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Jake the Snake...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:42 pm
by gringo
...has looked much improved in the four games that have been played so far. He's slimmed down and no longer looks like a Steinway moving through quicksand as he makes his way around the oval. He's been tough in the clinches and a strong presence around the packs.

I'm still not sure he's got what it takes to get a spot in a premiership winning 22 (he's still one paced with average skills) but for the moment, he's deserving of his spot in the side.

Re: Jake the Snake...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:46 pm
by JockStraps
Have to take the opposite position on this one. Kid seems slow as molasses and seems to get caught in possession time and time again. Tough at the contest for sure but his disposal skills are sub standard given the benchmark being set by his team mates.

Not questioning his desire but skill wise, he needs to do a mountain of work

Re: Jake the Snake...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:31 pm
by BenDoolan
I also don't share your views on his improvement gringo. I still think he's a slow mover and slow thinker. A horrid combination that either leads to being caught with the ball, poor decision making or poor skill level. I haven't seen much improvement in any of those aspects as yet.

Watto is a slow mover. But that means nothing because he is a quick thinker and is able to be creative in contested situations. Watto is hardly ever caught with the ball. There's a reason for that. Melksham needs to find a way to counter his lack of leg speed with quick thinking, creative play.

I'm more impressed with the gradual improvement of Myers at this stage.

Re: Jake the Snake...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:44 pm
by danstar84
For everything good that he does at the moment, he seems do do something very stupid. i.e. the two speccy attempts, both which resulted in free kicks against, and one a shot on goal. He should be focusing on the basics to start with. With Jetta, Kav, Colyer around the mark, I don't think he is best 22 based on the first 4 weeks.

Re: Jake the Snake...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:52 pm
by bomberdonnie
BenDoolan wrote:
I'm more impressed with the gradual improvement of Myers at this stage.
Hasn't he come a long long way in 12 months?!?!

Re: Jake the Snake...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:05 pm
by gringo
It seems I'm well and truly on the outer with this one then! In my defence, Jake was coming off a very low base (i.e. short of launching the ball into the crowd, it would have been possible to detect improvement in his game) but I will remain an interseted observor.

Re Myers - I've always rated Myers and in my view it was simply a matter of him getting the time in the middle to prove his value. His left boot is dynamite. He's got a quick release and can launch a 65m bomb with accuracy off one step in a small period of time. Considering we've got a plethora of tall marking forwards in good touch at the moment it's an extremely usful weapon to have your arsenal.

Re: Jake the Snake...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:29 pm
by j-mac31
I'm a fan of Melksham, but he shouldn't be in the team right now. Too slow, doesn't do enough.

I'd have Kavanagh or Colyer in ahead of him right now.
bomberdonnie wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:
I'm more impressed with the gradual improvement of Myers at this stage.
Hasn't he come a long long way in 12 months?!?!

Re: Jake the Snake...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:33 pm
by rockhole
j-mac31 wrote:I'm a fan of Melksham, but he shouldn't be in the team right now. Too slow, doesn't do enough.

I'd have Kavanagh or Colyer in ahead of him right now.
bomberdonnie wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:
I'm more impressed with the gradual improvement of Myers at this stage.
Hasn't he come a long long way in 12 months?!?!
You getting all this, Gimps! :D

Re: Jake the Snake...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:50 pm
by robbie67
Myers? He's no NLM. :roll:

Re: Jake the Snake...

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:22 pm
by DC2
melksham is the worst player on the team that gets a regular gig.

with the team as a whole improving its covering his deficiencies.

Re: Jake the Snake...

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:55 pm
by BenDoolan
DC2 wrote:melksham is the worst player on the team that gets a regular gig.

with the team as a whole improving its covering his indeficiencies.
Indeficiencies? :?

I think I know what you mean :wink:

Re: Jake the Snake...

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:43 pm
by rockhole
I like Jake's attitude, but I fear that he is being left behind

Re: Jake the Snake...

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:41 pm
by ZeroEffect
His attitude has been an issue over the last couple of years and is probably the main reason he has been dropped. Going for that second speccy over the Saints ruckman after already having some embarrassing efforts earlier in the game is an example of that. How about doing a team thing when you have already stuffed up?

He needs two or three weeks in the VFL to find some good form and hopefully get some confidence back. We didn't drop him last year when he should of gone back so this has been a long time coming. Who knows he might come back into the AFL team and really show us his potential but at the moment he just seems stagnant. This could be the best thing that ever happened to him.

Re: Jake the Snake...

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:08 am
by hop
I'm with Gringo.

I have seen improvement in Jakes performances this year. Granted he is coming off a low base. And yes, he is still prone to the headshaking moments in a game - however he is winning more of his own ball and he has provided consistent (if not quick) run, particularly in the second half of games this year.

Some players reward perseverance - Hooker and Melksham are both competing for the Kevin Walsh Trophy.

Mind you - this doesn't mean I want him played if there are better options. Hardingham has his opportunity to impress today.

Re: Jake the Snake...

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:27 am
by Gimps
rockhole wrote:
j-mac31 wrote:I'm a fan of Melksham, but he shouldn't be in the team right now. Too slow, doesn't do enough.

I'd have Kavanagh or Colyer in ahead of him right now.
bomberdonnie wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:
I'm more impressed with the gradual improvement of Myers at this stage.
Hasn't he come a long long way in 12 months?!?!
You getting all this, Gimps! :D
Care factor of minus 10. He's improved, but so has the rest of the team. Still overrated by you lot in my opinion.

Re: Jake the Snake...

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:07 pm
by Gimps
You're great player Myers is sub. All the great ones start as a sub.

Re: Jake the Snake...

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:18 pm
by bomberdonnie
It blows my f****** mind that you can sit there and crap on about NLM like he has some talent but Myers is a complete dud

Just f****** stop it already ffs

I also think Myers has a looooong way to go but f*** me he could play a better game with his dick in his hand than NLM ever will

Re: Jake the Snake...

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 8:40 pm
by Gimps
bomberdonnie wrote:It blows my f****** mind that you can sit there and crap on about NLM like he has some talent but Myers is a complete dud

Just f****** stop it already ffs

I also think Myers has a looooong way to go but f*** me he could play a better game with his dick in his hand than NLM ever will
I've never said NLM is a great player, just beat it up to give you c**** a bit of shit.

NLM is as good as Myers at this stage, and has been better than Myers in the past.

Re: Jake the Snake...

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 8:45 pm
by bomberdonnie
Gimps wrote:
bomberdonnie wrote:It blows my f****** mind that you can sit there and crap on about NLM like he has some talent but Myers is a complete dud

Just f****** stop it already ffs

I also think Myers has a looooong way to go but f*** me he could play a better game with his dick in his hand than NLM ever will
I've never said NLM is a great player, just beat it up to give you c**** a bit of shit.

NLM is as good as Myers at this stage, and has been better than Myers in the past.
Does the second line relate to the first?

Re: Jake the Snake...

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 8:50 pm
by Jazz_84
Melksham will need a boost to get back in you would think, hate to know how he would have gone with the pressure we had to deal with at times today