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Hille onto Veterans list

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:21 pm
by s'dreams
From 1st club list finalisation list - Hille and Fletch now on Veteran's list.

Means maximum of 6 rookies.

What will happen over the next three selection rounds now becoming clearer (though most you you probably alredy knew this)

With Silverlock and Crameri given a second year - four rookies to be selected. Will be tight to rookie Still, Slattery the other, Duscher, the amazing but underplayed player let go from any of the other clubs, the breakout mature age cinderella story recruit from any of the State leagues and the smokey from the country league who is kicking sacks of potatoes over the haystack while outrunning his dad's horse while pulling the plow.

As Houlii still on list - will be 3 draft selections, and likely one PSD selection (now who are we atragtting in the PSD???)


Re: Hille onto Veterans list

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:51 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
The rookie list is fast becoming the stage where a lot of the top players begin their afl careers... (Barlow and Pods this year in particular)

Clubs will be thinking a lot harder about the type of players they select and from where they get them from.

Houli still being on the list is ridiculous... its obvious that he wants to go so why not leave already....

We will definately try and rookie Slattery and Still but i have a feeling that only one will be available.

Re: Hille onto Veterans list

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:07 am
by ealesy
Houli f***** off, he is no longer an Essendon player (even though he is still listed) so the club shouldn't be doing him any favours. Richmond also f***** us over by only offering deals that they knew we had no interest because they could get him for free in the PSD.

By keeping him on our list he cannot go an train with Richmond without our approval, which I assume we will withold because we would've already delisted him otherwise. It's what Carlton did to Campo when he walked out on them and indicated he wanted to come to Essendon in the PSD.

On the other hand it might just be a ploy to keep him on the list until after the National Draft he can't nominate for that and get picked up in that by Richmond with a late pick, and force them to use the PSD pick ensuring there is one less live pick before our PSD pick.

He wanted out of the club f*** us doing anything to help him or his new club out. Particularly when his new club willingly f***** us over.

Re: Hille onto Veterans list

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:55 pm
by Doctor Fish
Yep. Bring on the Dusche!... Like this kid. Just hope our coaching staff have the brains to grab him before someone else does...

Re: Hille onto Veterans list

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:48 pm
by little_ripper
good news.

we surely must be spending close to the 92% minimum of salary cap , leaves money in the kitty to reward and retain players over the next couple of years.

with GWS lining up talent, thats a good thing imo.

Re: Hille onto Veterans list

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:34 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
What happens with David Meli next year.... he has signed with us as an international rookie (like Quinn) but hasn't officially been drafted onto our rookie list. He spent most of this year playing for the Calder Cannons so does that mean he will be rookied in December??

So our rookies would be

Quinn (I)
Meli (I)
Webster (the NSW scholarship player)

meaning we can only draft 2 more??