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Farewell Knighta - It Just Wasnt Meant to Be

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:19 am
by Windy_Hill
I firmly believe this weekend's game will be the last time MK takes the reins at Essendon. The poor bastard has copped unbelievable pressure almost from day one and in the main has remained dignified throughout.

Its a bitch coaching a football club - the definition of being caught between a rock and a hard place.

The Knights era may not have been successful from a win/loss perspective but in the word of a former Treasurer, "it was the recession we had to have"

No need to go over the history again, we have well and truly exhausted the discussions on the Sheedy legacy and the mess that the club has become. A lot of this cannot be blamed on Knights. But, he will, rightly or wrongly, take the rap for the last three years.

In reality, the team has been shite for a while and the fact that we are forced to play one of the youngest 22's in the history of the club kind of exemplifies the problems Knights has had.

However, the Knights era also has some similiarities to the Bill Stephen's era. Stephens took on coaching an incredibly young and inexperienced Essendon side in the late 70's. But during his time, he blooded many future stars. A certain K Sheedy was the benficiary of Stephen's sacrifice.

I hope that Knights will also, in time, be remembered for bringing some genuinely promising young players to the club and giving them all a chance to play AFL footy.

Who knows, maybe history will repeat itself and the next coach will enjoy the fruits of Knighta's labours, just as Sheedy did 30 years ago.

Good luck Knighta - thanks for your efforts

Re: Farewell Knighta - It Just Wasnt Meant to Be

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:28 am
by F111
So then...Choco and Richo d'ya think?

Re: Farewell Knighta - It Just Wasnt Meant to Be

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:01 pm
by Windy_Hill
Wth a little James Hird thrown in for good measure?

Re: Farewell Knighta - It Just Wasnt Meant to Be

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:07 pm
by Doctor Fish
Yep. Has had pathetic treatment by so called Essendon supporters. I hope he sticks around just so they can all go burn their memberships and piss off for good...


Re: Farewell Knighta - It Just Wasnt Meant to Be

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 3:58 pm
by j-mac31
I don't he deserves much credit for playing young players:
1. All shit clubs do it these days.
2. With the resources put into talent identification, it shouldn't be as hard to pick out the good players.
3. He still played guys like Welsh, Slattery and McVeigh when they were playing shitfully.
4. Some young guys are in and out of the team. Give them several weeks or months even to show what they've got, they can't all be superstars over night.
5. No Cyril.

And if you care, I was not a Knights basher from day 1. I saw flaws in his game plan early on, but was prepared to let him work on it. He did not.

Re: Farewell Knighta - It Just Wasnt Meant to Be

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 10:48 am
by boncer34
I'd bet my left nut Windy that Knighta is in the coaching box come round 1.

Re: Farewell Knighta - It Just Wasnt Meant to Be

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:48 pm
by Windy_Hill
boncer34 wrote:I'd bet my left nut Windy that Knighta is in the coaching box come round 1.
Pickle it, pop it in a jar and FedEx it to me Bonce

He is gawn!

Re: Farewell Knighta - It Just Wasnt Meant to Be

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:13 pm
by billyduckworth
Not so sure he is gawn.

Our Board has long had a reputation for being conservative. My gut feeling is they are too conservative to dump Knights.

Rumour over on BB says that Knights will be reappointed but with some new assistants, perhaps some restrictions on his input at the selection table, a review of the game plan including input from players, etc.

Sounds like a wishy washy "yes,but" type decision. But I reckon it could well be true, unfortunately.

Re: Farewell Knighta - It Just Wasnt Meant to Be

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:26 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
The MMM boys reckon that if he isnt sacked tomorrow or Tues then he will def be the coach next season.....

I have a feeling he will stay as well, with some much needed experienced assistants to help him.

Re: Farewell Knighta - It Just Wasnt Meant to Be

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:50 pm
by Jazz_84
im sorry but if the coach needs to be restricted at the selection table and for his game plan to be reviewed and changed with input from the players themselves SURELY he needs to be told to pack his bags???

if he isn't sacked, im going to be extremely angry at our piss weak board! far out how shit does a coach have to be to get the arse from Essendon!!! we deserve the best dammit!!!

Re: Farewell Knighta - It Just Wasnt Meant to Be

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:56 pm
by billyduckworth
I agree Jazz 100% it would be a really gutless "yes,but" type decision.

But I am really afraid that this is precisely what will happen.

Re: Farewell Knighta - It Just Wasnt Meant to Be

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:19 pm
by robbie67
boncer34 wrote:I'd bet my left nut Windy that Knighta is in the coaching box come round 1.
Don't take any crap of those youngins that have a go at you for walking funny Boncer.

Re: Farewell Knighta - It Just Wasnt Meant to Be

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:16 pm
by robrulz5
billyduckworth wrote:

Rumour over on BB says that Knights will be reappointed but with some new assistants, perhaps some restrictions on his input at the selection table, a review of the game plan including input from players, etc.

haha, don't believe everything said over there, actually don't believe much of it at all!!!

Re: Farewell Knighta - It Just Wasnt Meant to Be

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:30 pm
by Megan
Great post Windy.

Been an... interesting few years, but we had to take a punt on someone and sometimes it's a good fit, sometimes it isn't.

I wish Knighta luck and fortune in whatever it is he puts his hand to in the future. It just didn't work out at the EFC. C'est la vie!

Re: Farewell Knighta - It Just Wasnt Meant to Be

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:28 am
by boncer34
Windy_Hill wrote:
boncer34 wrote:I'd bet my left nut Windy that Knighta is in the coaching box come round 1.
Pickle it, pop it in a jar and FedEx it to me Bonce

He is gawn!
First thing I thought of when I heard the news.