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Absolutely livid

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 9:19 am
by Filthy
Why? On paper, the blokes that played for EFC were so much better than the opposiotion it didn't matter. Yet we concocted a way to lose. It was outrageous the lack of competence from the head coach down to the 24th player.

OUTCOACHED: Pagan always outcoaches Sheedy (who is coaching for his job this year) and last night was no different. He had a nonentity leading Fletch away from CHB and out of play and did nothing. We lost the game in the 1st half when were smashed at the centre clearances. Hille/Laycock vs Ackland/Cloke should be a no-brainer yet we were killed out of the centre. What did Sheeds do? Zip. Ergo, instead of attacking out of the centre we were having to attack from the back last year....SLOWLY giving Pagan time to plonk 3 guys across a line in front of Half Forward.

DISCIPLINE: What can say about the lack of discipline about McVeigh and lloyd who gave away free kicks and 50m penalties resulting in 15 points. We lost by 4 playing absolutely crap. Enough said. They should stick a mouth guard in Spike's mouth that makes anything he says indecipherable. Henry should also realise its OK to be tough but giving away free kicks is stupid.

SKILLS: I love Pev but there is no use him getting the hard ball but only being able to kick it 30m max only to turn over and see it flying over his head another 30m. Enough said elsewhere about Bradley. A huge disappointment. Gets the knacker and shits himself when he does. What do I do now you can almost see him thinking? You have 1 second to decide in this game, not 5 minutes.

FORWARD LINE: A forward line of Lloyd, Lucas, Johns, Hird, Davey, Lovey, and Gus should equal 20 goals a week. It WILL NOT happen the way the ball was going in last night. The forwards didn't have a prayer with that service.

BACK LINE: Was good last night despite the pressure it was placed under by upground incompetence.

BRIGHT AREAS: Davey and Houli can and will play round 1. Very impressed. Gus was Gus. Watson was OK and Licha gave us some run. Ryder will be anything. Dempsey showed a bit.

But hell being beaten by that rabble is embarassing. Smokey, JJ, MJ, Campo and Nash will provide some skill, poise and experience but gee.........depressing.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:25 am
by DC
As I have said before Filth, we dont always see eye to eye, but I agree totally with what u just said.

Very depressing and distressing signs...

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:50 am
by bpdons
i aint happy to lose to Carlton either, but their midfield is just about the best in the comp and we continue to use our early picks on tallish players.

Carlton have had plenty of early draft picks and they have used them on skilled midfielders/forwards.
Murphy, Gibbs, Walkerk, Kennedy, Betts.

On paper our team could be anything - the chance of seeing them all switch on during the same match does not give me much optimism.

Very dissapointing to see how good Gibbs was. He will be a star

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:15 pm
by Filthy
I would appreciate it if anyone could point out ANY clear and discernible game plan last night!? :roll:

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:25 pm
by Rossoneri
bpdons wrote:i aint happy to lose to Carlton either, but their midfield is just about the best in the comp and we continue to use our early picks on tallish players.

Carlton have had plenty of early draft picks and they have used them on skilled midfielders/forwards.
Murphy, Gibbs, Walkerk, Kennedy, Betts.

On paper our team could be anything - the chance of seeing them all switch on during the same match does not give me much optimism.

Very dissapointing to see how good Gibbs was. He will be a star
You are fair dinkum kidding arent you?
Their midfield is shit, we should have killed them last night.
We have no game plan unless it is to handpass when we should kick and kick it to the advantage of our opponents.

Bradley is a hack, end of story. Worse first round pick than Shane Harvey
Pevrill is a disgrace. Dont give him the ball, give him a stopping role. Nohting else.

NLM is sadly the worst kick in the team behind the two hacks i mentioned above.

McVeigh is always undisciplined but what can you do? Dropping him wont change anything.

Welsh does to many things that on paper look ok but overall mean f*** all.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:30 pm
by Filthy
Rossoneri wrote:
bpdons wrote:i aint happy to lose to Carlton either, but their midfield is just about the best in the comp and we continue to use our early picks on tallish players.

