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I Am Embarrased

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:58 am
by Windy_Hill
Sorry, I posted this in another thread but I am that pissed off with whats happening at Essendon I need to vent in my own thread.

And to add to the below points I am now hearing about that twat Horsborough bleating on about Knights on TV tonight. hasnt he been officially gagged by the club after the Sheedy fiasco?

How could it come to this....

I have never been so totally embarassed to be an Essendon supporter in my 40 Plus years following this club

1) Hird - Jimmy, whether its media spin or not - you have done yourself a massive disservice over the last couple of days. Now, you have painted yourself into a corner by doing a U-Turn on wanting to coach Essendon. Why man? Why not just leave it alone. Who knows, the Board was probably going to sack Knights anyway and would have probably wanted you involved in some capacity. Now, well now, its going to look very stupid if in 3 months you are back in the game. If you are backing off out of some sense of "doing the right thing for Knights" then thats pretty weak having come out with the sentimental crap about having this "heartfelt desire to coach Essendon" Bye Jim, it would have been nice to have you invoved - you have now made this almost an impossibility. Or at best - sadly two faced

2) Essendon Board - For f*** sake show some goddamn leadership and shut this whole episode down once and for all. Given what has happened in the last week, it is essential that the Board, to save some face for all concerned, makes an unequivocal statement about the state of affairs in the coaching department, No bullshit, no ambiguity - just say that Knights position, due to the poor performance of the club will be reviewed and that the club will consider all options available to it, including replacing Knights is this is the best long term action for the club.

3) Interviewing Mark Williams before the club has a clear position on Knights future?? I mean, wtf are they doing down there. Given that Knights is on a razor's edge, why would you start interviewing the most likely replacement for Knights?? Surely someone at the club could have said to Knight, whos idea it was to interview Williams, listen mate, things need to be reviewed before we start talking to assistant coach candidates. Just wait 3 weeks.

4) Departing Assistant Coaches - surely, for god's sake, this could have waited until the end of the season. How can you let two assistants announce they are walking out on the same day on some beat up bullshit excuse about doing it for family reasons. Unbelievable. Clearly these guys have either been pushed or have basically had enough and have gone "f*** you Essendon" and walked. Had they done it during the off season, no one would have taken a second glance. So what was the reason, why did these two jokers pull the pin.

So putting aside the most disgraceful on-field performances I can recall in many decades, this club has literally come apart at the seams in the last few weeks.

Knights will never walk and so we are destined to have this guy crucify the club one way or another. I feel sorry for him but he is not the man for the job. He has had three years and those three years have been wasted. I can only see our already fragile squad now becoming more disenchanted and I look forward to 2 more wallopings before the season is over. Knights, whether its his fault or not, is now Ground Zero in regards to Essendons problems. Release Knight, appoint a new coaching panel, clean out this miscreant board and we could start again, fresh faces, fresh vision. However, Knights, for purely monetary reasons, will not go. Nope, he has a binding contract. So its come to this. One indivudual positioning himself as the victim who is being screwed. No, sorry, Matthew you have failed, you cannot continue to hild this club to ransom because you have a lifestyle you want to retain. Do the honorable thing man. Go to the board, cut a deal, move on. Do it now and you will be admired by all and sundry for putting the club ahead of your own financial benefit.

Re: I Am Embarrased

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:59 am
by nathanskinner
what on earth is wrong with a past champion coming out and saying he has the desire to ONE DAY coach the club he loves... its all this media hype, and the fact the club and coach are doing a bad job that suggests that he should jump in right away. I never ever got the impression Hird would be coaching in any capacity any time soon. And I definitely did not see it as Hird putting his hand up for the top job.

By the way I dont think he has done himself a disservice; People know his intentions, Buckley did the same if you recall and everyone fought for his services.

Re: I Am Embarrased

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:29 am
by little_ripper
Er... how do you not know the club is doing all that stuff all ready?
The only speculation thats been done about Knights has been media speculation...its all HORSE SHIT pumped out by the media outlets.

