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Whinge on hands in back rule

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 6:12 pm
by paddyl90






Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 6:14 pm
by jimmyc1985
I have little respect for Robert Walls, but he did make the comment that Mal Michael plays from behind almost every time and will be in trouble under this new interpretation unless he adapts appropriately. He's got a point; Michael's already been pinged with hands in the back a few times up to half time.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 6:21 pm
by Megan
Gayest pre season rule ever. This one isn't standing for the season, is it?

Fevs certainly knows how to play it.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 6:26 pm
Yep - It's in all year.They didn't even trial it last year.
The Rules Committee is a waste of time and seem to make decisions simply to justify their existence(and probably salaries)

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 6:44 pm
by BenDoolan
RAMS wrote:Yep - It's in all year.They didn't even trial it last year.
The Rules Committee is a waste of time and seem to make decisions simply to justify their existence(and probably salaries)
The most accurate statement ever regarding the rules committee. Pack of F wits - all of them.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 7:47 pm
by Ramanama
Shit rule.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 8:18 pm
by dom_105
Does the committee have the balls to turn around after this weekend or next weekend and scrap the idea?

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 8:27 pm
by nomolos
If you play in the backline you are officially screwed.

Theres no way to spoil and theres no way to make body contact.

They have destroyed the game Aussie rules.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 8:34 pm
by Rossoneri
This rule has been in place for 35 years, its just that its only now going to be enforced.

Maybe if our players kicked the ball long to the forward line we may have a chance of being rewarded by it?

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 9:14 pm
by 84859300
My gibe is that in the first quarter they paid it, then the whistles went away.

We didn't adapt to the whistle happy umpires at all. We had a chance to milk some of our own love from the umpires and missed the boat.

The delivery into our forward line was mostly to blame, but when we had a 50/50 chance, instead of getting in front we played them on the side or tried to take a hanger.

Is Dean Wallis the forward coach this year?? Might need to look at his tapes from tonights game for a refresher.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:26 pm
by Essendon4eva
Why don't the umpires grow some balls, and stand up to this rules committe. I boycott would be great. Just call it the way it is supposed to be called. The way the FANS WANT IT!

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:58 am
by BenDoolan
When it was first announced that this was going to be a new rule I was livid. Now that I have seen it, they can all get f*****! If this is what I'm going to watch week in and week out, year after year, I may get that disallusioned and walk away from the game. Meanwhile we will see the usual gutless keepings off tactic employed during matches, yet the rules committee still haven't committed to the "play on" rule when a player kicks backwards outside their forward 50.

.....And by the way, it's obvious that it is just a "hands in the back rule" and not a "push in the back rule", then how does one grab a player on the ground and appeal for a holding the ball free kick? To do so, you have to grab the player's jumper (his back) to do so......SO THAT'S A FREE KICK!

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:15 pm
by Rossoneri
BenDoolan wrote:When it was first announced that this was going to be a new rule I was livid. Now that I have seen it, they can all get f*****! If this is what I'm going to watch week in and week out, year after year, I may get that disallusioned and walk away from the game. Meanwhile we will see the usual gutless keepings off tactic employed during matches, yet the rules committee still haven't committed to the "play on" rule when a player kicks backwards outside their forward 50.

.....And by the way, it's obvious that it is just a "hands in the back rule" and not a "push in the back rule", then how does one grab a player on the ground and appeal for a holding the ball free kick? To do so, you have to grab the player's jumper (his back) to do so......SO THAT'S A FREE KICK!
Fellas, it is time.