Carlton have had plenty of early draft picks and they have used them on skilled midfielders/forwards.
Murphy, Gibbs, Walkerk, Kennedy, Betts.

On paper our team could be anything - the chance of seeing them all switch on during the same match does not give me much optimism.

Very dissapointing to see how good Gibbs was. He will be a star
You are fair dinkum kidding arent you?
Their midfield is shit, we should have killed them last night.
We have no game plan unless it is to handpass when we should kick and kick it to the advantage of our opponents.

Bradley is a hack, end of story. Worse first round pick than Shane Harvey
Pevrill is a disgrace. Dont give him the ball, give him a stopping role. Nohting else.

NLM is sadly the worst kick in the team behind the two hacks i mentioned above.

McVeigh is always undisciplined but what can you do? Dropping him wont change anything.

Welsh does to many things that on paper look ok but overall mean f*** all.

I have mentioned before that my brothers daughter is married to a maggot. He says that McVeigh is a marked man because of his foul mouth amongst all the maggots. You would think the penny would have dropped by now with him or is he that dumb?

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:36 pm
by Rossoneri
Not dumb, just arrogant.

He wont change, but what can we do? De-list him? He is the only one who can hit a target more than 25m away.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:56 pm
by Windy_Hill
Post your Game Review to Sheeds Filth. God knows he needs to read it.

This loss is made worse by the absolute buzz generated by the club about the pre-season this year.

The whole membership drive is pitched around the concept of 'Fightback'

Well, with almost 30,000 signed and paid members answering this call to arms, its a dead set shame the players seem to think they are still on their end of season trip to Cancun

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:10 pm
by Makaveli
Filthy wrote:I would appreciate it if anyone could point out ANY clear and discernible game plan last night!? :roll:
Ummmm, ummmm come to think of it, we haven't has a game plan for 4 years.
You think we were undiscipline tonight, just wait till mcphee and m.johnson get back. I cringe also to think of Mcphee with this new in the back rule.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:13 pm
by spikefan
I don't think McVeigh is either dumb or arrogant (far from it ) but he has an emotional reaction to what he perceives as injustice that is NOT working in todays AFL. Call that stupid, probably.

The scenario is always something like:
1/Ump makes call (usually wrong), free against.
2/McVeigh argues -> 50m

Someone has to break this vicious circle and only McVeigh can, but Sheeds and the coaching staff can help.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:34 pm
by jimmyc1985
Sheedy's got to go. Someone needs to tap him on the shoulder and say: "Kevin, f*** off", because we need to accept that he isn't going anywhere unless he's told to. Happens in business all the time, it happens in politics (watch how quickly Howard will get told to f*** off if the Liberals lose the upcoming election), and i'm sure there's plenty of other analogies i could use. Enough of the reverence crap that gets thrown up whenever his name is mentioned - he's simply past it.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:22 pm
by Madden
jimmyc1985 wrote:Sheedy's got to go. Someone needs to tap him on the shoulder and say: "Kevin, f*** off", because we need to accept that he isn't going anywhere unless he's told to. Happens in business all the time, it happens in politics (watch how quickly Howard will get told to f*** off if the Liberals lose the upcoming election), and i'm sure there's plenty of other analogies i could use. Enough of the reverence crap that gets thrown up whenever his name is mentioned - he's simply past it.
I respect your opinions Jim, and to a certain extent I agree with this one, but that is a very rash statement to be making after one meaningless game of the Mickey Mouse Cup. And you know it.

I understand you are pissed off (as am I), but you're too smart a bloke to be making statements like that.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:34 pm
by jimmyc1985
Staggy wrote:
jimmyc1985 wrote:Sheedy's got to go. Someone needs to tap him on the shoulder and say: "Kevin, f*** off", because we need to accept that he isn't going anywhere unless he's told to. Happens in business all the time, it happens in politics (watch how quickly Howard will get told to f*** off if the Liberals lose the upcoming election), and i'm sure there's plenty of other analogies i could use. Enough of the reverence crap that gets thrown up whenever his name is mentioned - he's simply past it.
I respect your opinions Jim, and to a certain extent I agree with this one, but that is a very rash statement to be making after one meaningless game of the Mickey Mouse Cup. And you know it.