Actions talk not words. The essendon board is doing well by not commenting.

and whilst typos are completely normal, FFS could you spell embarrassed correctly at least in your post title. I mean c'mon man. I'm starting to feel 'embarrased'....for you!

Re: I Am Embarrased

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:43 pm
by Rossoneri
The board has said that Knights will see out the year, and even before the meeting said that there was no chance that he will be terminated tonight. They have declared this season a failure and have promised a review. What that review ultimately delivers we will see in the coming months.

I do agree that something needs to be done, but I am not sure what the board has done wrong here? Knights was summoned to a meeting (probably goes their monthly), but the fact that JImmy came out and said he wants to coach, the media took it as saying "Knights is getting the arse and Hird is taking over". All this because Evans and Hird are mates.

The board has said this season has been a failure, Knights has said this season has been a failure, the board has said that all positions will be reviewed. The board has probably taken away Knights say on his assistant coaches as well.

I did get a laugh at Filthy wanting an Eddie or a Jeff. Filth, do you want Evans to come out and say we have been out-coached? Do you want him to appear on every f****** paper prancing about and causing friction between the players/coaches and himself?

Stop jumping the gun and basing things on what you think you hear or what you want to hear. Take a deep breath and rest assure that the board are not happy at the moment, but will not sack people based on what the media want us to do.

Re: I Am Embarrased

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:19 pm
by Ronny Rotten
Rossoneri wrote:The board has said that Knights will see out the year, and even before the meeting said that there was no chance that he will be terminated tonight. They have declared this season a failure and have promised a review. What that review ultimately delivers we will see in the coming months.

I do agree that something needs to be done, but I am not sure what the board has done wrong here? Knights was summoned to a meeting (probably goes their monthly), but the fact that JImmy came out and said he wants to coach, the media took it as saying "Knights is getting the arse and Hird is taking over". All this because Evans and Hird are mates.

The board has said this season has been a failure, Knights has said this season has been a failure, the board has said that all positions will be reviewed. The board has probably taken away Knights say on his assistant coaches as well.

I did get a laugh at Filthy wanting an Eddie or a Jeff. Filth, do you want Evans to come out and say we have been out-coached? Do you want him to appear on every f****** paper prancing about and causing friction between the players/coaches and himself?

Stop jumping the gun and basing things on what you think you hear or what you want to hear. Take a deep breath and rest assure that the board are not happy at the moment, but will not sack people based on what the media want us to do.

ie Situation Normal All F....d Up

Two things : Board must learn from past & not revisit the " sheedy " stuff up ,
and Hird to "shut up" or choose your words carefully & don 't paint yourself into a corner. The situation may change dramatically.

Looking into my crystal ball , Knights if he is to stay as coach he MUST have a senior strong mentor (possibly Williams or Laidley), this will be non negiotable as a condition of his remaining , a new defensive plan , stronger more experienced assistants. If the current losing trend & thrashings continues next year his contract will be terminated.

Realistically what this club & team needs is STRONG LEADERSHIP , which from the outside, has been sadly lacking. EG New president , new CEO, Inexperienced coach , new captain , inexperienced assistants (except G O'D) , new Bendigo coach plus a lot of inexperienced players.
We have recently , suffered a huge loss of experience from the club (Jackson , Players Lloyd, Lucas Mcflee etc ) & its hard to successfully replace this experience immediately.
Some stability would be good at the moment. Evans may be be an excellent president long term but a strong guy like McMahon would be invaluable now to tell all concerned to shape up or go

Interesting to see what transpires

Re: I Am Embarrased

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:40 pm
by paddyl90
take a number Windy :wink:

Re: I Am Embarrased

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:42 pm
by Sismis
FFS Rosso don't come in here speaking sense.

ON the other issue. Hird wants to coach essendon, why the f*** can't he say that? Even more he came out for the good of the club and clarified what he said. I think Jimmy has more than enough f****** credits in the bank that he can be honest in saying that in an ideal world he'd like to coach us, even if it causes a few people to get their hopes up. I have even more respect for him now. Comes out and swallows his pride for the good the club.

