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"I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:53 pm
by Jazz_84 wrote:RICHMOND defender Bachar Houli says he quit Essendon because he believed he was being made a scapegoat for the club's poor performances during Matthew Knights' final year as coach.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with AFL multicultural round ambassador Leigh Montagna, Houli has revealed how frustrated he became with the Bombers' selection policy.

"I got my body to where I wanted it to be, and I was doing everything right in the VFL, and my performances in the VFL were showing that I was good enough to play at the highest level," Houli explained.

"Even (some Essendon) players were getting irritated about why I wasn't playing, and they were raising the question, 'Why isn't he playing?' (I still) don't know the reason."

The first practising Muslim to line up in an AFL match, Houli played only 26 games for Essendon during his four seasons at the club.

The 24-year-old says the final straw was when Knights dropped him back to the VFL after the Bombers lost to Carlton by 76 points in round 19, 2010.

Houli had gathered 18 possessions during the game.

"I guess I was one of the better players on the field, but I felt I was the scapegoat," he recalled.

"It was a real tough time, and I sat down with my manager and I said, 'Things aren't right here.'

"He knew, because he had a sense that things weren't right. He said, 'What do you want to do? I said, 'Let's seek another opportunity somewhere else."

Houli ended up joining the Tigers during the 2010 player trading period.

"I wanted to stay in Melbourne, and Richmond came up with the best offer … and Richmond were the best fit for the second part of my career," he said.

"Thankfully, they've provided me with a great opportunity. Last year I played 22 games and this year I've played every game so far."

Re: "I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:58 pm
by swoodley
Looking from the outside in, it's hard to disagree with anything in that article.

There's no doubt he was poorly dealt with during his time at Essendon.

Good luck to him as he continues to build his career.

Re: "I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:03 pm
by little_ripper
fwiw, I think Houli would probably still be a fringe player at Essendon.(Although perhaps a little talented than some of our other fringe players).

Headlines should read, "I was Matthew Knights scapegoat".

Re: "I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:04 pm
by Jazz_84
little_ripper wrote: Headlines should read, "I was Matthew Knights scapegoat".
yep that's my only problem with it

Re: "I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:22 pm
by GoalSneak
I'm afraid Bachar is a little delusional. I saw a few Bendigo games that year and he certainly didn't do "everything right in the VFL". As always with him during his time with us, he got plenty of it but wasted a lot of his possessions through bad decision making and rarely did the hard defensive work or one percenters. He was absolutely putrid in that game against Carlton, although I do agree he was unlucky to be dropped because he had played really well for once the week before against St Kilda.

Re: "I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:01 pm
by Gimps
GoalSneak wrote:I'm afraid Bachar is a little delusional. I saw a few Bendigo games that year and he certainly didn't do "everything right in the VFL". As always with him during his time with us, he got plenty of it but wasted a lot of his possessions through bad decision making and rarely did the hard defensive work or one percenters. He was absolutely putrid in that game against Carlton, although I do agree he was unlucky to be dropped because he had played really well for once the week before against St Kilda.

Pretty sure my summation back in the day was similar to this.

Re: "I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:05 pm
by s'dreams
Poor Bashir ...

Yes he had the broken rib which led to his being sidelined for gawd knows how long ... and he wasn't treated as a walk up start by Knights after he recovered ... but I have the sniff of self serving justification by the interviewee in this article

Houlii had made his way back into the seniors when he made his decision ... and Hirdy took him out for a coffee and made it clear that Bashir featured as important in his future plans ... but ... the player didn't trust his former teammate or honour his word ... (nor de we know details of what seems to be a better offer from the tiges)

And so it goes...

Look - good luck to him (and Teddy Richards too) 'cause they feel they were strung along and there were better opportunities elsewhere ... but don't come the smell of burned martyr to justify your decision...

Re: "I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:19 pm
by Royza
So good of the AFL to use multicultural round as a chance to use an anti-Essendon headline :evil:

Old news, this has no relevance now. Bachar wouldn't make our current team so he's better off where he is.
Decent skills, as long as no pressure is applied.

Re: "I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:48 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
Bloody hell... it wasn't ESSENDON'S fault he wasn't getting a game... thank Mr Matthew Knights for that... Pretty sure Hirdy was keen for him to stay at the club but Im glad we let him go. Would rather our guys like Dyson, Hibbo, Heppell and co ahead of him in the team.

