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Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:14 pm
by grassy1
West Coast may well have to come out in Public and say why they dismissed him if COUSINS forces their Hand.Though I suspect he mightn't want to.Still keeps VERY DUBIOUS COMPANY.

Couldn't help notice one of them is represented Legally by the very same person that handles/d Ben.

He's up for an ASSAULT charge.Can't recall if that was the incident where the victim went to within an Inch of his Life,but will follow this with interest.

But NOT in doubt in COUSINS continual INSISTENCE of keeping BAD COMPMANY.That more than anything else may have been enough.If not,the bloke up on charges in Chicks car will do it.

Cousins may have GOT OFF on a Technicality,but it wasn't MORNING TEA he was having in the CESSPIT that is BLOODY NORTHBRIDGE.


Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:10 pm
by keri
Hey, they do some very nice turkish pizza in Northbridge, Grassy. It's not all bad.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:54 pm
i would give up my first born participate in a 43 person orgy (me and + 41 glamours) with ben cousins

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:56 pm
by Sonof
Make it 44 Nifty, I am very keen for that. I'll warn you though that being the only African-American Freo supporter (apart from my old man), you and Benny may not quite measure up to the jousting stick that is my sword.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:02 pm
by Essendon4eva
BenDoolan wrote:
Sismis wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:
Sismis wrote:AFL and West Coast are stuffed.

From Wrongful dismissal, restriction of trade to outright defamation.

He will be allowed to play next year if any club will have him. If he doesn't play next year (or again) he can look forward to potentially millions for lost wages.

There are reasons people are supposed to be innocent untill proven guilty.

Don't get me wrong, I think the guy is waste of talent/space/oxygen, BUT in this country we still have SOME rights.
Why is it wrongful dismissal? I think we need to see what was in his revised contract before coming to that conclusion. If it states he must not make a public nuisance of himself, or get into a compromising sitiation with the law, then that's it. It doesn't mean charges have to stick or in fact be convicted.
Driving you car home from a nightclub is in no way making a public nuisance. I think you will find the charges do have to stick if that is the reason they have sacked you.
But driving your car under the influence is. He was suspected of doing so, but refused the driver assessment. He is within his right's to do so, but penalties apply if the police follow correct law enforcement procedures. This didn't occur. But that doesn't mean Ben Cousins is innocent of driving under the influence.
Innocent untill proven guilt. It is one of the things a democracy is built on. Ben Cousin's was not proven guilty of anything. West Coast jumped the gun, in fear of the public and the AFL turning on them.

And please, refusing a drug test, is not bringing the game into disripute. the AFL's drug testing was made to look like a joke, because they didn't catch Ben Cousins. they are clutching at strings to get him out of the AFL.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:35 pm
by BenDoolan
Essendon4eva wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:
Sismis wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:
Sismis wrote:AFL and West Coast are stuffed.

From Wrongful dismissal, restriction of trade to outright defamation.

He will be allowed to play next year if any club will have him. If he doesn't play next year (or again) he can look forward to potentially millions for lost wages.

There are reasons people are supposed to be innocent untill proven guilty.

Don't get me wrong, I think the guy is waste of talent/space/oxygen, BUT in this country we still have SOME rights.
Why is it wrongful dismissal? I think we need to see what was in his revised contract before coming to that conclusion. If it states he must not make a public nuisance of himself, or get into a compromising sitiation with the law, then that's it. It doesn't mean charges have to stick or in fact be convicted.
Driving you car home from a nightclub is in no way making a public nuisance. I think you will find the charges do have to stick if that is the reason they have sacked you.
But driving your car under the influence is. He was suspected of doing so, but refused the driver assessment. He is within his right's to do so, but penalties apply if the police follow correct law enforcement procedures. This didn't occur. But that doesn't mean Ben Cousins is innocent of driving under the influence.
Innocent untill proven guilt. It is one of the things a democracy is built on. Ben Cousin's was not proven guilty of anything. West Coast jumped the gun, in fear of the public and the AFL turning on them.

And please, refusing a drug test, is not bringing the game into disripute. the AFL's drug testing was made to look like a joke, because they didn't catch Ben Cousins. they are clutching at strings to get him out of the AFL.
Did you;

a) read my post?
b) comprehend it?