I understand you are pissed off (as am I), but you're too smart a bloke to be making statements like that.
Granted it was pretty blunt, but i've harboured those opinions RE Sheeds for a while - it's not as though i've only wanted to replace Sheeds as a result of last night's match. I've been a proponent of changing our Senior Coach at least since i started posting on BT. Things just appear stale and they have done for a number of years. Change for change's sake is one thing, but it's becoming increasingly difficult to justify him being our Senior Coach in my opinion. The most depressing aspect of what went wrong last night is that, generally, the things that killed us were the same problems that have been our achilles for the best part of 5 years, and to me, if the same problems are continually arising and not being addressed, the coaching staff are to blame.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:48 pm
by Madden
jimmyc1985 wrote:
Granted it was pretty blunt, but i've harboured those opinions RE Sheeds for a while - it's not as though i've only wanted to replace Sheeds as a result of last night's match. I've been a proponent of changing our Senior Coach at least since i started posting on BT. Things just appear stale and they have done for a number of years. Change for change's sake is one thing, but it's becoming increasingly difficult to justify him being our Senior Coach in my opinion. The most depressing aspect of what went wrong last night is that, generally, the things that killed us were the same problems that have been our achilles for the best part of 5 years, and to me, if the same problems are continually arising and not being addressed, the coaching staff are to blame.
Fair call.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:45 pm
by Rossoneri
This is Sheedys last year, no doubt. He does not have a game plan at all, and now its getting embarrassing. What did they do over the summer? Work out in front of a mirror?

Handpass way too much.
Nobody like to kick long apart from Fletcher.
Nobdy can lay a tackle apart from davey
Half of them cant hit a target if their life depended on it. The skills coach shot be executed in Iraq for not even bothering to help Bradley with his kicking.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:51 pm
by sash
Only one game but we didnt look good at all slow n soft. No commitment to the ball or the player. I honestly think change would be a good thing. Even thou sheeds is a legend n all. We need change a differant look at our team. just a thought will be interestingh to see how this season pans out.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:08 pm
by bpdons
Well i watched the NT game a few weeks back, and we were looking sharp and quick.
Maybe we took a win against Carlton for granted.
I am not reading too much into it, the players will improve and we will have a good season.
Just don't expect a premiership.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:35 pm
by Mrs Mercuri
bpdons wrote:Well i watched the NT game a few weeks back, and we were looking sharp and quick.
Maybe we took a win against Carlton for granted.
I am not reading too much into it, the players will improve and we will have a good season.
Just don't expect a premiership.
I agree, yes we lost to carlton but it is only the NAB cup for heavens sake... there were a lot of positives mixed with the negatives. Lloyd is back and will improve with every game, Houli and Davey in particular will be stars of the future. Lovey and Demps showed their speed as did Licha across half back. Yeah we have a lot of work to do but its only February.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:49 pm
by paddyl90
Guys, dont lay the boots in already. It's not fair, it's NAB Cup for god sake as I said in another thread no team is at their best. Whinge if we lose to them in a real game. Lets show some support , we didn't get thrashed, did we. Both teams were even in my eyes just errors cost us.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 8:38 pm
by gringo
Rossoneri wrote:This is Sheedys last year, no doubt. He does not have a game plan at all, and now its getting embarrassing. What did they do over the summer? Work out in front of a mirror?

Handpass way too much.
Nobody like to kick long apart from Fletcher.
Nobdy can lay a tackle apart from davey
Half of them cant hit a target if their life depended on it. The skills coach shot be executed in Iraq for not even bothering to help Bradley with his kicking.

Goes back to my post a month or so ago. YOU CAN'T TEACH AN ESTABLISHED PLAYER TO KICK! They can either kick when they arrive at the club, or they can't. It's like trying to reconstruct a golf swing or a serve from scratch in an established player. They've had that style since they were five, and whilst minor changes can be made, wholesale changes cannot. Accordingly, I cannot understand why we draft hacks who cannot f****** kick the ball year after year!