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Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:02 pm
by Heppell#21
I found it Astonishing when watching last nights game, that Dwayne Russell had the balls to show how much he was barracking for Melbourne. It was the start of the Last Quarter and we had just kicked a goal. Dwayne then said "What a horrible start"

We all know you hate Essendon but please try and disguise it. Eddie got criticized when he commentated on channel 9, what makes you any different.

Re: Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:13 pm
by paddyl90
Makes it even better when we win

Re: Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:27 pm
by Jazz_84
yeah i heard the commentary on Fox was pretty appalling, lucky i didn't have to deal with it, that sort of stuff isn't on, arn't there people out there that can talk about footy being subjective or constructive to both teams? they are the sort of people that should be on tv

Re: Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:45 pm
by robrulz5
It will become worse and worse as we get better and better. As long as we keep winning who cares.

Re: Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:49 pm
by Heppell#21
They couldnt get over how magical Liam Jurrah is..
Firstly, I thought he had a really ordinary game, he kicked his first goal only because it was a rush kick out of defence which happened to fall in to his lap, the man Dwayne Russell didn't talk about the drop chest mark Jurrah did that lead to that goal. The second goal of his was only created because sir Hitler (Dunn) took at Dempsey with a bump which left jurrah open in the foward line. Thirdly, apparently his magic set up another goal on the wing because, all the essendon players went up for a mark and it went over the top, Jurrah happened to be standing in the right place at the right time, he didnt want to go in a get a hard ball. The only thing good that Jurrah did that game was take one mark in the Centre of the ground.

Overall I believe the highlight of Jurrah's game was when he got hit by Williams and had to go off because he was bleeding.

Re: Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:00 pm
by boris
just watching fox replay now. daWayne is not very excited about the bomeroonies is he.....

I love that the group of Essendon dissenters is gathering in number ....

Re: Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:10 pm
by boris
When Heppel kicked a goal 5 mins into the 3rd quarter. Dwayne dropped his tone and sounded fully depressed!!!!!

Re: Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:25 pm
by Heppell#21
Not bad kicking 2 goals from the half back flank.. Heppell = Superstar in the making.

Re: Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:30 pm
by boris
like the look of him alright!

Re: Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:40 pm
by boris
dawayne calling (Jurrah kicks truly after missing 2 mins earlier)

(pitch increasing as he gets more excited)


he sounds like he's having way too much fun.

Re: Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:57 pm
by paddyl90
I remember back in 2005/6 when we were struggling through last Sheedy years he was so happy we got smashed by Port Adelaide that night..he couldn't have been more happier on the radio. Add him to the list of Essendon haters. As I said winning will shut them up :)

Re: Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 4:11 pm
by nomolos
Worst caller in the business.

Re: Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 4:59 pm
by Ossie
Shocked that he didn't describe a goal as a 'gem' last night. :roll:
And why does he have this obsession with using 'goal' as a verb? Goals it? You can't goal anything, it's a f****** noun!

Re: Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:10 pm
by Megan
Heppell#21 wrote:Not bad kicking 2 goals from the half back flank.. Heppell = Superstar in the making.
So Mrs Heppell, you must be glad your son is playing AFL level footy ;)

Re: Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:27 pm
by robrulz5
JumboPaddy wrote: Add him to the list of Essendon haters.
Was added a long time ago!

Re: Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 10:45 pm
by s'dreams
boris wrote:dawayne calling (Jurrah kicks truly after missing 2 mins earlier)

(pitch increasing as he gets more excited)


he sounds like he's having way too much fun.
Ummm ... Liam Jurra is both a koori tribal elder and very very straight. Dwayne has missed the mark there. Add that to the lack of understanding re the Costello article and the Nixon issue and you can make your own judgement.

Game was better on radio ... Brian Taylor and the 3AW team were much more balanced (despite 2 of the 3 commentators predicting a Melb win at 3/4 time) ...

Anyway ... if we cared about the commentariat or the mood of the other clubs - we would still have Knights, Camporale and co running the show ... so sad

Re: Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 8:58 pm
by hop
SEN commentary was bad also - Anthony Hudson was a flat as a s**t carters hat most of the night - but raised the tone and the pitch of his description everytime it went on to the Demons forward line. Initially l thought l was, at best, biased and at worst paranoid - however even his fellow commentators made comment about this.

As for Dwayne Russell - on holidays this summer at Aireys Inlet I bumped into Dwayne and his unfortunate family at the Lighthouse Video Shop. He was touting (at the top of his voice) for a movie of a novel that his (private school) son had to read for year 12 this year. If it was more possible to embarass your family - I'm yet to conceive of a way. Boff-headed ego if there ever was one.

Still - as I approached the counter - just in front of Dwayne's crew I enquired - "Oh that reminds me - do you guys have a copy of Elephant Man" At least the proprietor had a chuckle - and confessed to me the next day that this bloke (whom she didn't know) had been a pain in the arse all summer.

Re: Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:04 pm
by Gimps
He's no worse the Gerard Healy when we play against the Perth teams. It's always about how good the Perth team is if they are winning, or what the Perth teams can do to win the game if they are behind. Shits me to tears!

Re: Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:38 pm
by Ossie
Gimps wrote:He's no worse the Gerard Healy when we play against the Perth teams. It's always about how good the Perth team is if they are winning, or what the Perth teams can do to win the game if they are behind. Shits me to tears!
Tim Gossage.
That is all.

Re: Dwayne Russell, A Disgrace.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:50 pm
by BenDoolan
Gimps wrote:He's no worse the Gerard Healy when we play against the Perth teams. It's always about how good the Perth team is if they are winning, or what the Perth teams can do to win the game if they are behind. Shits me to tears!
Ahhh....Gerard Healy. He's a A-Grade flog when it comes to commentating our games. He hates our guts - has for years. The main reason behind this was because of the way we treated his "mate" Greg Williams. First when he was at Sydney - Shane Heard used to tag him insane. Healy would whinge and moan in the commentary box about how the umpires should protect Williams and that it was "no surprise" that Diesel would lose his cool at his treatment. Then Sean Denham came along and Healy would almost cry in the commentary box at Denham's tactics.

Suck shit!