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:39 pm
by boncer34
Essendon4eva wrote:Read what you quoted again. You brought up the specifics. People were making jokes, so I made my own. Your statement also lead me to believe, you are very pro-booze/ciggies.
That was a joke? No really? It was? f***

My statement led you to believe that? Now your joking right?

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 9:09 pm
by tonysoprano
BD - did he refuse the driver assessment? I thought they said charges were dropped because the person who conducted the assessment was not the officer who observed Cousins driving under the influence? Have I missed something?

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 9:49 pm
by BenDoolan
tonysoprano wrote:BD - did he refuse the driver assessment? I thought they said charges were dropped because the person who conducted the assessment was not the officer who observed Cousins driving under the influence? Have I missed something?
Yes, that's what he was charged with (refusing a driver assessment). I think they should have said the police officer who went to conduct the assessment......

If he actually participated in the assessment, we would have heard about the results i.e positive or negative.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 10:46 pm
by Essendon4eva
boncer34 wrote:
Essendon4eva wrote:Read what you quoted again. You brought up the specifics. People were making jokes, so I made my own. Your statement also lead me to believe, you are very pro-booze/ciggies.
That was a joke? No really? It was? f***

My statement led you to believe that? Now your joking right?
Yes, your statement, implied, Alcohol and Ciggies should still be legal. If you are for them being legal, you are for the drug. You are saying it is fine to use those substances.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 12:04 am
by grassy1
You would have thought the arresting person was the one who conducted the Test.Under the old Legislation,let alone the new.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 12:15 am
by grassy1
The Restaurants are just fine Keri.It's the IDIOTS that file in,off their tree already,tank themselves up for more and then go out in BIG NUMBERS looking for a BLUE.

I avoid it like the PLAGUE.You only have to hear stories of Frequently upset customers being BLATANTLY INTERFERED WITH,when trying to eat,to put you RIGHT OFF!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:19 am
by keri
Can't say I had any trouble there, but then again I don't go looking for it, so I tend to be alright.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:28 am
by BenDoolan
Essendon4eva wrote:
boncer34 wrote:
Essendon4eva wrote:Read what you quoted again. You brought up the specifics. People were making jokes, so I made my own. Your statement also lead me to believe, you are very pro-booze/ciggies.
That was a joke? No really? It was? f***

My statement led you to believe that? Now your joking right?
Yes, your statement, implied, Alcohol and Ciggies should still be legal. If you are for them being legal, you are for the drug. You are saying it is fine to use those substances.
Lets ban coffee eh?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 12:43 pm
by grassy1
You've been lucky.Mind you,there was some attempt to CLEAR that ROT OFF.

The IDIOTS are still there,though.Keep safe!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 12:45 pm
by keri
grassy1 wrote:You've been lucky.Mind you,there was some attempt to CLEAR that ROT OFF.

The IDIOTS are still there,though.Keep safe!
I had the "bodyguard" with me when I was walking through there, so I was alright, but it didn't look any worse to me than Smith St in Melbourne or some parts of Brunswick St.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 12:52 pm
by grassy1
Oh good.

Are those 2 spots lumbered with a Bad reputation?

Brunswick St ain't necessarily implying Brunswick is it?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 12:56 pm
by keri
Parts of them are. Some of the best night spots and restaurants are in that area, but then you can find yourself in a bit of trouble if you wander into the areas near the housing association high-rise flats.

Bit of a raccaus a few weeks ago because the council was dealing with the problem of homeless people drinking on the streets by moving the benches they sit on further down the street and away from the better restaurants etc.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:14 pm
by grassy1
Make the STAGGER or CRAWL(Yellowbeard?) that less bearable.

Lost touch with Dear 'ole Melbourne.Had to google it the other night after seeing a song from THINGS of STONE and WOOD.Your Town?


My mother once thought about returning,but didn't like what she saw and it put her right off.It'd changed too much for her liking and upbringing.

She now has an eye on the SOUTH Coast of NSW for some reason.Cripes,that'll be a Trip and a half to see her,if she was serious.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:18 pm
by grassy1
Wandering down BURKE RD,staring in the window of THE CHOCOLATE BOX.

Gee,the 72 takes an ETERNITY to get to THE CLOCKS.

Stop!All this Reminiscing is driving me nuts!Heh!Heh!It was my 2nd Home in the early-Mid 70's.