Spot on Caro

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Re: Spot on Caro

Post by little_ripper »

TBH after a couple of weeks of it, I'm really sick of the endless coach bashing now. I think now enough is enough.

Knights and his coaches should be left to get on with the job.

Blaming Quinn for the Adelaide debacle is just plain f#$%ing DUMB. it was a problem with the whole 22 not just him.
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Re: Spot on Caro

Post by bomberdonnie »

little_ripper wrote:TBH after a couple of weeks of it, I'm really sick of the endless coach bashing now. I think now enough is enough.

Knights and his coaches should be left to get on with the job.

Blaming Quinn for the Adelaide debacle is just plain f#$%ing DUMB. it was a problem with the whole 22 not just him.
No one has ever blamed Quinn for the Adelaide fiesta... It was Knights fault for picking the useless c***
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Re: Spot on Caro

Post by gringo »





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Re: Spot on Caro

Post by pevfan »

Oh don't worry Bomber fans "Everythings going along nicely...except for the win/loss ratio"

I mean what an absolute load of blatant spin CRAP!!! It reminds me of Greg Chappel'ls comments after he'd scored about his sixth blob on the trot "Oh I'm not batting badly I just keep getting out"

You can't blame we fans for venting our collective spleens in fct there should be more of it. God it's nothing compared to the way we used to react to similar insipid performances back in the horrible 70's. Not something that we are necessarily proud to look back on these days but back then it was not uncommon for ten of thousands of us to roundly boo the side off the ground at half time as well as at the final siren. As I said nothing to be proud of but it sure got our message across and showed the great passion we all felt in those days for this great club.

Another similar performance against the Weagles this week and we may see the return of the "Boo off" ... But I'd doubt it ...we're all too well behaved these days aren't we :roll:
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Re: Spot on Caro

Post by little_ripper »

pevfan wrote:Oh don't worry Bomber fans "Everythings going along nicely...except for the win/loss ratio"

I mean what an absolute load of blatant spin CRAP!!! It reminds me of Greg Chappel'ls comments after he'd scored about his sixth blob on the trot "Oh I'm not batting badly I just keep getting out"
Sounds like Stephen Rielly of the Australian is channelling your exact feelings pevfan. ... 5891392366
With a choice of words that brought to mind Greg Chappell's famous line about being in fine form except for the streak of ducks he seemed powerless to break, Knights said: "It's all moving forward nicely. All but the win-loss, at this point in time."
or is Pevfan = Stephen?
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Re: Spot on Caro

Post by Windy_Hill »

This is like a bad Shakespearean Tragedy - conspiracy, betrayal and ultimately tragic revenge.

Who would have thought it would come to this. The great, great Essendon Football Club, a modern day Fitzroy (well at least we have money in the bank)

Sorry to be intellectual here but allow me to share with you one of my favourite Shakespear soliloquies. Perhaps David Evans may relate to its meaning. Savour the words for they are beautiful.

If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well
It were done quickly: if the assassination
Could trammel up the consequence, and catch
With his surcease success; that but this blow
Might be the be-all and the end-all here,
But here, upon this bank and shoal of time,
We'd jump the life to come. But in these cases
We still have judgment here; that we but teach
Bloody instructions, which, being taught, return
To plague the inventor: this even-handed justice
Commends the ingredients of our poison'd chalice
To our own lips. He's here in double trust;
First, as I am his kinsman and his subject,
Strong both against the deed; then, as his host,
Who should against his murderer shut the door,
Not bear the knife myself. Besides, this Duncan
Hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been
So clear in his great office, that his virtues
Will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued, against
The deep damnation of his taking-off;
And pity, like a naked new-born babe,
Striding the blast, or heaven's cherubim, horsed
Upon the sightless couriers of the air,
Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye,
That tears shall drown the wind. I have no spur
To prick the sides of my intent, but only
Vaulting ambition, which o'erleaps itself
And falls on the other side
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Re: Spot on Caro

Post by rockhole »

pevfan wrote:Oh don't worry Bomber fans "Everythings going along nicely...except for the win/loss ratio"

I mean what an absolute load of blatant spin CRAP!!! It reminds me of Greg Chappel'ls comments after he'd scored about his sixth blob on the trot "Oh I'm not batting badly I just keep getting out"


or:-...."The operation was a huge successs....unfortunately the patient died!!!!"
Too far for Baker now he's on to it, now he’s got it, OPEN GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Dons are in front by one point at the 8 minute mark
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Re: Spot on Caro

Post by Rossoneri »

Dumb dumb woman. She said later on that she "has her sources", however Lucas jumped on SEN in his usual segment and gave her a spray, saying that it is rubbish and that he is must be very disgruntled if he was in the rooms prior to the Melbourne game talking with Knights about the team.

Once again, Caro is wrong. Might start calling her Robert Walls soon, though I think Walls is a better looking bird than her.
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Re: Spot on Caro

Post by grassy1 »

What a REVOLTING thought Rosso. :-& :lol:
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Re: Spot on Caro

Post by robbie67 »

Rossoneri wrote:Dumb dumb woman. She said later on that she "has her sources", however Lucas jumped on SEN in his usual segment and gave her a spray, saying that it is rubbish and that he is must be very disgruntled if he was in the rooms prior to the Melbourne game talking with Knights about the team.

Once again, Caro is wrong. Might start calling her Robert Walls soon, though I think Walls is a better looking bird than her.

It's one thing for us to voice our displeasure. ******** like Caro,and Walls should be given as much creedence as we have always given them. f****** nothing.
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