Re: I Am Embarrased

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:10 pm
by Rossoneri
The reason Hirdy shouldn't have said that was because he knows what it will cause. Like when Sheedy said he wanted to coach Richmond and then everyone at Punt Rd wanted Wallace sacked.

Re: I Am Embarrased

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 3:29 pm
by boncer34
Windy_Hill wrote: 2) Essendon Board - For f*** sake show some goddamn leadership and shut this whole episode down once and for all. Given what has happened in the last week, it is essential that the Board, to save some face for all concerned, makes an unequivocal statement about the state of affairs in the coaching department, No bullshit, no ambiguity - just say that Knights position, due to the poor performance of the club will be reviewed and that the club will consider all options available to it, including replacing Knights is this is the best long term action for the club.

3) Interviewing Mark Williams before the club has a clear position on Knights future?? I mean, wtf are they doing down there. Given that Knights is on a razor's edge, why would you start interviewing the most likely replacement for Knights?? Surely someone at the club could have said to Knight, whos idea it was to interview Williams, listen mate, things need to be reviewed before we start talking to assistant coach candidates. Just wait 3 weeks.
They have said Knights position is not safe and he's part fo the review.

We interviewed Williams for a position at the club, not the head coaches job. You'd rather and let the other clubs sniff around before we jump in? Coz I guarantee they have been.

I'm embarrased to. Embarrased how quickly people are turning on the club based on media bullshit.

Re: I Am Embarrased

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:10 pm
by Megan
boncer34 wrote:
Windy_Hill wrote: 2) Essendon Board - For f*** sake show some goddamn leadership and shut this whole episode down once and for all. Given what has happened in the last week, it is essential that the Board, to save some face for all concerned, makes an unequivocal statement about the state of affairs in the coaching department, No bullshit, no ambiguity - just say that Knights position, due to the poor performance of the club will be reviewed and that the club will consider all options available to it, including replacing Knights is this is the best long term action for the club.

3) Interviewing Mark Williams before the club has a clear position on Knights future?? I mean, wtf are they doing down there. Given that Knights is on a razor's edge, why would you start interviewing the most likely replacement for Knights?? Surely someone at the club could have said to Knight, whos idea it was to interview Williams, listen mate, things need to be reviewed before we start talking to assistant coach candidates. Just wait 3 weeks.
They have said Knights position is not safe and he's part fo the review.

We interviewed Williams for a position at the club, not the head coaches job. You'd rather and let the other clubs sniff around before we jump in? Coz I guarantee they have been.

I'm embarrased to. Embarrased how quickly people are turning on the club based on media bullshit.
This. The last line anyway. For some reason this friggen new board wont let me bold it.

What Bonce said. The media hype up crap and everyone draws and quarters Essendon for it. What's with that?

Re: I Am Embarrased

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:11 pm
by Windy_Hill
With all due respect to my fellow BT'ers

If you think I am turning on the club because I am pissed off with the way in which its being managed you couldnt be more wrong.

Its too easy to say something like that when myself and many fans are genuinely hurting. Being embarassed is NOT TURNING ON THE CLUB!!!!!!

For what its worth I have maintained a silver membership with Essendon for the last 7 years whilst I have been residing overseas. I am not sure how that can be construed as TURNING ON THE CLUB

I think we are all entitled to be dismayed by recent events, concerned about the lack of leadership and appalled by the performances on the field.

Re: I Am Embarrased

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 10:42 am
by boncer34
Windy_Hill wrote:With all due respect to my fellow BT'ers

If you think I am turning on the club because I am pissed off with the way in which its being managed you couldnt be more wrong.

Its too easy to say something like that when myself and many fans are genuinely hurting. Being embarassed is NOT TURNING ON THE CLUB!!!!!!

For what its worth I have maintained a silver membership with Essendon for the last 7 years whilst I have been residing overseas. I am not sure how that can be construed as TURNING ON THE CLUB

I think we are all entitled to be dismayed by recent events, concerned about the lack of leadership and appalled by the performances on the field.
By all means say what you want about the club Windy. I was just pointing out a couple of inconsistencies with your gripes. :D