Re: "I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:36 pm
by Windy_Hill
I hope this is the media putting words in his mouth otherwise very bad form from young Bacher.

James Hird went out of his way for this guy so there can be no hard feelings. Essendon got nothing for Bacher despite providing him with an apprenticeship and pay for 4 years.

I never saw him play at Bendigo but from what I saw at AFL level. He was an average sort of player. There was nothing about him that really made you think "wow, we have a beauty here"

Re: "I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:37 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
Windy_Hill wrote:I hope this is the media putting words in his mouth otherwise very bad form from young Bacher.

James Hird went out of his way for this guy so there can be no hard feelings. Essendon got nothing for Bacher despite providing him with an apprenticeship and pay for 4 years.

I never saw him play at Bendigo but from what I saw at AFL level. He was an average sort of player. There was nothing about him that really made you think "wow, we have a beauty here"
=D> =D>
Sounds like a bit of sour grapes doesnt it....

Re: "I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:46 pm
by BenDoolan
Well at the time I thought exactly what he said. Blokes like Michael Quinn were getting games ahead of him FFS :roll:

Still, he had an option to stay with the new coaching dream team about to start....

Re: "I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:56 pm
by bombercol
To be honest with you, Bachar Houli is still guilty of being a bit soft in the clinches.

I like Houli and he is doing well at Richmond because they need his type of player.

We have Hardingham, Heppell, Hibberd, Dyson that play a Houli role and our four boys are just as good in disposing the footy but are much much harder in the clinches that what Houli ever will be and to be frank.....I'd pick them before him.

I've moved on, it's time Bachar did too.

Re: "I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:00 pm
by bomberdonnie
Couldn't get a game when we were shit and would have no chance now. As above too soft and shit skills

In all reality who cares?

Re: "I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:02 pm
by DC2
bomberdonnie wrote:Couldn't get a game when we were shit and would have no chance now. As above too soft and shit skills

In all reality who cares?
houli had "shit skills"? LOL...what were you watching? He is a very nice user of the footy. It would be his standout feature.

As BD said, imagine if you were Houli and Quinn was getting games ahead of you...I want to leave too. Quinn was garbage.

Re: "I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:48 pm
by Megan
Whether he was being treated poorly by Knights or not, to me it's moot - Hirdy laid his cards on the table and Houli left anyway. That was his call. But by refusing to stay once the issue was gone - the issue being Knights - he can STFU now.

Re: "I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:56 pm
by bomberdonnie
DC2 wrote:
bomberdonnie wrote:Couldn't get a game when we were shit and would have no chance now. As above too soft and shit skills

In all reality who cares?
houli had "shit skills"? LOL...what were you watching? He is a very nice user of the footy. It would be his standout feature.

As BD said, imagine if you were Houli and Quinn was getting games ahead of you...I want to leave too. Quinn was garbage.
I was watching him constantly turn the ball over

Re: "I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:31 pm
by Gimps
DC2 wrote:
bomberdonnie wrote:Couldn't get a game when we were shit and would have no chance now. As above too soft and shit skills

In all reality who cares?
houli had "shit skills"? LOL...what were you watching? He is a very nice user of the footy. It would be his standout feature.

As BD said, imagine if you were Houli and Quinn was getting games ahead of you...I want to leave too. Quinn was garbage.
Had skills with no pressure around him.

Re: "I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:02 am
by robbie67
Can the guy even eat goat? No wonder Megan is pissed at him.

I wish NLM had gone to Richmond, and we kept Houli. As Salim Dusty would have said "NLM is just a sub with no peer". Permission to laugh at own joke?

Re: "I was bombers scapegoat"

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:15 am
by stryper
Houli in my honest opinion is still a bit of a dud.
He turns the ball over way too much and is 1 of those players that is good when the Team is going well...
Yes he has a few good games too here and there.
I still find it hard to believe that he is rated at Ninthmond.
I am sorry but I have never rated him that much.
No real loss. I think we have a lot of players that are better...
Then again he may prove me wrong someday too...
Ted Richards on the other hand is a champion who has stood up and been a real asset for Sydney.
Good on him... =D>