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Caro owned by fellow Age Colleague

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:41 am
by DC
Just read this article by Caro's fellow Age colleague, Jake Niall. Caro was owned in regards to her accessment of the whole Mal Michael fiasco.

Here it is -

Mal practice or not, Michael will line up with Dons
Jake Niall
November 28, 2006

NO AMOUNT of protest, public outrage or calls for royal commissions will prevent Mal Michael from lining up alongside Dustin Fletcher in Essendon's defence in 2007.

It matters not whether Michael dudded the Lions, nor even if he harboured a secret lust for joining Essendon via the pre-season draft. It's not a question, either, whether his actions were reprehensible or dodgy.

What it comes down to is this: Can the AFL prove beyond doubt, under its rules, that he colluded with Essendon before he informed Brisbane of his decision to retire?

As Lions coach Leigh Matthews knows, a conspiracy will be harder to prove than the existence of the Loch Ness monster. While the AFL could subpoena phone records, it has as much chance of finding the smoking telephone number — and confirming Sheedy shenanigans — as Shane Woewodin has of being picked up in the December draft.

The Bombers, in any case, insist that the deal is above board, and have kept records of their talks with Michael and his management. They say the first contact was on November 2, while Kevin Sheedy was in Ireland.

The Lions, now calming down after the initial screams, were entitled to be furious that a player changed his mind in a matter of weeks, and that such a loophole existed. They have noted the potential for anarchy if retirements by players under contract are not honoured.

The argument is that if this smelly deal is allowed, then any unhappy player could fake his retirement, annul his contract and resurface in different colours. But, of course, this Mal practice won't happen again. The potential rort will be closed, if not by the league, then by the 16 clubs.

The unfortunate upshot of this, perhaps the shortest retirement on record, will be that clubs will shoehorn retiring stars into signing deeds of release.

St Kilda's Luke Penny, another full-back who pulled the pin despite a contract (he had two years to run) — and whose premature retirement also angered his club — signed a deed that stopped him from getting back via the draft.

Michael said last Friday that no court would stop him from playing, since it would be a restraint of trade. He's probably right, but such legal interference won't be necessary.

In Essendon's mind, the AFL, through investigations officer Ken Wood, has already ruled that the deal is kosher.

Wood gave the Dons the go-ahead, and is investigating whether the rules have been violated. He can only reverse his spur-of-the-moment judgement by finding irrefutable evidence that Mal Michael didn't act alone.

There is no way Mal wont be lining up with the dons in 2007.

Re: Caro owned by fellow Age Colleague

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:11 am
by Filthy
DC wrote:Just read this article by Caro's fellow Age colleague, Jake Niall. Caro was owned in regards to her accessment of the whole Mal Michael fiasco.

Here it is -

Mal practice or not, Michael will line up with Dons
Jake Niall
November 28, 2006

NO AMOUNT of protest, public outrage or calls for royal commissions will prevent Mal Michael from lining up alongside Dustin Fletcher in Essendon's defence in 2007.

It matters not whether Michael dudded the Lions, nor even if he harboured a secret lust for joining Essendon via the pre-season draft. It's not a question, either, whether his actions were reprehensible or dodgy.

What it comes down to is this: Can the AFL prove beyond doubt, under its rules, that he colluded with Essendon before he informed Brisbane of his decision to retire?

As Lions coach Leigh Matthews knows, a conspiracy will be harder to prove than the existence of the Loch Ness monster. While the AFL could subpoena phone records, it has as much chance of finding the smoking telephone number — and confirming Sheedy shenanigans — as Shane Woewodin has of being picked up in the December draft.

The Bombers, in any case, insist that the deal is above board, and have kept records of their talks with Michael and his management. They say the first contact was on November 2, while Kevin Sheedy was in Ireland.

The Lions, now calming down after the initial screams, were entitled to be furious that a player changed his mind in a matter of weeks, and that such a loophole existed. They have noted the potential for anarchy if retirements by players under contract are not honoured.

The argument is that if this smelly deal is allowed, then any unhappy player could fake his retirement, annul his contract and resurface in different colours. But, of course, this Mal practice won't happen again. The potential rort will be closed, if not by the league, then by the 16 clubs.

The unfortunate upshot of this, perhaps the shortest retirement on record, will be that clubs will shoehorn retiring stars into signing deeds of release.

St Kilda's Luke Penny, another full-back who pulled the pin despite a contract (he had two years to run) — and whose premature retirement also angered his club — signed a deed that stopped him from getting back via the draft.

Michael said last Friday that no court would stop him from playing, since it would be a restraint of trade. He's probably right, but such legal interference won't be necessary.

In Essendon's mind, the AFL, through investigations officer Ken Wood, has already ruled that the deal is kosher.

Wood gave the Dons the go-ahead, and is investigating whether the rules have been violated. He can only reverse his spur-of-the-moment judgement by finding irrefutable evidence that Mal Michael didn't act alone.

There is no way Mal wont be lining up with the dons in 2007.
Whats poor Dodgey got to with it? :D

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:29 am
by jimmyc1985
Wow, a commonsense response to an 'issue' from a journalist. I'll bet that was written in response to complaints received by The Age about Wilson's stupid article yesterday. Wilson usually writes to create controversy, but her article yesterday was one of the more stupid and factually incorrect articles she's written, hence The Age has gone out of its way to cover a mistake by one of its own

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:10 am
by Megan
Dodgey gets blamed for everything :(

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 11:00 am
by dodgey
Megan wrote:Dodgey gets blamed for everything :(
I'm So Misunderstood

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:32 pm
by BenDoolan
She ought to be sacked for her biased junk journalism. Know all, f*** all.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:22 pm
by robrulz5
Good to see someone at the Age has some sense.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:48 pm
by topdon
Caro is on 3AW now sprouting that Brisbane should get compensation and suggested that it come in next years draft (because they have been so hard done by).

What a moron this woman is. There is nothing the AFL can do. Caro, you can question Michaels motives, but don't you dare suggest that Essendon had anything to to do with him leaving Brisbane.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 6:08 pm
by BenDoolan
Why should Brisbane be compensated for their own mistakes? Is there a more idiotic football writer than this twit??

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:53 pm
by jimmyc1985
BenDoolan wrote:Why should Brisbane be compensated for their own mistakes? Is there a more idiotic football writer than this twit??
No. She suffers from more verbal diarrhoea on her good days than Sheahan or Walls do on their worst days, and they're her closest competitors.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:03 pm
by 2QIK4U
I heard a report on the radio saying that Rocket Eade said we did nothing wrong and he would have done the same thing. The Hawks also inquired about Mal's 'circumstances'. More proof that we did nothing shonky.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:37 pm
by BenDoolan
jimmyc1985 wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:Why should Brisbane be compensated for their own mistakes? Is there a more idiotic football writer than this twit??
No. She suffers from more verbal diarrhoea on her good days than Sheahan or Walls do on their worst days, and they're her closest competitors.
And weren't all 3 of those crapologists sitting on the couch with Bruce McAvaney on Talking Footy at some stage? No wonder the show was axed!

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:54 pm
by The Don
Fairly safe to assume that there wont be much access given to the Daily Communist's Chief football writer next year by EFC. I cant believe that Rohan Connolly as a clossetted Essendon supporter actually let that dribble she wrote go to press based on what Mr Wood and the AFL said publicly about Essendon's role and it's integrity in this matter.