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Mark McVeigh

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:11 pm
by brad

Re: Mark McVeigh

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:16 pm
by robbie67
If talking a good game was all it took, McVeigh would be champion.

Re: Mark McVeigh

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:22 pm
by brad
He knows he aint no champion and certainly not our best player - said so himself.

Re: Mark McVeigh

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:25 pm
by robbie67
McVeigh and Lovett-Murray present in the media like they are leaders. The thing is though, they never play like it. I know he doesnt think he is a champion, but I also know he sees himself as a leader.......he is right about the champion part.

Re: Mark McVeigh

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:32 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
Watched a video of the boys singing the song after the match.... boy Spike bleeds for the red and black, sand it with the most passion and gusto out of everyone in the circle. Watched him after the game on the ground as well, was really fired up about the win, you could see that it meant a lot to him....

That is what you want to see from your senior players after a top class performance by the team, whether they played well or not.

Re: Mark McVeigh

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:40 pm
by robbie67
Mrs Mercuri wrote:Watched a video of the boys singing the song after the match.... boy Spike bleeds for the red and black, sand it with the most passion and gusto out of everyone in the circle. Watched him after the game on the ground as well, was really fired up about the win, you could see that it meant a lot to him....

That is what you want to see from your senior players after a top class performance by the team, whether they played well or not.
I dont doubt for a minute that he bleeds red and black. BUT

When was the last time, when a team was coming at us, or when we were getting smashed, and someoene needed to turn the tide has McVeigh gone into the middle and won us an important contest? If he is the leader he likes to portray himself to be, surely at this stage of his career, every now and then he would do this?

Think about the amount of times in the last 5 years, teams have got a run of 5 tgo 8 goals against us, and we needed someone over the age of 25 to stand up and lead, and just try to change the momentum a little bit? Hille and Watson have....but never McVeigh. I know it's harsh butit's a brutal and honest assesment of what he has bought to the table. I dont have an axe to grind with im either. I like him, and wish things have been different, but they havent.

Re: Mark McVeigh

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:05 pm
by F111
He's been a great player for this team, and I'm sure he contributes the passion that's required for the youngsters to absorb. That's very important stuff...the conversational rhetoric that sets up images and beliefs etc...

His career for me has 3 distinct periods.
1. His early years. Showpony I thought, trying to do the spectacular too often. He succeeded occasionally and slowly learned that there are more important things in a team game.
2. His middling years. Developed the MJ role, the hate of defeat in a single contest and used that exceptionally well as the small backman to stand seriously dangerous opponents. His best contribution period for mine.
3. The midfield years. He had one very good season...which one was it? I can't remember the year. Unfortunately hammies/injuries put an end to that from memory and I don't think he's ever recovered that form.

There was the drinking incident with Soly that soured things for him and bought his real contribution under a very strong spotlight. He went away for a few days and his "leadership" was questioned. His rhetoric has always been strongly EFC and that's great, but his onfield misdemeanours tarnished the off field image. Silly 50's and reports at key times weren't helpful. Being tough ( and it's important to have such players on the field) and being smart tough are different things. He didn't display enough smarts I think. Supporters spot that sort of dissonance.

He has been a worthy contributor over time. His early showpony days have always left me with the thought that he could have been a much better player had he kept a little quiet and just concentrated on showing us his football wares. Maybe Solomon leaving left a gap that he felt he needed to fill.

I won't mention #-o the Hird facial injury and how that might've affected him over time.

There's more to footy than just getting a kick huh!

Re: Mark McVeigh

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:25 pm
by rockhole
Good assessment, F1.

Appears, apart from Fletch, that he is the go to man for kicking to position as several players of loaded to him rather than take the kick themselves.