, 17 in the Geelong Cup running in twenty minutes! Get on board! The monkey has spoken!!!!!!
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