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The 70's

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:28 pm
by Ronny Rotten
For those of you who remember the 70's this was a period where it was generally considered to be a lean decade but now it seems to be a successful era by comparison to the last 5 years , with the next 5 years leaving most of us with no sense of optimism.

In the 70's we played finals 3 (three)times 72, 73 & 79 although we did'nt do much in those finals , we were competitive & generally during that decade we were mostly competitive & HAD A GO. We were down on skills compared to the power teams of the period (Carlton , Richmond & Hawthorn) but we always played with guts & attitude.

Our opponents knew they played the Bombers in those days as our games were tough, willing & contested. With guys like Tuddy , Ronny Andrews , Kenny Roberts , John Cassin & the emerging guys like Roger Merrett , Watson & Madden, these guys made sure you earned a kick.

What we have now is nil toughness or attitude like the above mentioned guys. Most of our players now are introverted , shy types who seem reluctant to impose themselves on a game or their opponents . I know that the Geish , Vlad & Angry have imposed their netball version of the game on us all but you can still display courage , aggression at the ball & have " a never say die attitude".

Come on Bombers , show us the fans, SOMETHING like courage & a willingness to win the game. . Just do something, anything that remotely indicates that you care about the club & the jumper you play for.

Re: The 70's

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:43 pm
by GoalSneak
Our amateurish administration was the worst aspect of the '70s. On field, we always had a nucleus of experienced players with over 100 games behind them and still playing well enough to provide a bit of leadership. This we no longer have. The lack of leaders was glaringly apparent yesterday. Colyer was the only one who looked like a leader and he is just a kid.

Re: The 70's

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:00 pm
by Rover 7
They weren't silly enough to keep a coach for five years though.Tuddenham had them going for a while,fights and all.But as soon as that fizzled out they got rid of him.
Same with all the others.
Dare say there wouldn't be half as much screeching now if Knights didn't have his contract extended.

Re: The 70's

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:14 pm
by billyduckworth
Spot on, Ronny.

Although the 70s was hardly a glory era for the Bombers, at least we had a dip.

This crap we have had to put up with for the past five years (yes, including Sheedy's last two years) is MUCH worse than anything I ever remember enduring in the 1970s.

Re: The 70's

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:20 pm
by Windy_Hill
Here are the stats

In the 1970's

Played-223 Won-93 Lost-127 Drew-3 Winning Percentage= 41.7%

From 2001 to current day

Played-182 Won-79 Lost-100 Drew-3 Winning Percentage= 43.4%

Keep in mind that we had winning seasons in 2002, 2003 and 2004. Since 2005, our wining percentage has dropped to 35%

Re: The 70's

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:38 pm
by billyduckworth
Windy_Hill wrote:Here are the stats

In the 1970's

Played-223 Won-93 Lost-127 Drew-3 Winning Percentage= 41.7%

From 2001 to current day

Played-182 Won-79 Lost-100 Drew-3 Winning Percentage= 43.4%

Keep in mind that we had winning seasons in 2002, 2003 and 2004. Since 2005, our wining percentage has dropped to 35%
So, yes folks, we have hit rock bottom - even lower than the infamous 70s. Oh, joy. :oops:

Re: The 70's

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:48 pm
by MH_Bomber
My memories of the 70's is that we were always very hard to beat at Windy Hill no matter where we were on the ladder. Nowadays we don't have a home ground advantage.

Re: The 70's

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:53 pm
by rockhole
If nothing else, opposition teams knew they would get a hard contest back then. Quite frankly, we had some real tough bastards in the team who thought nothing of breaking a few heads in the process even though we were shite on the scoreboard.

I guess the comparison I could make was that we were not insipid like the we witnessed on Saturday and had some guys who really put out for the club.

Guys like Don McKenzie and Barry Davis and later in the decade, Madden, Vader and Watson did not know how to take a backward step and gave their all to the jumper.

We expect nothing less than 100% effort on the ground even though we get rolled. We are getting beaten and not seeing anything like a 100% comittment.

Re: The 70's

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:21 pm
by Windy_Hill
rockhole wrote:If nothing else, opposition teams knew they would get a hard contest back then. Quite frankly, we had some real tough bastards in the team who thought nothing of breaking a few heads in the process even though we were shite on the scoreboard.

I guess the comparison I could make was that we were not insipid like the we witnessed on Saturday and had some guys who really put out for the club.

Guys like Don McKenzie and Barry Davis and later in the decade, Madden, Vader and Watson did not know how to take a backward step and gave their all to the jumper.

We expect nothing less than 100% effort on the ground even though we get rolled. We are getting beaten and not seeing anything like a 100% comittment.

Yeah - shit team but crazy tough!! You wonder how much that had to do with where these lads came from. So many of the Bombers back then coming from the Wimmera region of country Victoria under the old zoning system. These were tough country boys who smoked and drank before the game!!

Re: The 70's

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:22 pm
by Windy_Hill
rockhole wrote:If nothing else, opposition teams knew they would get a hard contest back then. Quite frankly, we had some real tough bastards in the team who thought nothing of breaking a few heads in the process even though we were shite on the scoreboard.

I guess the comparison I could make was that we were not insipid like the we witnessed on Saturday and had some guys who really put out for the club.

Guys like Don McKenzie and Barry Davis and later in the decade, Madden, Vader and Watson did not know how to take a backward step and gave their all to the jumper.

We expect nothing less than 100% effort on the ground even though we get rolled. We are getting beaten and not seeing anything like a 100% comittment.

Yeah - shit team but crazy tough!! You wonder how much that had to do with where these lads came from. So many of the Bombers back then coming from the Wimmera region of country Victoria under the old zoning system. These were tough country boys who smoked and drank before the game!!