JUMP ON THE MELBOURNE VICTORY BANDWAGON, it is stopping for some extras if needed. All I do now is watch Essendon and no one else, which means my footy tipping will turn to shit. But I will go every week and follow the Victory because the way I see it, its more physical than Aussie Rules.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:22 pm
by Makaveli
The idea of the rule isn't all that bad. The way i see it though, when a defender is jumping from behind to spoil, it's an automatic action to punch with one hand and put the other up for balance. Fletch and Michael made indiscriminate contact on two occasions and were pinged for it, thats where it went completely over the top. With this new rule plus the introduction of the chopping of the arms last year, i certaintly wouldnt want to be a defender these days.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:24 pm
by Essendon4eva
Rossoneri wrote:
BenDoolan wrote:When it was first announced that this was going to be a new rule I was livid. Now that I have seen it, they can all get f*****! If this is what I'm going to watch week in and week out, year after year, I may get that disallusioned and walk away from the game. Meanwhile we will see the usual gutless keepings off tactic employed during matches, yet the rules committee still haven't committed to the "play on" rule when a player kicks backwards outside their forward 50.

.....And by the way, it's obvious that it is just a "hands in the back rule" and not a "push in the back rule", then how does one grab a player on the ground and appeal for a holding the ball free kick? To do so, you have to grab the player's jumper (his back) to do so......SO THAT'S A FREE KICK!
Fellas, it is time.

JUMP ON THE MELBOURNE VICTORY BANDWAGON, it is stopping for some extras if needed. All I do now is watch Essendon and no one else, which means my footy tipping will turn to shit. But I will go every week and follow the Victory because the way I see it, its more physical than Aussie Rules.
Thats what I'm afraid of.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:14 am
by nudder12
If I may make one comment here....
Sure a couple of the decisions (against EFC) were dicey, however the rule applies to everyone so it's up to us to make the most of it - or at least to adjust to it. If EFC can't adjust as well as everyone else then we're a poor club.
What I'd really like to see is M Lloyd going back to his halcyon days when he lead like a full foward instead of trying to prove he's the "velvet sledgehammer", and then, maybe, he'd get the advantage of this "new" rule, just as Fevola did. So far, based on the Carlton game, I'd have to say Fevola is a better full forward than Matty. Ouch!!
It's very simple - the rules are the rules and everyone has to play by them.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:52 am
by BenDoolan
nudder12 wrote:If I may make one comment here....
Sure a couple of the decisions (against EFC) were dicey, however the rule applies to everyone so it's up to us to make the most of it - or at least to adjust to it. If EFC can't adjust as well as everyone else then we're a poor club.
What I'd really like to see is M Lloyd going back to his halcyon days when he lead like a full foward instead of trying to prove he's the "velvet sledgehammer", and then, maybe, he'd get the advantage of this "new" rule, just as Fevola did. So far, based on the Carlton game, I'd have to say Fevola is a better full forward than Matty. Ouch!!
It's very simple - the rules are the rules and everyone has to play by them.
Whichever way you look at it, from whichever club you barrack, it is SHIT !!!

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 10:30 am
by swoodley
It's just too inconsistent and I'm sure that even the umpires are confused by it.

Lloyd missed out on a blatant one last night and about 30 seconds later gave Glass a very nice nudge and yet got away with it with the umpire only 10-15m away.

And why don't they call it at the boundary line throw ins?

The number of times there was clear contact to the back last night and yet nothing paid was bizarre.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:09 pm
by ealesy
It will be exactly the same as last year with the chopping of the arms rule, the umps will go mental on it for the Wizard Cup and then the first 3-4 weeks of the regular season and then the players will adapt to a degree and the AFL and Umps will find another intepretation to focus on and it will not be a major issue for the rest of the season.

Like I said last year it was the chopping of arms
The year before that they cracked down on holding the ball.

There is pretty much something major they focus on at the start of the season that the unps go overboard on for the majority pre-season and the first few weeks of the season and then it dies down again.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:53 pm
by BenDoolan
Someone I know has said in regards to their own upcoming footy season...

"An interesting point was raised by the coaches at my club down here on the weekend - make the effort to back back into a pack! Even if you don't think it's worth it (i.e. you're no chance to mark it), if you back into the pack strongly, there's a very good chance someone will put his hands on your back and you'll get a free for it. While it's using the new rule to possibly good effect, it's a total piece of garbage in the sense that players don't even need to make a concerted effort to go for the ball while backing back, they just have to do it confidently enough to make a player put his hands up and bingo, there's the free."

Marvellous! Welcome to the real world.....